When the aircraft carrier is full of rudder at full speed, the warship will tilt greatly. For example, now, in order to avoid the first round of shooting, the right rudder of the Bayan here and the deck of the warship will tilt accordingly.

How many? It's fifteen degrees! At the same time, because the deck at the top of the elevator was raised, in this case, the reconnaissance plane on the deck was immediately thrown into the sea with the shaking of the deck!

When they feel the inclination of the warship, the pilots of the carrier aircraft are desperate!

He had no way to carry out any operation. Even if he wanted to take off quickly, it was impossible. Just after he screamed, the plane slid into the sea!

At this time, even if he jumped out of the cabin, he would come to no good end. He would still slide into the sea, even more terrible. If he knocked down any part of the deck, he would be injured.

In this way, the machine gunner behind him, together with the biplane reconnaissance plane, fell into the sea!

At this time, from the bridge, you can see the tragic end of the reconnaissance plane. At this time, a trace of shame flashed in the eyes of captain gerary, and later, he became firm again.

There is no time. They must avoid. The loss of an aircraft is, of course, more terrible than the loss of the whole aircraft carrier.

Therefore, when general labard gave the order just now, he did not raise any objection. Those who should be sacrificed must be sacrificed.

As a commander, this is a quality that must be possessed. At some time, when some people must be sacrificed, we must make a decision and not be indecisive.

The reconnaissance plane had been abandoned, and they had no time to save the drowning pilot, so they had to let him live and die.

While the aircraft carrier here completed a turn, the speber over there had completed its first test launch.

"Boom!" The firing scene of the 283mm naval gun was also quite spectacular. The muzzle of the naval gun emitted brilliant fire, and hundreds of kilograms of armor piercing shells flew opposite.

The quality of the German Navy is quite excellent. Now, the shell falls on the route of the Bayan. If the Bayan doesn't turn in time, it will even be hit by the first shot!

On the bridge, Captain Colonel lansdorf looked at the French warship in the distance, with a cold calm on his face: "the right rudder is full!"

The other party has the right full rudder. If you don't want to lose the target, you can only follow the right full rudder.

French, still want to escape? With an ironic thought in his heart, the other party just turned and reduced the speed he had managed to accumulate. When the other party was still moving forward at a snail's speed, he could catch up.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Here, the French airmen also began to work hard. For them, every second is precious!

The top deck was fully opened, the hydraulic cylinder reached maximum power, and the elevator lifted the two winged levaser pl2 shipborne torpedo.

Mount the torpedo!

They are rapidly loading torpedoes and adjusting various parameters. The pilots are also quickly preparing for departure, turning various switches and preparing to start the engine.

"Buzz, buzz." As a black smoke came out, the engine was started. The pilot looked outside in the cockpit and saw that the ground service was still busy and ready to mount the torpedo.

I don't know how long it will take?

(France had an aircraft carrier before World War II, and the torpedo aircraft was also an old-fashioned biplane aircraft. In this era, Britain was still using swordfish, and France would not be more advanced than Britain. Only the naval version of the d.520 fighter and the d.790 fighter with single wings are fighters. They can't hang torpedoes and can attack surface ships. Now they are biplane torpedo aircraft.)

"The speed is not enough to take off the carrier plane." Said Colonel gerary.

Just a turn made them lose five knots of speed, and after the turn, it was downwind!

How do you take off?

I'm afraid I can't just take off a fighter. If I carry a torpedo again, I must have just left the deck and have to fall into the sea!

No, it's impossible.

Labard's face was firm: "no, take off immediately!"

We can't wait any longer. We must take off immediately. As long as our shipborne aircraft take off, the Germans may be scared away. After all, torpedo aircraft pose a strong threat to warships.

This is their only way. They can't wait any longer!

"031 takes off immediately." At this time, the pilot on the deck received a command from his headphones. After receiving the command, he had no choice but to push the throttle lever to maximize the horsepower of the engine.

Then, the lower block was removed, and under the command of the deck personnel, the carrier aircraft began to slide on the deck.

The accelerator has been pushed to the maximum. The pilot looks at the deck getting shorter and shorter in front, and his speed is not enough!

After the torpedo was mounted, the plane slowed down even more.

Everyone was looking at the plane with concerned eyes. When they slowly flew to the front of the deck, sure enough, they fell down at once!

The take-off speed, which is certain, is not transferred by people's will. No matter how firm they are, the plane still fell!

On the bridge, everyone was silent. When the release of the carrier plane failed, they had no countermeasures. Do they want to surrender?

No, absolutely not! Remembering that the aircraft carrier also carried 197 tons of gold, he would never agree to surrender, even if he finally sank!

Just then, suddenly, a plane appeared in front of the deck. Suddenly, everyone cheered, took off, took off!

The pilot pinched a cold sweat.

When the plane left the deck, he felt bad. The plane was like a big stone and wanted to fall, but then, suddenly, an air flow suddenly appeared and forcibly dragged the plane. At this time, the landing gear of the plane was in contact with the sea. Finally, it struggled to hold on, and then began to fly forward!

He succeeded!

"Continue to take off the carrier plane!" Labard seems to know everything like the back of his hand. Now, before the Germans start shooting, he quickly releases the carrier plane!

Wait, why haven't the Germans fired yet?

What are the Germans waiting for?

At this time, the speber is preparing to rush up and continue to bombard the other party with naval guns. They don't care about the take-off of the other party's shipborne aircraft. They are fully confident of sinking the other party. Especially now, the other party's speed is only about 10 knots, which is like a fixed target.

However, with the telegram just sent from Berlin, Captain Randolph, Captain, was full of fog.