"We should have solved the problem of Finland long ago." Sitting in his chair, Stalin said firmly.

Finland, originally Soviet territory! In Stalin's concept, this is the case. In fact, the essential problems of Finland are almost the same as those of Poland. They all became independent when tsarist Russia was overthrown!

Historically, Finland has been the eastern territory of the kingdom of Sweden until the Northern War broke out in 1700. Sweden was defeated by the emerging Russian Empire and its power status was replaced by the latter.

After that, Russia made persistent efforts, obtained a large area of territorial compensation through a new war, and created the "Grand Duchy of Finland", which was a buffer state between Sweden and Russia. Tsar Alexander I also gave Finland considerable autonomy.

Until the first World War, the Russian empire finally collapsed due to the October Revolution, so Finland had a rare opportunity for independence. The Finnish Senate officially declared Finland independent.

At that time, the new Soviet Bolshevik government was discussing the possibility of armistice with Germany. In the face of the requirements put forward by Finland, they agreed to Finland's independence in principle, but actually planned to organize the workers' government to replace the current regime and reintegrate Finland into the Soviet Union in the form of a joining country.

It can be seen that Lao maozi has never had any good intentions, no matter what political system, Lao maozi or that old maozi.

It's a pity that Lao maozi miscalculated this time.

The Red Army supported by Soviet Russia and the White army supported by Germany officially broke out a civil war. After several years of bloody and cruel civil war, the White army finally won and controlled the territory of the whole country.

Unfortunately, Germany also became a defeated country and was unable to control Finland, so Finland officially became independent. Moreover, because Soviet Russia was still engaged in the Soviet Polish war with Poland, as a result, Finland was able to obtain very favorable results on the border. The border of the southern Karelia isthmus is close to the big Russian city Leningrad, only 32 kilometers away, The northern and eastern borders have also been beyond the Grand Duchy period, bordering the Arctic Ocean and having an ice free port in the Arctic Circle - beichaimo.

After the war between the Soviet Union and Poland, we can finally turn back to deal with Finland. Over the years, there has been tension on the border, but there has been no serious trouble.

The Soviet Union has always been dragged down by many things, regardless of launching a large-scale war to return the territory of Finland. Just a few years ago, when the Soviet Union and Germany signed a secret treaty, Germany agreed in principle to leave Finland to the Soviet Union.

This also made Stalin very satisfied. Unfortunately, he did not know how deep and terrible a trap Finland was waiting for them to jump.

The senior Soviet commanders were quite optimistic at this time.

The Soviet Union has a vast land, a large population and a strong war potential. It's not a minute to fight Finland? Even if the war now broke out in Europe, if the Soviet Union was to go up, it would definitely not be the result.

Now, unexpectedly, the Finns dare to take the initiative to provoke!

In the eyes of both sides, this incident was the first shot fired by the other side.

In Finland's view, the Soviets took the initiative to cross the border, and when they came, they took up their guns and killed the Finnish cavalry. Then, of course, the Finnish border cavalry had to fight back.

For the Soviets, it was the Finns who moved first, quietly crossed the border, designed traps in the woods and cruelly killed the soldiers of the Soviet border guards. Don't sophistry!

Mouth guns are useless. The Soviets never like mouth shelling, even in later generations. When it's time to do it, we must do it, such as now!

"Immediately mobilize for war. We will use a beautiful battle to show the world the strong combat effectiveness of our Soviet army." Stalin said, "should it be enough to mobilize the troops of the Leningrad Military Region?"

Hearing Stalin's words, field marshal Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, the general staff of the Soviet Red Army, said: "Comrade Stalin, I think taking into account the operational capability of the Finnish army and the special conditions of the battlefield. I hope we can concentrate at least 45 powerful divisions and fight a tense and arduous war for at least a few months without the direct involvement of the West. Moreover, we must not delay the arrival of autumn or even winter, otherwise it will be a disaster for us. "

Hearing this, Stalin immediately looked very ugly. Are you kidding? Why do you use so many troops? How many troops are there in Finland?

And how many months will the war last?

Seeing Stalin's face, Khrushchev immediately said, "Comrade marshal, you are too pessimistic."

"Finns are just nervous. When they see that we are serious, they will recognize the current situation. As long as we raise our voice a little, the Finns will obey. If we can't do it again, we can shoot and the Finns will raise their hands and surrender. That's what we think. "

Khrushchev's words won Stalin's agreement: "yes, the Finns have no combat effectiveness at all. They don't even have a regular armored division. Their troops are at best guerrillas. "

"Sorry, comrade Stalin, I insist on my point of view." Said marshal Shaposhnikov.

"Cough." Stalin coughed twice and said, "this is just a small border dispute. There is no need for the general staff to come forward. I think we can just let the Leningrad Military Region formulate a battle plan."

"Order the troops of the Leningrad Military Region to smash the main force of the Finnish army within two weeks, break through the Mannerheim line, ensure the security of Leningrad and Murmansk, and force Finland to sign a peace treaty and end the war." Stalin said.

For him, it was just a small war.

"In less than half a month, our army will be able to join forces in Helsinki." Khrushchev said, "Alas, it's really unfortunate, comrade Stalin. It seems that we have to let our British friends wait a few more days."

At this time, Khrushchev thought of the incident of creating friction in Brest fortress. Since he had decided to start with Finland, it would be inconvenient for the Soviet to create friction with Germany.

After all, at the beginning, Germany agreed to the Soviet Union and gave Finland to the Soviet Union. It would be hard to say if the Germans stepped in because of the border conflict.

Therefore, for the time being, Eden can only wait for ten and a half more days and months, waiting for the Soviet to solve the problem of Finland, and then answer his old friend's words.

It's just that this period of time has also worried the British. Whoever takes the initiative will suffer.