The train shook for three days. Even if it occasionally stopped at the station, the people who came back from the prisoner of war camp could not go down and move. They were imprisoned in a narrow carriage, waiting for an unknown fate.

At this time, everyone had a terrible premonition. They were quite disgraceful to the Soviet. What would the Soviet do to them?

According to the calculation, they must have passed Moscow long ago and continue to move east. Where are they going?

In one corner of the carriage, timoshin fell asleep again. These days, he thought a lot of things. Let it be. In his life, he always has to go through some ups and downs.

Finally, the train roared into the station again. When the door was opened, the gendarmes shouted, "go, come out immediately, follow, go to your dormitory."

Tiemuxinge got out of the car. Outside, a cold wind blew everyone into the cold war. Now it's evening. There are many stars. You can see that there are tall mountains around.

Sure enough, as he thought, tiemuxin smiled coldly and shook his head. He has no status. I'm afraid he will lose his military rank soon. It will be busy work waiting for him.

When he got into his dormitory, a small room where more than 20 people lived, he saw someone inside.

That short, fat guy.

Khrushchev took out a box of Dnieper cigarettes and said to him, "would you like one?"

We met again. Although Khrushchev ran away early, in the end, it was still the same outcome. Timoshin looked at Khrushchev and received the smoke. Just after it was lit, a voice came from outside: "come out, tonight's night shift. Hole 13. "

With a cigarette in it, Khrushchev lifted a shovel from the door: "go, who will be late, will be favored by the foreman."

Timoshenko also picked up a shovel when he was holding a cigarette. He never thought that he would have the time to reform his brother.

The moon is still bright in the sky.

It's early morning in the Far East.

The climate of the island country is not cold. The grass on the field outside is hung with frost. In the shipyard not far away, the workers who have worked hard all night are stopping to have a rest.

A Germanic face appears in the shipyard. The shipyard workers are not surprised. Recently, such people often come here.

"Our project is progressing well. Sure enough, this is the fastest plan."

Next to ruder, rear admiral Kentaro Ohmori said to ruder, "we have refitted five oil tankers. Each oil tanker can take off and land 30 Stuka bombers. In this way, we will have another 150 bombers. But now our bombers are not fast enough to receive. "

At the beginning, ruder was just a word. As a result, the island countries began to demonstrate. The final result was good. It was completely feasible to use oil tankers to change aircraft carriers.

In fact, it's not accurate to call them aircraft carriers. After all, these temporarily refitted oil tankers are civil standards. They don't have any armor protection, and their power system is quite low. They don't have the ability to sail quickly in formation with the main fleet. The only advantage is that they can take off and land carrier based aircraft after refitting.

Ruder looked at the oil tankers in front. On the side of these tankers, he could even see the sign of the cross, but it was not fully covered after it was hastily painted.

These oil tankers, all from Germany, were received by the island Navy for transformation after transporting crude oil from the Middle East to the island country.

In fact, the idea of transforming merchant ships into aircraft carriers was not invented by ruder. Many people can think of it.


After the Washington Naval Treaty and the London Naval Treaty, the number and tonnage of major warships and aircraft carriers in various countries were strictly limited. At that time, the island countries that were expanding their troops and preparing for war came up with a way: to build a large number of large high-speed passenger ships and cargo ships as "aircraft carrier reserve ships".

In peacetime, once a war breaks out or the treaty expires, it will be transformed into an aircraft carrier immediately. On the other hand, orders for a large number of ships can also maintain the shipbuilding industry of island countries, which is depressed in the economic crisis, which is the so-called killing two birds with one stone.

For example, since the island country won the right to host the 1940 Olympic Games in the mid-1930s, it immediately placed an order with the shipyard to manufacture two large-scale high-speed luxury cruise ships of 20000-30000 tons, serving as the ocean passenger transport task from the island country to North America before and after the Olympic Games.

For these two cruise ships, the government will bear 60% of the construction cost. After that, before the completion of the two passenger ships, they were ordered to be directly transformed into aircraft carriers, named eagle and falcon.

Unfortunately, this transformation is not cheap. In particular, it has caused a lot of waste by dismantling the original equipment of the passenger ship and changing it into military.

The Germans are already ready. Compared with the islanders, Germany is smarter.

In fact, there are oil tankers in island countries, but the oil tankers in island countries are not easy to transform. Most of them are about 10000 tons, and the displacement is not high. At the same time, their decks are not flat, and there are ship bridges at the front and rear. If they are transformed, the quantities are quite high.

German oil tankers are much more convenient. Their displacement is almost 30000 tons. They are the same as those of later generations. They have a wide and fat belly, but the deck is empty. There is nothing in front of them. Only the last position close to the engine is a small bridge.

Due to the use of high-speed diesel engine, the chimney is also very small. At the same time, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the bridge is easy to be split from the middle and become a side bridge. In this way, there is enough space to accommodate the flight deck.

After introducing these tankers from Germany, the island countries carried out simple transformation, installed flight decks, cut off half of the bridge, and the aircraft carrier came out.

If we say the disadvantage is that the speed of these ships is too slow, and the maximum speed is less than 10 knots. This is also a common problem of diesel engines, and the horsepower cannot be too high. Moreover, the German asking price is really not cheap! If not in a hurry, the island country really wants to start building this kind of thing in its own shipyard.

There is no lower hangar. All aircraft have to be put on the deck. Otherwise, at least 50 carrier based aircraft can be operated! At the same time, the underside of the tanker can also be filled with oil to replenish the fleet.

The idea of being an aircraft carrier in wartime and an oil tanker in peacetime is much more convenient than the transformation of cruise ships!

Due to the temporary addition of these schemes, they can operate more shipborne aircraft. In this way, Stuka bombers are insufficient.

Ruder nodded: "yes, we must gather enough shipborne aircraft as soon as possible. I will report to China and give priority to our friends."

Ruder laughed in his heart. Head of state Chirac is often like a businessman!

In fact, the production capacity of domestic Stuka is not a problem at all. Now, the islanders need to urgently increase orders. Germany deliberately delays, so they can raise prices under the pretext of overtime.

"Major general, consultant and pheasant 56 called two to attend the meeting." Just then, a deputy came and said.