Different from history.

Although the combat effectiveness of the armed SS is the strongest, violations of military discipline have never occurred, at least there have been no mass massacres. In the war, they scrupulously abide by the honor of soldiers and did not attack civilians.

Of course, when Rommel invaded France, he was even welcomed by Old French farmers. This scene is very rare. In most cases, the local people are hostile to the occupying forces until the end of the war.

Reinhardt dealt with the saboteurs, divided them into groups, attacked them, isolated them, and soon they would be able to be subdued.

For a long time, the German army did not pay special attention to civilians, and this time, livat paid a heavy price for not paying attention to these civilians.

Private Ken balvis, a new soldier in company D, had been in the army for less than three months. At this time, his heart was a little nervous.

After returning to the city, Bernard asked some of his soldiers to take off their military uniforms and put on civilian clothes. They were mixed in the crowd and were not easy to attract attention.

German tanks rumbled up like this!

Balvis felt his heart shaking involuntarily. At this time, private smiley Douglas, beside him, said to him as if nothing had happened: "look, there are a group of pigeons over there."

Doves of peace are flying in the square in front. Unfortunately, peace is an impossible dream.

Seeing the pigeons, balvis's heart relaxed a little. At this time, there was a vibration under their feet!


The 40 ton Panther 3 tank started. There was a lot of movement. Only scattered people were left in the streets, watching their arrival.

These people, it seems, are not afraid of Germany. Maybe they can still fight for it!

Thinking of this, livat opened his hatch and leaned out.

"Hi, how are you? Please congratulate, Britain is about to be liberated! " As soon as livat's voice fell, his body suddenly shook back.

A flying bullet hit his chest. His body fell back under the impact. Blood flowed out of him. The turret was bright red and flowed on the black cross.

His body fell back, leaving half a hatch space in front.

At the same time, these civilians around suddenly became angry.

"Blow up these tanks for Great Britain!" Douglas's hand reached into the trash can next to him, quickly took out eight hand grenades tied together and opened the fuse. Then, in a standard posture, he threw it at the back of the tank!

"Boom!" This bundle of grenades just fell into the tank along the gap left by livat!

At this time, the tank fleet inside was about to pull liwat's body back. When this bundle of grenades fell, liwat's body, under the pull, just blocked the position of the hatch cover and could not be thrown back!

In the huge explosion, livat's body was blown to pieces, and countless pieces of meat flew into the sky, splashing the whole turret and body!

Balvis picked up the sticky bullet in his hand and smashed the outer shell. When he wanted to throw the sticky bullet, he suddenly found a terrible situation. The sticky bullet touched his trouser legs!

What should I do? What should I do?

He just thought a little and immediately made his choice. He ran quickly towards the German tank!

At this time, the machine gun on the German tank also opened fire violently. Unexpectedly, the German tank responded quite quickly.

Balvis was less than 20 steps away from the tank. When he ran 18 steps, his body shook and he was shot twice in the chest!

He bit his teeth and continued to rush forward twice. Then he fell to the ground and stuffed his legs under the tank.

At this time, the other party's tank had begun to reverse, and the track rolled on his leg. He clenched his teeth and forced out a smile.

"Boom!" When the explosion sounded, balvis's legs were gone, and the track crashed and fell off!

Blow up each other's tracks! This is the method of countless soldiers after paying the price of their lives. The rear armor of German tanks is very thick and difficult to explode. Only the tracks!

Make the other party unable to move until the fuel runs out and the bullets run out!

"Pa!" A burning bottle hit the back of panther 3 tank. In an instant, the fire ignited and the gasoline was burning rapidly.

Panther 3 tank uses a diesel engine. After effective improvement measures, there was no need to be afraid of the combustion bottle. However, the fire of the combustion bottle is still effective. It will consume the surrounding oxygen and stop the engine because it can't get oxygen. Or, the high temperature it produces will also stop the engine of panther 3 tank because it is overheated!

A tank man opened the hatch and took out a fire extinguisher. Before spraying, it was killed by a sniper not far away.

Flasks, more than one! Countless flasks covered the whole tank, burning outside the tank!

In the face of the attack from outside, the German tank troops were also fierce. Countless bullets were fired around. More tankers simply opened the hatch, exposed their bodies and fired around with their own submachine guns.

The field of vision inside the tank is limited. This is the most effective way for close infantry!

At this time, no matter what civilians, as long as they are standing British, kill them all! Until he himself was hit and fell to the ground.

It's only a kilometer away! When they heard the call and the wheeled infantry tanks behind them started up in an emergency, the nearby British soldiers had fled, leaving only the burning tanks everywhere. The surviving tank soldiers had incomparable anger in their eyes.

It's getting dark.

The news of the striker's defeat soon reached the division commander Dietrich. After hearing the news, he was almost furious: "order the troops to speed up and eliminate the resistance of the whole Exeter! Tonight, we're going to clean up the whole Exeter. We don't have much time! "

In Dietrich's eyes, what kind of confrontation can there be for a humble inland city in Britain? It's all forwards. It's reckless!

All along, too many victories have been fought. Moreover, the German army has not fought any decent street warfare so far. They have not realized that street warfare will be more cruel. Moreover, neither tanks nor infantry combat vehicles can play too much role in street warfare.

Street fighting is also a meat grinder.