"Boom!" A bomb exploded in the open space next to the sculpture. Countless shrapnel splashed towards the base of the sculpture and hit it, making a ping-pong sound.

"Boom!" A bomb tumbled and fell into the nearby forest. The old tree that had grown for hundreds of years collapsed.

A sound of explosion, like a knife, pierced into everyone's heart.

Countless Londoners saw this scene and saw the crazy bomber bombing their statue of liberty!

Where's our plane? They even had the idea that where were the American warplanes when they were brutally bombed by the Germans in the United States?

They watched the bomber helplessly. After dropping the bomb, they left, disappeared in their vision and flew towards the sea in the East!

At this time, the air defense alarm came late!

For the people of New York, this day is definitely a day full of shame! German bombers flew to New York, dropped bombs, and finally left!

If it weren't for God's blessing, maybe the statue of liberty would be blown up. What are American fighters doing at this time?

This matter spread all over the United States almost the same day!

The capital, 400 kilometers away, was also extremely angry. Almost on the same day, on the streets of the capital, the District of Columbia, people began a huge parade!

Standing on the white house window, Roosevelt listened to the constant shouting outside and nodded with satisfaction.

"The British are really smart. They have mobilized the emotions of our people so quickly." Roosevelt said.

Americans have a strong sense of isolationism. For many Americans, they don't want to fight. The war in Europe is just a topic after dinner.

But now it's different. Crazy Germans actually came to bomb American cities. This behavior is definitely subject to cruel retaliation from the United States!

Those bombs did not destroy the statue of liberty. If they did, the United States would be more angry at this time. Maybe it would go to Europe to fight the Germans.

Roosevelt was optimistic at this time, but the others in the oval table room did not feel the same as him.

For example, George Marshall, chief of the army's general staff, was worried: "Mr. President, this incident happened too suddenly. As long as you have a brain, you should know why the Germans came to bomb us?"

Now, under the deliberate exaggeration of some organizations, the spearhead is directed at the Germans, but as long as you think about it, you know this is absolutely bullshit.

Germans, bombing the United States?

Running all the way here for this bombing? Before that, Germany has always maintained friendly relations with the United States. Even, according to statistics, Germany has surpassed Japan and become the largest trading partner of the United States. The United States now earns a profit of one dollar, at least 0.7 dollars, from Germany.

At this time, Marshall didn't believe that the Germans came to bomb.

The Germans have no need or motivation.

"Unless the Germans are crazy." Marshall said, "even if the people are full of hatred for Germany because of the bombing, they will wake up soon."

In this event, the meaning of artificial director is too strong, and there is a smell of conspiracy everywhere.

"German, aren't you crazy?" Roosevelt said, "if the Germans are not crazy, how can they try to rule the world?"

Everyone noticed Roosevelt's words. The Germans, at most, rule Europe. How can they rule the world?

In the public attention, Roosevelt spread out a large-scale map, on which the territory of the United States has been marked with ten thousand words.

"This map was painstakingly obtained by our intelligence personnel from Berlin. The goal of the Germans is not just to rule Europe, but the whole world. We have been deceived by the Germans all the time. Now, our people will wake up in the end."

sober? Who's awake? Even the American people are not at the mercy of the government? Those parades outside, although some people are secretly adding fuel to the flames, but more are the participation of ordinary people!

As long as the United States is involved in European affairs, its own goal will be achieved. Even if it is strictly pointed out in the future that there is fraud in this matter, it will be pushed to the British. It is a big deal to remove several intelligence personnel. At that time, our own side will not be able to get away.

The people are ignorant. I really want to be in the hands of a few people forever.

At the same time, Roosevelt also knew that even if this matter was turned over, even said it was false, and even counted himself in it, he would win the respect of the United States, because he was completely sure that if Britain lost, the whole world would be at risk of being ruled by the Germans.

Britain has reached the most dangerous juncture. If the United States does not help Britain, the fall of Britain will bring greater threat to the United States. Maybe in the future, German bombers will really fly to the east coast of the United States to bomb wantonly!

"Mr. President, it's time for Congress." Just then, the chief of staff came and said.

"Come on, Donovan, you go with me." Roosevelt said to his aide.

William Joseph Donovan, director of the U.S. intelligence coordination agency, is the predecessor of the famous U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

After Roosevelt came to power, he was very dissatisfied with the current situation of American intelligence agencies. Needless to say, the intelligence agencies, large and small, just coordinated their disputes, which gave Roosevelt a headache.

So Roosevelt decided to change. First, he handed over all espionage, counterintelligence and sabotage to the FBI and the army and Navy intelligence departments. At the same time, he also authorized the FBI to carry out counter intelligence and security work against enemy spies in Latin America.

Later, with the deteriorating situation in Europe, Roosevelt decided to establish the U.S. intelligence coordination agency. Now, it has begun to operate in several dilapidated buildings near the White House.

The official work of the intelligence coordination agency was sabotage, espionage, counter espionage, deployment and implementation of secret operations, which became the basic scope of action of the CIA later.

This time, Donovan is responsible for the bombing of New York by the Germans. The Germans are definitely not crazy and crazy. The Germans have their purpose!