"For the sake of confidentiality, you can also send some pilots to us for training." "After all, your pilots don't have the expertise to dive and bomb. We can help your pilots by word of mouth, and send some ground crew. The maintenance of this water-cooled engine is also different from yours. "

"Head of state Chirac, Germany is really our best friend." Pheasant 56 was very satisfied: "we hope to order 100 such fighters."

The overwhelming Stuka, with the shrill scream of death, swooped towards the American fleet in Pearl Harbor. It was intoxicating to think about this scene. Shrek was also very satisfied. He fully believed that under Stuka's attack, the American Pacific fleet would be destroyed more thoroughly.

As for the orders of the islanders, of course, they will be fulfilled immediately and quickly. When the islanders get the price, I don't know if they will be surprised.

Also, before you leave, you have to pay for meals. Just say what you mean. How can you be more interesting? Give them too much. Don't let them go back.

Shrek thinks he's a businessman.

While pheasant 56 secretly visited Germany and signed a small order, the incident of the United States sinking an island submarine caused an uproar internationally.

With heavy steps, Dongtiao chick appeared in front of the crowd. He was wearing a military uniform, his chest was covered with various medals, and his eyes were covered with round framed glasses.

"Our submarine, which sailed normally in the Pacific Ocean and was floating, was besieged by a large number of carrier based aircraft of the U.S. Navy. During the siege, our submarine made an emergency dive and then sank." There was anger in the voice of Dongtiao chicken.

"We hope to maintain peace in the Pacific, but we have never been afraid of war. Up to now, the U.S. government still has no apology for the malicious attack on our submarine, which led to the eventual sinking of the submarine. We will never tolerate it." Dongtiao chick said, "we can think of this as a war threat from the United States!"

War threat! For the island country, it will not be afraid of war. Everyone in the island country will take up arms and go to the battlefield at the call of his Majesty the emperor.

Now, there are malicious provocations from the United States! This is absolutely intolerable for island countries.

If the United States apologizes for this matter and compensates for the losses, it can pass. Up to now, the American attitude is still vague and unrecognized!

Next, a large group of journalists are making a stir. They are about to enter the 1940s. It is a turbulent era. Is the island country going to war with the United States?

This is really terrible. The whole world will be involved in the war, and even the United States will not be spared!

It has also been noted that up to now, the attitude of Dongtiao chicken is still restrained, which shows that the island countries do not want to be involved in the war with the United States.

The island countries have just lost the contest with the Soviet Union. Do they still dare to challenge the United States?

How to write this news properly?

Just as reporters racked their brains, the United States across the ocean also issued a statement.

Compared with the mobilization of the people on the island side, the United States is much more insipid. It is supposed to be announced by the chief of staff of the White House, but now only a staff officer of the Department of the navy has come out to announce it.

"Our navy sank an unidentified submarine in the Pacific Ocean. In a few days of pursuit, the submarine has exposed deep malice and threatened the safety of our maritime transportation line. We have no choice to protect our maritime transportation safety."

"At the same time, we declare here that with the recent international tension, the Pacific is a submarine free zone. If the submarines of any country move near the Pacific route, they will be considered as a threat and sank. We can't let the tragedy of the fox cargo ship repeat."

The Pacific Ocean is not owned by the United States. Why not let submarines from other countries sail?

At the same time, only island countries can have large submarines deep into the ocean. The naval strength of other countries along the Pacific coast is extremely weak. The significance of this statement is too obvious.

The United States is specifically aimed at island countries. Tell island countries that the United States sank when it sank. The reason for sinking is because you threatened the safety of American cargo ships!

This domineering declaration completely angered the island countries.

"President Roosevelt, on behalf of the island government, I solemnly protest to you. The statement made by your Admiralty yesterday seriously violated international conventions. The Pacific Ocean belongs to the international high seas, not the territorial waters of the United States. Ships of all countries have the right to sail freely." Yoshiro Nomura was wearing a suit with a serious face.

The two sides are no longer friends. Although they have had a good past, they must focus on national interests. The arrogance and arrogance of the United States simply pushed the island country to the brink of war.

"Freedom of navigation? Who will guarantee our safety? " Roosevelt said it lightly: "the first thing we have to protect is the interests of the United States and the interests of American ships. Just four hours ago, our naval formation expelled an unidentified submarine again. If it was later, our cargo ship would be dangerous. "

Roosevelt also looked serious. I was for the interests of the United States. What's wrong with me?

"It was a German submarine that attacked your cargo ship. It has nothing to do with our country. You should be very clear." Yoshiro Nomura said.

"Really?" Roosevelt put down his cigar and played twice in the ashtray: "we haven't forgotten the incident of the Panay."

The Panay was an American cargo ship. When Nanjing fell, it picked up the people of the American embassy and left Nanjing. After that, it berthed on the Yangtze River. As a result, it was patronized by the aircraft of the island country.

Along with them, four American merchant ships were sunk.

After the incident, the United States was extremely angry. Under the negotiation of the United States, the island countries compensated for all kinds of losses, just compensation for losses, and there was no other action. This appeasement of the United States made the island countries not converge, but more presumptuous.

The island states claimed to carry out indiscriminate attacks in East Asia and bombed British ships.

Moreover, after that, the widespread isolationism in the United States made the United States not impose sanctions on the island countries. On the contrary, the trade between the island countries and the United States became more frequent, and the United States was the most important trading partner of the island countries. Almost half of the oil and steel needed by the island countries to launch a war come from the United States!

Just this year, the island nation has occupied Nansha, the sword refers to Philippines, and occupied the northern part of Indochina, all of which pose a great threat to the United States.

When it got away from European affairs, the United States realized that the situation in Asia was more tense. Especially now, if the United States wants to continue to support George VI, it must ensure absolute security in Asia and cut off island countries from reaching out to Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

On the surface, the accidental bombing of island submarines seems to be an accident. However, if we look at the current situation, it is inevitable in the accident.

"We are making more plans." Roosevelt said, "now, I can inform you in advance that if the island countries do not accept our conditions, we will freeze $130 million of the island countries' assets in the United States and impose a comprehensive embargo except cotton and rice."