"Now, in the United States, many German Americans are actively engaged in political activities, which is quite disadvantageous for the United States to maintain its own rule." Churchill continued to expound his views.

Germany's success in Europe has deeply inspired German Americans. You know, a considerable part of these German Americans had to leave Germany and immigrate to the United States after World War I because of Germany's defeat.

These people are now jubilant.

They are giving speeches everywhere and have no doubt about this speech in Germany. Many people have even been developed into members of the workers' party.

Not only that, but even some German American military officers participated in this activity, including Eisenhower and Nimitz( I don't know whether the information found is right or wrong. Please tell me the details in the book review area.)

Especially in Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Chicago, where German Americans are concentrated, the situation is particularly serious.

They are full of energy every day, but no one works anymore.

Just this year, several senators in Pennsylvania publicly expressed no opposition to Germany's attack on Poland. Not to mention a series of subsequent German offensives.

These are not in the interests of the United States.

Churchill continued: "I think these people may have a parade riot at the right time. It seriously disrupts the social order of the United States and makes people of other races hate them. "

Churchill's words inspired Roosevelt's heart.

Britain is coming to an end. At this time, the potential of the British people has been stimulated. Like now, Churchill's wisdom has been revealed without doubt.

The American people are now in an isolationist mood and are simply unwilling to get involved in European affairs, let alone bleed. But what if they are made aware of the German criminal acts?

For example, in the United States, there were large-scale riots, which were provoked by German Americans and conflicts with other races? At that time, there will be anti American sentiment spreading in the United States!

"When I came here, I took the Atlantic airliner, which was jointly developed by Hughes company of the United States and Junker company of Germany. It is an airliner. However, we also saw that the junker-290 bomber of Germany is a replica of this airliner."

Churchill suddenly mentioned this matter, which surprised everyone. It seems that the span is a little big, isn't it? What's the connection?

However, the junker-290 is indeed the most advanced German bomber. It belongs to the strategic level. In particular, the bombs carried on it are said to be more terrible.

"This bomber has a considerable range and can go back and forth to the Atlantic Ocean." Churchill said: "when the Germans developed this bomber, they actually aimed at the United States. They can carry bombs and bomb the United States at any time."

Churchill's words made Roosevelt's eyelids jump wildly, and he could hear Churchill's real meaning.

The United States has studied the junker-290 bomber. According to the current aircraft parameters, we can get specific data. The other party's range is only more than 10000 kilometers, which is the most adverse data.

However, it is not enough to travel between America and Europe, just one way.

Churchill meant, of course, to exaggerate the direct danger of Germany to the United States! Germany has the ability to directly bomb the United States! And it would be better if something could be done.

For example, finding a group of airliners, posing as bombers, and bombing a port in the United States will certainly arouse the anger of the American people.

In this way, the most serious problem Roosevelt faced was easily solved. The Germans took the initiative to pick it up, and the United States can only meet it!

Churchill racked his brains to come up with so many bad ideas. It can be said that these ideas are really good and perfectly solve the problems encountered by Roosevelt.

It is very simple to arouse people's morale! Just one emergency is enough!

Roosevelt wanted to help Britain, but the Germans preached that he was unwilling to participate in the war in the United States. If this humiliating thing happened to the United States, the United States would never tolerate it!

Roosevelt's face lit up slowly.

Churchill was relieved that as long as he could get the United States to join the war, his side would have the hope of winning!

For the rulers, the people are ignorant. If you fool them, it's easy to encourage them. If Churchill doesn't say it clearly, Roosevelt can understand it. This is the consciousness of politicians. At the same time, once the incident happens, it has nothing to do with Churchill.

"As long as Congress agrees, we in the United States can temporarily lease our supplies to Britain." Roosevelt said.

How to support Britain? The United States will certainly not be the first to use its own troops. It will kill people. After World War I, the American people are still very disgusted with directly joining the war.

Therefore, the support of the United States is to provide materials first. After all, Britain is short of everything now.

The British navy has been crippled. Now, the United States can retire a number of old ships at any time, lease these old ships to Britain and re arm the British navy.

In the last attack on Scarpa Bay, the British fleet suffered heavy losses, but most of the personnel were fine. Therefore, they now have enough manpower. As long as they have warships, they can form combat effectiveness.

"For our local defense operations now, we need a new tank." Churchill continued to ask: "on the European continent, the German tank forces are rampant. We don't have any kind of tank to fight them. We urgently need new tanks."

Britain is rapidly developing new tanks, while the United States is also developing new tanks, which is ahead of history. After all, the German threat is realistic.

The new tank code named M4 is completely comparable to the Panther tank. It is being developed rapidly. Several major automobile factories in the United States are ready to put into production at any time.

Now, the first thing Britain faces is its own defense, and the demand for tanks is higher.

"We can produce a batch of our latest tanks and provide them to Britain." Roosevelt was generous.

Churchill was very satisfied with his secret meeting. When he came out of the White House, he was full of confidence again.

Now, it's time to find some Jews and give them more promises to change the atmosphere in the United States. Churchill was about to get on the bus when he heard the anxious voice of his personal bodyguard Thompson: "prime minister, London urgently calls you back. The Germans are likely to launch a cross sea landing today."