Africa is full of gunsmoke. In Europe, an invisible war is also going on rapidly.

The war of money.

When the news of the euro came out, the whole Europe was boiling and people's comments were different.

For businessmen, a unified currency is of great benefit to them. If they do business in Europe, they can trade directly without having to change foreign exchange again and again. It is quite convenient.

However, for countries, this also means that their huge foreign exchange reserves will become waste paper. They must turn their foreign exchange into euros before they become waste paper.

The main ones are pound sterling, franc and mark, especially pound sterling. For hundreds of years since Britain was an empire with the sun never setting, pound sterling has been an international currency. Now it is quite troublesome to exchange it all.

These days, the three major banks issuing euros are printing euros at full speed. At the same time, there are more and more original currencies stored in the vault.

In this era, the cash counter has not been invented yet. It is even more huge to count money manually. Even the bank president and senior managers have to participate in the counting of money, and they have to find counterfeit money to prevent people from fishing in troubled waters.

Of course, the occurrence of counterfeit money will be a serious social criminal case. Reinhart has set up a special organization to find and trace together. Anyone who dares to make counterfeit money to make a fortune will be shot!

In addition to the three major issuing banks, other banks are also quite busy. All their windows are open. There is a long queue outside to exchange money for all citizens. In order to improve efficiency, they even extended their working hours from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Propaganda murals are posted everywhere on the outer wall of the bank.

Win the battle for the Euro!

Let's unite around head Chirac!

Make our contribution to a unified European currency!

Of course, there are very few people who will secretly hide some of the original currency just in case, but this is a minority after all.

In addition to the occupied areas of Germany, other countries are also constantly traveling to and from Europe these days.

"Our cooperation with Sweden has always been very good." At the airport, the German Foreign Minister saw off the visiting Swedish finance minister and comforted the other party: "as long as your foreign exchange arrives, we can exchange it at any time."

Germany and Sweden cooperate well. Although Sweden is a neutral country, a large number of Swedish minerals are directly exported to Germany, especially their high-grade iron ore, which is essential for German metallurgy.

As soon as he saw off Sweden's finance minister, Ribbentrop saw the end of the runway. A special plane painted brightly aimed at the runway and landed.

Seeing this plane, Ribbentrop's diplomat's unique smile was piled up again. This is a special plane of Hughes company. If not expected, it should be Howard Hughes who drives this plane now!

Of course, when the plane stopped, he saw Howard in a flying hat jumping off the plane. When he saw Ribbentrop, Howard waved happily.

"Nice to see you, Mr. Ribbentrop." Howard said, "I have shipped the pounds, francs and marks collected by our company over the years, hoping to exchange them for euros."

This is an Atlantic airliner, a large four engine aircraft, specially used for flights between America and Europe, and now Howard has filled the whole aircraft with these currencies!

The rich are the rich. Now Howard is still the Bohemian Playboy and one of the richest people in the world.

Howard is not afraid that in case of any accident, all his money will fall into the sea. With this idea, Ribbentrop said, "OK, no problem, Mr. Howard, we will arrange someone to exchange your foreign exchange. Tomorrow, your plane will be filled with euros. Just, are you going to take these euros back to the United States?"

Ribbentrop certainly has something to say.

So far, the U.S. government is still insisting, and even began to intimidate Germany. If the United States wants to change, it has to change at any time. Moreover, it doesn't want the euro, but gold!

At the same time, it also led to a cold field between the United States and Germany. So far, the United States has been trying its best to support the British forces in the Middle East.

The U.S. government has no eyes, but the capitalists below are open-minded. They can't turn their foreign exchange into waste paper, can they?

"Of course." Howard said, "we in the United States are a free and democratic country. The government can't do anything to me."

A few years ago, the atmosphere of friendship between the United States and Germany spread, including the help of big capitalists like Howard. If we cooperate with Germany, we can make profits.

Now, the wind direction in the United States has begun to change, but no matter how it changes, the United States has always been a country controlled by big capitalists. As for the president of the United States, he dare not treat big capitalists like Howard.

Just as during World War II in history, Hughes company, Mobil Oil Company, Ford company and so on all had close relations with Germany, the United States still had no choice but to punish these big capitalists who cooperated with the enemy.

"Mr. Howard, if you have any difficulties, please come to us in time. It's OK for you to have German nationality when you need it." Said Ribbentrop.

The German side is quite polite to Howard for no other reason, because Howard and hilrick have a close and friendly personal relationship. It can be said that they are friends.

When the workers' party was not in power, Howard secretly provided funds to support Hitler's cause, and it was xierik who contacted Howard.

"I don't know if there's time for head of state sirik. I really want to see him." Howard said.

"I can take you to the capital of yuan, but the Fuhrer may not be there." Said Ribbentrop.

"Well, I'll take advantage of this time to go to the company." Howard said.

Hughes also has a branch in Germany, which was founded when it jointly developed the Atlantic airliner with Germany, and Hughes also made a lot of profits because of this intercontinental airliner.

Howard didn't know that he came back to the company this time and met head of state hilrick unexpectedly.