When it first appeared in the early stage, the db601 can only output 1100 HP. With the continuous progress of current technology, the improved db605 can stably output 1800 HP with 96 C3 fuel!

Moreover, further improving the oil-gas compression ratio and using B4 fuel can produce a powerful power of 2000 horsepower in a short time.

This is not the strongest. Daimler Benz's record breaking scheme for Messe Schmidt makes the engine produce an amazing power of 2300 horsepower in an instant by injecting strong oxidant into the engine's turbocharger.

In short, the reliable engine of the island country can only output 1480 horsepower. If Germany provides an engine of 2000 horsepower, it will be enough for the aircraft of the island country to fly into the sky immediately and fully meet the performance requirements.

Anyway, with the reduction of the output of BF109, this engine has been well-off. In that case, it's better to sell it to island countries.

As for the price, at least one more zero must be added at the back.

At the thought of this, his face showed a very embarrassed expression: "sorry, our domestic production lines are running at full capacity. This engine needs to be equipped with our airliners, bombers and fighters. There is no spare to export. However, if you need it, I can contact you. There should be another engine in our country, For the time being, we can spare some for export. "

Hearing his words, Matsumura was immediately excited: "what engine? How much horsepower? "

"Our db605 engine has a horsepower between 1800 and 2000 horsepower." Ruder said.

DB605? Of course, Kenichi Matsumura knows that this engine is not suitable!

Generally speaking, large bombers don't have to worry about engine cooling. After all, the engine is directly placed on the wing and has enough space to cool. Therefore, there are more air-cooled engines.

The German engine is liquid-cooled. The island countries had no experience in maintaining liquid-cooled engines before. It was the first batch after Stuka was attracted by Germany.

Now, Kenichi Matsumura is not satisfied with this engine. He wants an air-cooled engine!

Although the power is very good, enough for our own use, but this liquid cooling, how to think and how awkward.

"Of course, I'm just mentioning. If you don't think it's appropriate, forget it." Ruder said.

Germany doesn't need island countries. It's not necessary. The performance of this liquid cooled engine has reached its peak. Although the BF109 is not used, there are other aircraft!

Seeing that ruder was leaving, Kenichi Matsumura quickly stopped him: "if possible, we will introduce several experiments first. If the performance meets the requirements, we will introduce hundreds of experiments."

Now the first batch of six prototypes are manufactured, one of which is first installed with a German engine. If the performance is good, you can order another batch. At the same time, you can also wait for your higher horsepower engine to mature.

One hundred, enough to equip 20 bombers. As an initial production model, the navy is in a hurry!

"OK, I can contact China. Mercedes Benz may send experts to help you solve the installation problem." Ruder said.

Ruder was not in charge of the follow-up progress. When the bombing officially began a few months later, these bombers with German engines actually participated in the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was really a big surprise.

The war machine of the island countries has been working all the time. A terrible war is brewing in the calm Pacific.

On the other side of the earth, in Brest fortress, it is also attracting the attention of the whole world.

In the face of failure, the Soviet Union was extremely angry. Under the order of Moscow, the troops were moving towards Brest to regain face.

The German side, of course, is not willing to be outdone. Troops are also mobilized to Brest fortress. Moreover, they are all famous troops on the European battlefield!

It seems that war is imminent.

In the East Prussian city of Rustenburg, the small town is called grod, and a forest called wolverschange near it.

From the appearance, this forest is no different from other places. However, the Gestapo has been densely covered outside the forest, which belongs to the restricted area that ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Only various engineering vehicles are constantly going back and forth, showing that the project is under way inside the forest, and all construction vehicles belong to the vehicles of special units.

A single track leads to the depths of the forest, and both sides of the railway are guarded by soldiers of Hitler's guard flag. The track extends to a small station "gollitz" in the middle of tall trees.

On this day, the defense around was more strict than before. When a train came to a stop in a small station with black smoke, the station was even more ready.

The door opened and a tall middle-aged man jumped out. When he came out, all the people raised their right arms and shouted that greeting excitedly.

Herrick, Fuehrer!

This is the first time that Shrek came here. In later generations, just before crossing, he came here to observe the ruins of the wolf cave.

Yes, this is the wolf's den. The name was given by Hitler.

There are many command bases for Hitler. In addition to his headquarters in Berlin, there are also "wolf Valley 2" in majiwar, north of suvashon, France, and "giant" in waubzheh, Lower Silesia Province, Poland. However, this is the most famous one, because Hitler commanded the war of invading the Soviet Union here.

It was built last year and has begun to take shape now.

After getting off the car, Shrek saw two special towers standing in the forest, which are the communication towers. In the middle of the two towers, on a small open space, you can see a huge entrance composed of boulders and concrete.

Entering through this entrance is the wolf's den.

Xierik doesn't like to go into the cold underground headquarters in his previous life. These fortresses are like some kind of primitive sarcophagus. There are no windows, the sun can't shine in, and there is no ventilation, unless the heavy iron door is opened.

The ventilation in the fort is completely through the exhaust fan, but its noise is unbearable. If you turn it off, you will feel suffocating.

However, he knew that Berlin was not particularly safe, and Americans would also have strategic bombers. When the war was late, he still needed a more hidden command organ.

Wolf's den is the best choice. Later, in directing the war against the Soviet Union, the wolf cave was also a more appropriate command position.