This cleaning must be clean, not only the parties, but also the parties' families!

In a special period, special means must be used. In that year, the Soviet Union was defeated by Germany, and millions of troops surrendered. At that time, Stalin was anxious and issued a terrible 270 military regulation. Whoever surrendered to the Germans was a traitor!

The Soviets had no prisoners, only martyrs! Those who surrendered were not only hostile to the Soviets, but also their relatives were discriminated against by the Soviets.

The continuous sitting system, which was only available in ancient China, appeared here. If you surrender, your mother will not have a good life!

Now, for Germany, such a scheme is certainly the best.

You want to rebel against the Fuehrer? Well, as the mastermind, you will be cleared away, mercilessly! At the same time, your family has no good fruit to eat.

Of course, the family will not be shot together, but labor reform is essential. Now, the German war machine has started at full speed, and the demand for resources is quite large.

So many mines need more manpower to speed up the mining. All the prisoners who surrendered should be thrown into the mines. At the same time, the families of these coup makers should also be thrown in!

This kind of mine has no safety measures. In order to speed up the mining speed and increase Germany's demand for resources, where can resources be wasted on the reinforcement of the mine.

Like the small coal mines of later generations, the accident rate is very high. The Empire doesn't have to worry about the life and death of these people. The Empire needs these mineral resources!

As for those public opinions that may appear, Reinhardt has been vaccinated. Whoever dares to talk nonsense will be thrown into the mine!

This is a warning that those who have a little idea will forget their ideas and follow the head of state wholeheartedly to create a great empire.

In fact, now Germany's national prestige has reached its peak. The whole people have a great admiration for Chirac. Only a few people have evil ideas. These are the public enemies of the people.

The next man was brought in.

Stauffenberg, he arranged it himself.

"You are so stupid." Seeing this guy, Reinhart couldn't help saying, "those generals, generals and major generals dare not do it. Only you, a small Colonel, dare to go in with a bomb."

This sentence is full of irony. The specific actors are the stupidest ones. Once they fail, they will definitely die the most miserably.

"I am for my own ideal. I don't want a group of madmen to master the lifeblood of the country and launch a war against Britain. We, Germany, a nation, challenge the world. Only madmen dare to think so." Stauffenberg said.

When he was arrested, he knew that he would be executed. He had no fear. He insisted on his ideal.

Facing this guy, Reinhart could only shake his head: "unfortunately, if your crime is lighter, I can keep you alive for the time being. At that time, you should be able to see the future of the Empire. Stauffenberg, all geniuses are crazy. You don't even understand this truth. "

Genius and madman are just a thin line apart, or even there is no isolation at all. They are just the same kind of people.

In fact, the present Stauffenberg is also a madman. Only madmen dare to assassinate xierik. Unfortunately, all plans are under their own control, or even led by their own side.

And the great leader, Shrek, is a genius among the madmen, leading everyone crazy. Isn't that good? Should the weak Weimar Republic be Germany?

"Before you die, what do you ask?" Reinhart said.

Anyway, this Stauffenberg is a brave man, which Reinhart admires.

"I want to see my son." Stauffenberg said.

He was born in 1907. Now he is just over 30. He is in his prime, but he is already the father of three children.

Of course, Chirac knows that one of Germany's weaknesses is its small population base, so he absolutely supports it in encouraging fertility, and the following people also respond to the call.

Now, Stauffenberg's eldest son, just five years old.

Hearing what he said, Reinhart shook his head. "Do you really want to see your son? I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. "

Half an hour later, Stauffenberg, who was imprisoned in his cell, finally saw his son.

Bert holder was only five years old. At this time, led by several prison guards, he came to Stauffenberg's cell. His footsteps were very heavy.

"Son, come here." Stauffenberg squatted down and wanted to pick up his child. He imagined his son jumping up and into his arms.

But no, Bert holder stood a few meters away from him.

"I don't have a father like you!" Bert holder said, "my father should be a great hero, not a bad man! You are not my father! "

With that, bertholder turned away, and his cry and his tone remained in Stauffenberg's memory.

No one will forgive them, no one expects to forgive them, they are sinners in Germany!

"Among the first batch of executions, there are 103. They are all the primary suspects." Reinhardt took a stack of information, threw it on the table and said to the man opposite.

At this time, opposite his table, was the imperial propaganda minister Goebbels. When Shrek was not in Berlin, he secretly asked Goebbels to assist Reinhart and complete the task of calming the rebellion together.

Reinhart was quite efficient. He controlled these leaders and important suspects in one fell swoop. Moreover, he interrogated them one by one. Now, there is only one last thing left.


Goebbels took the list. On it, everyone's crimes were clear. He turned it over and said, "no problem. The publicity department will cooperate and publish everyone's crimes."

"Goebbels, if we only give them one bullet, it will be too cheap for them to act as a deterrent." Reinhart said.

Hearing this, Goebbels couldn't help looking up: "what do you want?"

"The way the head of state dealt with the traitor kanaris last time was very good. Unfortunately, now we have no time to build so many iron sheets, so I want to modify it a little, which is both efficient and deterrent. What do you think?"

When Reinhart said what he thought, Goebbels couldn't help frowning: "I'm afraid you'll get a dirty nickname if you do this."

"It doesn't matter. I like it." Reinhart said, his face cold and murderous.