Among all the commanders, Rommel is absolutely bold and unconventional. On the battlefield in Europe, Rommel realized the great power of Blitzkrieg, and in North Africa, of course, he should give full play to this advantage!

To be fair, Rommel's action this time is dangerous.

Rommel left the long logistics supply line and charged directly with tank troops. If the British Army cut off his logistics line, he would be very uncomfortable.

It can be said that Rommel's current March is somewhat risky and desperate. However, in recent years, almost every March of Germany is the same adventure.

The German army is like a gambler, but their luck is quite good. They are right every time!

The Italian division is no longer a noodle army. Their combat effectiveness has been significantly improved and their combat will has taken on a new look. Therefore, if the British troops in Alexandria want to break through, it is also very difficult.

Since the main force of the British army is in Alexandria, taking advantage of it is the advantage of the tank force.

Rommel stood on his Panther 3 tank and watched his troops advance.

Montgomery guessed well. He started at night.

Hidden during the day and on their way at night, they did so not afraid of the British attack. Cairo is almost an empty city. The garrison in the city can't stop Rommel's attack at all.

Rommel was afraid that the king of England would run away.

He went straight to Cairo to make a great contribution. In London and in Britain, his army did not catch George VI and asked him to come to Egypt. At that time, Rommel had this idea and caught George VI!

As long as there is no George VI and Churchill, there will be no British resistance. Edward VIII, as a legitimate British king, will rule the huge Britain and colonies.

This war is for future stability. It is worth taking some risks!

Although it was at night, for them, they walked on the ground like the day. Now the moonlight is quiet, and they can see tens of meters away. At the same time, even if it is dark, they also have advanced night marching and combat equipment such as infrared headlights.

"We can walk to Cairo one hour further." Spread out the map and look at the sign on it, said Lorin chihofen, Rommel's assistant.

It's only more than 20 kilometers away from Cairo. If they start at full speed, it's only half an hour. Now, they have to move slowly. They have to control all the traffic arteries in Cairo. They have to control all the bridges on the Nile. They have to ensure that the whole Cairo is locked, which requires slow action.

Rommel nodded: "yes, we are only one step away from success. Now, let's take this last step."

"Boom!" Just then, suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in the distance.

This voice stunned rommelton: "Damn it! What's going on? "

This explosion can expose his troops!

Soon, there was a more fierce exchange of fire in front, and the report from the radio soon came.

"An Egyptian army has been found in front. The scale is unclear. It is exchanging fire with the Egyptian army."

Egyptian army!

As a colony, Egypt has been colonized by many countries. Now, as a colony belonging to Britain, Britain has a small population. Therefore, in order to maintain its rule, there are also troops under British rule in Egypt.

However, Egypt's own army is also very weak. Therefore, the British army carried the battle on the front line some time ago.

But now, Rommel is not going well. He ran into an Egyptian army.

This Egyptian army is not going well. They are just a second-line army. Just two days ago, they were ordered to garrison in Giza and guard the west gate of Cairo. As a result, they met with the main German armored forces just after they were mobilized!

If they don't know anything and obediently become prisoners, it's OK. However, after they came to Giza, they deployed sentries on the road to check the passing vehicles and pedestrians.

According to the above meaning, in this case, there may be deserters pouring into Cairo, and there may also be fleeing civilians. If they all pour into Cairo, it will bring problems to the security of Cairo and be even more detrimental to the morale of the army.

Another aspect, of course, is to stop the infiltration of German agents. The king, the prime minister and others have come to Cairo. The Germans will certainly come to assassinate. Arranging various sentries can at least make the infiltration of the Germans more difficult.

However, they never thought that just after the sentry was set up, a tank came and smashed the field!

After all, it was night, and the two sides could not see very clearly. When the tank troops in front found the obstacles on the road, it was too late.

They were also seen by the opposite side. In an instant, the Egyptian army opposite threw grenades.

Yes, their intuitive response is to throw grenades! At a distance of tens of meters, grenades can fly over. At the same time, they have no other anti tank weapons!

When the grenade exploded, the German tank soldiers, who were not vague, stepped on the accelerator and roared up. They crushed several Egyptian soldiers in front into meat and mud and knocked away the roadblock.

This time, they were exposed at the same time.

"Full speed, full speed, call me to Cairo!" Rommel's voice came from the radio: "rush into the Farouk palace and catch George VI alive!"

Now that it has been exposed, let's have a big fight!

Given the order, all the tank soldiers went crazy.

The pilot opened the hatch above his head and exposed his head. Under his feet, the accelerator went to the bottom.

At both ends of the tank body, two bright headlights were also turned on. Anyway, they had been exposed. They simply broke the jar.

Although there is a night vision instrument, it's better to use infrared headlights and photocells to observe. After all, it's better to use headlights directly. It's better to use visible light. Tanks and engines rumble and rush to Cairo, the capital of Egypt!

Now, they have to compete with each other. It is not a success to occupy Cairo. Only when they capture George VI and Churchill alive can they be regarded as a success!

This night is destined to be thrilling!

It was twenty minutes later when the news came from the Royal Palace in downtown Cairo.