"We can promise two of the conditions. Our troops will return to the fortress and we can return your prisoners." Xierik said: "this is the greatest sincerity of the Empire. If the Soviets still take chances and want to be enemies with the Empire, the Empire will not hesitate to fight. However, I personally hope we can restore our previous friendship. "

Chirac's words delighted Molotov.

These German leaders came to laugh at themselves. However, Chirac still has his own opinion. It seems that his analysis is good. The Germans can't wait to defeat the United States. At least now, they won't launch a bigger war with the Soviet Union.

Promise these terms?

Of course, as a diplomat, he must be thick skinned enough. He even began to regret what compensation conditions he had imposed. Without these conditions, he would not be humiliated just now.

That's good. When the Soviets have accumulated enough strength, they must completely destroy Germany!

When Molotov left with satisfaction, the people present asked, "why do you want to return? We have occupied those places!"

"Are those captives taken to factories, mines or labor! How can I put it back? "

"We are now taking the initiative to show weakness in order to reassure the Soviets." Hilrick said simply, "as long as you occupy the fortress, those territories can't be reached at any time? As for those prisoners, since they have been captured by us once, do you still worry about the second time? By doing so, we can just show our magnanimity, which is necessary for a big country. "

As long as we master the fortress, the territory can be obtained at any time, and it is not very useful to occupy it now. In this way, Germany has good reasons, which can also show that the conflict was completely provoked by the Soviets. The Soviets are the wrong party, and Germany is the most generous party.

Now, those prisoners are treated well in the German prisoner of war camp. When they go back, they will certainly publicize. In this way, when their own side marches next time, the Soviets will surrender and have less psychological pressure!

Timoshingo, Pavlov and other generals, what will Stalin do to them when they return? I'm afraid it will chill more people. It's best to disintegrate the enemy from within.

Warsaw, POW camp.

"Come on, pack up your things and get ready to get on the bus!" The German soldiers holding the high horn shouted to the prisoners of war.

These days, the prisoners of war had enough to eat and were basking in the sun every day. When they heard this sound, they were stunned.

I saw German military vehicles driving up one by one, obviously to take them away.

"They didn't come to kill us, did they?" A prisoner asked to the people around him.

"If the Germans wanted to kill us, they would have done it long ago. Why wait until now? The food we eat every day is a consumption for so many of us." On his side, Colonel zvelev, the brigade political commissar who was also captured with him, said to him, "losov, it seems that we are going back."

go back? Losov suddenly appeared at a loss in front of him. He didn't want to go back.

Losov was the son of a landowner in tsarist Russia. He witnessed how his family declined. In order to wash himself white, he suffered a lot over the years. After joining the army, he rushed to the forefront of any dangerous tasks.

A few years ago, the Soviet Union carried out a cruel purge. Many senior cadres in his army were purged. These made his heart throb.

Soviet, not his home.

In this conflict, all his comrades in arms died. He witnessed the terrible bombardment of German cannons, but he survived in the prisoner of war camp.

Now, do you want to go back? What can I do back?

Moreover, he was even more afraid that the Soviets did not welcome prisoners. What would they be treated after they returned to the enemy?

"Hey, where are we going?" Emboldened, losov asked the German.

"Go to Warsaw railway station and take a special train from there to take you back to the Soviet Union." The German soldiers were friendly.

"No, I don't want to go back." Losov shouted, "I don't want to go back to the Soviet, I want to stay here!"

With that, losov shouted to the people around him: "think about how many people died around us during the cleaning! If we go back this time, we don't know how many people will be cleaned! Let's stay here! "

Losov's words stopped some people's footsteps.

For most people, the Soviet is their home, with their relatives and friends.

However, for a small number of people, it is a sad place. In particular, when they think of the great cleansing, they have a premonition that their prospects are not good. In this case, is it appropriate to go back?

Seeing the prisoners tumult, the German soldiers also raised their vigilance. These prisoners are very kind to them. They can't make trouble!

"What's going on?" Just then, the person in charge of the POW camp came over with a more senior official. Seeing that there was some chaos here, he immediately asked discontentedly.

"Some prisoners are unwilling to return to the Soviet Union."

As he answered, he looked at the man in a straight uniform. The more he looked, the more familiar he became. Finally, he remembered that this was not Goebbels, the Minister of publicity?

Indeed, Goebbels sent the Soviet prisoners back. This is a friendly move by Germany to show its magnanimity. The propaganda department should cooperate closely, re exaggerate the friendly relations with the Soviet Union and confuse the Soviets, which is beneficial to Germany's overall strategy.

Now, he heard a news that made him more excited. Some of these Soviet prisoners were unwilling to return to the Soviet Union!

Now, Germany is recruiting soldiers. I'm worried that the transfer of soldiers will affect domestic production. Since these people are unwilling to go back, it's good to join the army!

Now, gather them secretly and form an army. When we start fighting against the Soviet Union, we can show this army on a large scale.

On the one hand, the morale of the Soviets was hit and more people surrendered. How angry would Moscow be if it knew! Needless to say, there will be wars in the future. Now, when these people go back, Moscow finds that some people voluntarily stay. They will certainly feel unreliable to those who go back. This is a good way to alienate the Soviet army.

On the other hand, it can also make up for the shortage of their own troops. In particular, if they are driven to fight with the Soviet Union, this scene is even more spectacular!

Thinking of this, he already had an idea.

"If you are willing to go, let them get on the bus. If you are unwilling to go, stay." Said Goebbels.
