In the French war, hs129 has shown its edge. It has armored protection and can not be afraid of the threat of air defense fire on the ground. Dive bombing or strafing can bring heavy casualties to the ground.

Therefore, this aircraft has become a popular model, which makes the air force very satisfied. Unfortunately, the air force still can't find a suitable high-power engine to replace.

After all, for the air force, the first thing to ensure is the production of air combat aircraft, followed by bombers. Therefore, only the original engine can be used, resulting in poor mobility and insufficient number of shells.

After defeating France, we finally found a suitable engine from France. After changing the outfit, the mobility of hs129 has finally been greatly improved. At the same time, the cannon on the belly can also carry more shells!

How many?

A full 100 rounds of 40mm armor piercing incendiary bombs! This aircraft is a special tank opener!

Now, when the British tank troops below were found, the hs129 fleet swooped down from the sky.

The British tank soldiers are brave. They are ready to deal with the possible German Panther tanks at any time. They are also ready to sacrifice. Even if they change one of three, they are worth it!

However, they never thought that the first thing they encountered was a German attack plane!

These initial Sherman tanks did not have any air-to-air firepower, anti-aircraft machine guns or protection.

If they came out a little later, they could hide in the mountains behind, but now they are so bare!

Chloe, the head of the seventh Armored Regiment, found the German plane overhead at the first time. At this moment, he was facing a difficult choice.

What? What?

"Rush, continue to rush, rush to the opposite position!" Chloe shouted on the radio.

At this time, he was not in the turret. Half of his body was exposed outside. Like taking a convertible, he had an omni-directional vision, which was the reason why he was the first to find a German plane!

As long as you rush to the opposite position, the other party will not dare to fire in order to prevent accidental attack. This is the only way!

At this time, his ears had been attracted by the increasingly sharp Doppler sound. An hs129 was diving towards him!

Don't be afraid to die first!

In the air, with the pilot's outstanding vision, Captain Webb had seen the special tank on the ground. The other party actually showed half of his body outside, wearing headphones and holding a microphone. He looked natural and unrestrained, but in fact he was stupid.

So Weber swooped down, and his fuselage began to tremble with excitement. He stabilized his operating rod, aimed at the ring, and steadily caught the tank on the ground.

The dive speed was faster and faster, and the distance was smaller and smaller. At a height of 300 meters, Captain Weber pressed the trigger.

"Bang, bang!" Don't be stingy. He directly fired a three-point shot and three shells successively flew out of the muzzle. At the same time, he pulled the operating lever back and fully opened the throttle. In the roar of the engine, the fighter pulled up easily!

After installing a new engine, the performance of this aircraft has changed completely!

Just as he was climbing, he turned over and looked down.

The 40mm shell hit the bottom accurately. The first one hit the exposed guy. In a moment, his body burst open and the broken meat splashed. The whole tank became blood red. The second one penetrated from the turret and the third one hit the rear engine.

The fire spread and the whole tank burned!

The regimental commander was killed in battle. On the tank on one side, deputy regimental commander James watched helplessly as the regimental commander's tank was exploded, watched the raging fire and the black smoke rolling into the sky. He suddenly woke up.

You can use smoke to deal with the plane overhead!

In fact, smoke has been used in the ancient war period. In the early stage, smoke was used for warning. Later, it was found that smoke can also hide its whereabouts.

In later generations, all tanks have smoke generators on both sides of the turret. During World War II, many tanks already had this kind of thing, such as the tiger type in history, there are smoke generators on both sides of the turret, and Matilda tanks also have this kind of thing.

However, Sherman has not, at least not now, the batch of Sherman tanks that the United States has assisted Britain!

How to release smoke without a smoke generator?

"Come on, shut down, restart the engine and release black smoke!" This is James' only way.

Future generations pay attention to environmental protection. Engines can't emit black smoke. However, in this era, engines that don't emit black smoke are abnormal. For example, the star engine behind the Sherman tank is full of black smoke when it is started!

James' order was transmitted to every tank by radio. Although it was strange, they did it.

Anyway, relying on inertia, the tank can still run forward. Relying on the excellent power system, this tank can also soar to more than 30 kilometers per hour, shift to neutral, turn off, and then restart!

The roar of the tail disappeared. Then, the current stimulated the motor, the tail engine trembled, and black smoke kept coming out!

It has nine cylinders. In the process of starting, not all cylinders can start well together. Many times, one or two cylinders start first and then drive others.

This start-up process can even last for one minute, during which black smoke is constantly emitted.

The engine was trembling and emitting black smoke. This scene was quite spectacular. At this time, the tank was still running forward by inertia. In this way, a black smoke was pulled out.

Now the wind is blowing in the west, and they are attacking in the West.

Therefore, the leading tanks are still exposed to the outside, but they succeeded in diffusing black smoke into the tank troops behind!

When hundreds of tanks smoke together, the scene is very spectacular.

The pilots of the hs129 attack aircraft in the sky can't help scolding the Brits below for their shamelessness. When there is smoke below, their attack is meaningless. The machine guns must hit accurately. Now, they can't see.

"Attack the front! Give Stuka what's in the smoke! " Captain Webb was not discouraged. He shouted on the radio and dived down.

Anyway, Stuka bombers are carrying bombs. Let them cover them with bombs.