The advanced sight has taken over the flight control of the whole aircraft. The interior is rotating rapidly. In a stable platform, various data are constantly solved and then aggregated into various guidance data.

Then, the hatch opened automatically.

The nine ton bomb was thrown out of the bomb compartment in the belly of the aircraft. When the bomb left the bomb compartment, dozens of tons of bombers immediately felt that the body was lighter, and even the sound of the engine was lighter. This burden was finally thrown away!

The pilot pulled the lever, the bomber continued to climb, and began to turn in the predetermined airspace, ready to return.

The bomb, falling unsteadily.

Even the disturbance of a breeze will make the falling trajectory of the bomb yaw. If you want to accurately drop a bomb at high altitude, all kinds of data must be accurately calculated.

Like now.

Although disturbed by various air currents, the bomb is still on its normal track, walking an approximate parabola and sliding down. Its target is the high tower in front of it!

When he saw the bomb, Bernard's pupils narrowed obviously. The bomb was too big! So big that people can't imagine that this kind of weapon will be made by human beings?

Bombers are dropping bombs. At this time, Bernard's heart has a very strong sense of foreboding. The Germans say that they can raze the whole city to the ground. Maybe they can really do it!

"Boom!" At a height of about 50 meters from the ground, the bomb exploded. At this time, Bernard can visually observe that the bomb is at least five or six meters long, or even longer!

How powerful should the explosion be?

However, Bernard did not flinch. He still stood here. Since the other party said he wanted to destroy the whole city, it was useless anywhere in the city.

I want to see what this form of German weapon is!

The huge bomb explosion, in the sky, did not appear how brilliant fire, how dazzling flames, and terrible thick smoke. What you can see is that taking the explosion area as the center, it quickly formed a fog like cloud. This cloud is rapidly expanding, expanding, and soon spread to the near future!

The air was filled with the smell of ammonium nitrate.

"Boom!" Just then, the second explosion appeared.

This explosion is tens of thousands of times stronger than the explosion just now!

In the huge explosion, all the diffused air masses ignited almost at this moment! Within a radius of 200 meters, it's all fire!

The blazing flame lit up everything. Bernard was the first to bear the brunt. He was surrounded by the blazing flame. He didn't even make any sound. Then he didn't.

Indeed, there was no, he was directly vaporized!

Over the fire, a black mushroom cloud rose. In the fire, the temperature was as high as 2500 Baidu!

Nothing can survive this fire. At the same time, this huge fireball is still expanding rapidly at the speed of 2000 to 2500 meters per second!

Wherever you go, the air flow is quickly stirred to form a high-temperature and high-pressure air flow!

How high is the pressure? It can produce 1000 pounds of super air pressure per square inch. This air pressure is enough to crush any strong fortress and fortification!

The airflow was spreading and all nearby buildings were destroyed.

The high church and towering tower were smashed like flour at this moment!

No one can survive here!

Everything around him went up in smoke and burned to ashes.

When the bomb exploded, everything disappeared within 600 meters around the explosion center! Even for the underground fortifications, there is no possibility of survival. The explosion of this bomb has exhausted all the surrounding oxygen.

Private Campbell put his hand on his chest. He was trying his best to breathe. However, his lungs were still lack of oxygen. His face turned black. His hands scratched his chest and splashed twice. He didn't move.

His eyes were not closed. There was fear in them all.

This is just the first bomb!

One bomb after another, weighing nine tons, fell. Each bomb will open up a flat ground around it, which is simply an efficient demolition.

But, with death, with cruelty. This is war.

Germany's nuclear weapons have not been successfully developed. Before the successful development of nuclear weapons, such weapons were already the most powerful in Germany's arsenal.

When the first experiment was carried out in the desert of Libya, all technicians were shocked by its strength. After learning the news of the success of the experiment, Shrek personally waved his pen and named the bomb as the mother of the bomb.

In fact, it is the primary temperature pressure bomb, also known as air fuel bomb.

The main components of this bomb are ammonium nitrate, aluminum powder and polystyrene. This is also the primary preparation of thermobaric projectile.

It is not easy to make advanced thermobaric bombs. In future generations, the real mother of bombs has used nanotechnology, and it is impossible to make one detonation with the current industrial foundation.

Therefore, Germany's thermobaric bombs are still very primitive. These raw materials can be made now. As for the effect, I'm afraid it is less than one-third of the real mother of bombs in future generations.

Not powerful enough, the number is small!

It is still possible to raze the whole city to the ground with more than 200 thermobaric bombs.

If you look from the outside, the city at this time is like hell.

Those citizens who came out of the city, 20 kilometers away, watched the destruction of the whole city from a distance.

Every bomb explosion will bring a brilliant fireball. The light is far more than the sun, and the vibration generated by its explosion can be felt even 20 kilometers away!

The whole city, as if the building blocks had been pushed down, became a flat ground in one explosion after another. Mushroom clouds shrouded over the whole city, as if Pandora's box had been opened and the devil came out of it.

At this time, the sun is setting. Everyone who sees it is glad that they have made a wise choice. If they don't come out, they must have been destroyed with the whole city now.

At the same time, in their hearts, they have a trace of sadness. I'm afraid the dusk is already the dusk of the British Empire.

Today, Exeter, tomorrow, Southampton, reading, even London!

What choice can Britain have in this war? Like France, surrendering to Germany may be the best choice for Britain!