In this era, rubber boats have become common. France also has a large number of rubber boats, but they are all manual rowing.

The Germans, however, added an engine, which turned the rubber boat into a really effective tool for beach and landing, as well as a versatile weapon, such as now.

Almost flying on the top of the waves, the rubber boat troops were rushing towards the French aircraft carrier.

In addition to 8 single barrel 155mm guns, there are also 6 single barrel 75mm guns and several small caliber guns, especially the small caliber guns, which have a large shooting range, can hit the plane on the top and the sea on the bottom, and the rubber boat is also within its range.

But who dares to fire?

The Lord speber is nearby, eyeing covetously. As long as there is a slight change in the Bayan here, it will be sunk!

The bridge was still burning, black smoke was billowing, and senior officers were killed. The lives of ordinary sailors were even less valuable.

If Joseph could stand up and continue to give orders, the sailors on the Bayan might still be able to fight.

But now Joseph didn't know what to do. He was just a chief engineer, a technician who came up from the engineer step by step. He didn't have this command ability at all.

So the sailors on the Bayan could only wait quietly, waiting for the arrival of that moment.

A gunner wanted to operate the rapid fire gun in front of him and shoot at the sea, but he finally stopped.

The bridge was burning and no one gave him orders. At the same time, the German gun was nearby. If he fired, the aircraft carrier would be in danger of sinking.

This is quite terrible. If the aircraft carrier sinks, many people will die.

Without orders, they could only wait quietly and watch the rubber boats getting closer and closer.

Haldagen's eyes were shining. He looked at the outline of the aircraft carrier, getting closer and closer, and the French soldiers on it seemed stupid and didn't fire at them at all.

At the front of each rubber boat, there is an MG34 machine gun. If the other party dares to open fire on his own side, be prepared to bear the fire of his own violent bullets! After all, in this era, there is no closed turret for small caliber naval guns.

Closer, closer, he shouted to the soldiers behind him, "get ready to throw a rope gun!"

Now, they are about to jump!

Since there are ships, there are pirates, and the most common way for pirates is to jump to fight. After all, the purpose of pirates is to capture each other's ships. They have to jump to plunder.

If the pirate ship is tall, the decks on both sides will be flat. After approaching, the rope will swing over.

As a Marine Corps, how to land enemy ships is also a key point.

Some of the ways of ancient pirates are no longer applicable, but the plans of future pirates are of great significance for reference.

In later Somalia, pirates took small high-speed speedboats to rob, and they faced large merchant ships several floors high. What means did they pedal up?

Rope, of course!

A tall and burly soldier stood up and picked up a rope throwing gun in his hand, which is somewhat similar to a bow and crossbow. After tightening the string, he can fly up with the rope.

If it is the fully closed aircraft carrier of later generations, it is not very easy to climb, but most of the aircraft carriers in this period were refitted from battleships, and many capital ships are not closed.

When the rubber boat came near the bow, the soldier pressed the trigger, whooshed, and the rope throwing gun flew out with the rope!

It accurately fell onto the railing at the entrance of the bow hangar. Then, the soldier hooked the rope with his hand, and the hook in front of him hung steadily.

At this time, if the French react, they should soon be able to cut the rope and stop the Germans from pedaling the ship.

Unfortunately, the French are still in a daze.

The naval guns in the distance have been threatening them. It can be said that the threat to them is absolute.

This is like two policemen catching prisoners. One policeman points a pistol at the prisoner and the other goes to search. Does the other dare to move?

At the same time, these French did not expect the Germans to come up like this. Moreover, at this time, there were only two silly maintenance soldiers in the position of the bow hangar. They had no weapons in their hands.

The rope caught. Haldagen pulled over the rope and climbed up first.

This also requires strict training. The rope is quite soft. If he has not been trained, needless to say the rope, the telegraph pole can't climb up. Haldagen, with strong and powerful hands, firmly grasped the rope. Then, his legs climbed the rope and used both hands and feet. He was as flexible as a monkey and went up.

Following him on the rope, he climbed up one by one. From a distance, it was like a string of sugar gourd.

Soon, haldagen's hands reached the lower hangar deck. As soon as he dragged his hands, his body went up. Then, he turned over quickly and held the mp38 on his back in his hand.

"Hands up!" He shouted, but it was German.

Not everyone can speak French or English. Although haldgen uses German, even if it is sign language, he can know what's going on as long as he looks at this posture.

Two maintenance personnel, raise your hands quickly.

On the deck, Joseph was still silent, and terrible news kept coming.

"Chief engineer, the Germans have boarded our warship!"

"Chief engineer, the Germans control our hangar."

"Chief engineer, the Germans are coming up."

Joseph was overwhelmed with news. When he looked up again, he saw that the agile German had rushed towards the deck!

The Navy, in fact, is a technical arm, not a close combat arm. Now, when they see the Germans coming with guns, the subconscious action of these sailors is to raise their hands.

What else can I do except raise my hand? They have no light weapons at all. Should they go up with a wrench and fight with the Germans?

Haldagen still rushed to the front. At this time, the whole 1st Battalion was already on the aircraft carrier. He looked at the senior officer in front and raised his gun again.

"Hands up!"

Joseph slowly raised his hands, just like other sailors. At this time, general labard had gone to another world. If he saw this scene, he would beat Joseph severely.

Joseph, without the appearance of a general, he is just like an ordinary soldier! What a shame!

No blood!

Joseph's surrender represents that the only French aircraft carrier, the Bayan, has completely fallen into the control of Germany, and the 197 tons of gold on the aircraft carrier has also fallen into the hands of Germany!

The gold of this ship is enough for Germany to launch the war of invading France, and this is only the beginning!

At this time, a fierce battle was going on in the suburban manor of Brest.