Messerschmitt aircraft assembly plant in Augsburg, Germany.

A strange aircraft appeared at the end of the production line. At this time, many people had gathered here, including the high-level of Germany and the high-level of the air force.

Shrek stood in front of the plane. At this time, a big red flower was pulled up on the plane. Under the light, the aircraft with aluminum alloy skin glittered.

If compared with other aircraft, the biggest feature of this aircraft is that it has no propeller!

Since the invention of the aircraft, the propeller is a necessary equipment. The propeller stirs the air and blows backward to obtain the power to move forward, which has been deeply rooted in everyone's impression.

However, the times are constantly changing and technology is constantly innovating. With the continuous improvement of aircraft speed, the propeller will eventually become a stumbling block on the way forward.

It will bring more resistance. Now the propeller aircraft has developed to the extreme, and the speed can not be increased. The tip of the propeller has encountered a huge problem called sound barrier.

If you want to continue to improve, you must improve the new scheme, which is the jet!

After a long test flight in Libya, finally, the latest fighter of messeschmidt company has passed various approvals and started mass production. Now, it is the offline ceremony of the first me262 fighter!

After BF109, Messerschmitt was unknown. He was always at a disadvantage in the competition with fw190, so that even the air force reduced the order for BF109. Only those who are familiar with the inside know that Messerschmitt is accumulating and making little progress. Now, it is time to make achievements!

Professor Willie messeschmidt was even more excited on this day. He was wearing a woolen uniform and sleeved with a ten thousand word sign on his arm. At this time, he looked at the factory fighter as if it were his child.

How many times has it been repeatedly revised before it was finally recognized by the military, recognized by the head of state, and finally started production? This will be a fighter that will completely change the situation of air combat!

"Today, we have a great moment." Shrek stood in front of the plane and began his speech.

"When all countries still use biplane, we have used monoplane. When they are still making wood aircraft, we are already using aluminum alloy. Today, we are at the forefront of the world. When they still catch up with us on the propeller plane, we have used jet fighters! "

"Higher and faster is the goal pursued by every aircraft designer and pilot. Propeller aircraft will eventually become obsolete. The future belongs to the jet era!" Shrek is extremely sure of his own aircraft: "now, with the offline of the first aircraft, our newly formed test wing will be controlled by the most experienced pilots to formulate its flight and operational plan. At the same time, the later fighter brigade will gradually change to jets!"

"Not only fighters, but also jet bombers and transport aircraft. Our technology is the most advanced in this era. No enemy can stop the expansion of our third empire!" Hilrick's last words were sonorous and powerful.

All the people present clapped their hands. They admired sirik, the man who created the European empire.

In the eyes of the public, Adolf garland, director of the German Air Force fighter force, put on a full set of flight equipment and was ready to fly the advanced jet in person, take off from the runway outside the plant and fly directly to the air force base.

The fighter was slowly towed to the runway outside. With the help of the ground power vehicle, the engines on both sides were started. In the rumbling sound, the two engines hanging under the wing started in turn, and the tail emitted hot tail smoke, just like a torch. The fighter accelerated on the runway and flew into the sky in a flexible attitude.

"It's as light as a swallow." Shrike sighed.

Xierik didn't know that his words nicknamed the plane. In the flying army, everyone used to call it swallow.

This is a new beginning!

Seeing the fighter plane fly away, xierik and his party went to the conference room in the nearby office area. This time xierik came here for inspection. The first project is to participate in the offline and first flight ceremony, and the second is to hold this meeting.

"Now, we have made a breakthrough in the jet, but we still have a long way to go. We are only the beginning in the jet field." Said Shrek.

Chirac's words won everyone's approval. Indeed, there are still many imperfections in the jet.

"The first is the engine, which requires our technicians to continue their efforts to improve the performance of the engine, especially the service life of the engine." Whether it is a fighter of any era, the first problem is the engine!

The current me262 uses Junker's JUMO 004. After continuous improvement, this engine has a service life of 100 hours. After all, unlike later Germany, now they don't have to be limited to raw materials, as long as they can be used.

Even this is not enough. After all, for fighters, they need to take off frequently. If they can't use it for a month based on five hours a day, they have to change the engine.

You know, the life of piston engine is often thousands of hours.

"Yes, our engine performance is still very poor. We will continue to work hard." Dr. ansellen of Juncker company is the chief designer in charge of the jet project. He knows the defects of his own engine. Head of state Chirac is absolutely right.

However, he did not expect that the next words of head of state Chirac would be incomparably professional.

"Our design department can absorb British ideas, reliable engine designers and gather all the strength, so that more sparks may be produced." Said Shrek.

After all, Britain is an old industrial country with a deep heritage. In fact, their jet engine has long been developed.

The key figure in the British jet engine, officer Frank whittle, a? A? Of the University of Liverpool? Dr. Griffith is an important figure. With the efforts of Reinhart, these people did not leave Britain.

Even if they don't cooperate, their design data and their prototype can't be taken away, which will give Germany more inspiration.

Shelick pointed it out. It can't be wrong!