On the sea, the waves were a little big. At this time, in the sea area 300 nautical miles west of Brest, the twin aircraft carrier formation was sailing steadily.

When the main force of the British navy has disappeared, the entire east coast of the Atlantic Ocean will temporarily belong to Germany. As long as it is not within the scope of the activities of the British shore based aviation, the German Navy can be said to sail at will.

The German dual carrier formation is also the most aggressive formation. When they release their carrier aircraft at the same time, they can release more than 100 fighters to attack at the same time!

On the aircraft carrier count Zeppelin, the Captain Major General lonsdorf has been paying attention to the chart. His formation has undoubtedly great attack power, but at the same time, they haven't used all their firepower.

After the last battle, lonsdorf's rank was raised to one level and became a major general. In the war, the rank was promoted very quickly. He believed that his own lieutenant general and general would come soon!

In fact, those battleships can drive up and bombard each other's coast with naval guns.

On his side is the commander-in-chief of the fleet formation, Admiral Gunther lutyans. Now lutyans is a powerful faction in the Navy. With him in charge, everyone is very relieved. At the same time, he will tear up any enemy like a shark at sea!

"Report to the general. The joint command of the three services sent an order to send several warships close to the French coastline for bombardment when we confirm safety!"

Of course, the most threatening to battleships is the dive bomber. If the dive bomber wants to use it, it must have the control of air control. At least for now, the air control is completely firmly controlled by our own side. After our own side launches an attack, it can be said that the French combat forces within 500 kilometers will be crippled by our own side.

The surrounding security can be confirmed, so we can launch an attack!

"Order, led by the battleship Bismarck, to dispatch all warships with a displacement of more than 10000 tons and use ship guns to bombard the French coast."

Admiral rutyance finally gave the order.

Up to now, in Berlin, the reform of the command system has been carried out. In order not to cause chaos in the war against France, the joint command of the three services has been used only in the areas outside the northern battlefield of France. It can be said that fighting Brest now is the first attempt of the joint command of the three services.

In the future, if Germany wants to attack Britain, the Navy, air force and army need to cooperate closely. This joint command of the three services is imperative.

Longsdorf and others welcomed the change of head of state Chirac.

In particular, in the joint command of the three services, the status of the navy has obviously improved a lot. Randall now works in the joint command of the three services. Soon, LUT Yans will go in, and then maybe lonsdorf can command the whole fleet.

After receiving the order, the battleship Bismarck immediately emitted billowing black smoke. There seemed to be a devil in the huge chimney. The steam pressure was increasing, and the main engine of the battleship began to accelerate at full power.

Approach Brest!

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time. After helping them eliminate the threat in the sky, they can get close to the coast and use their naval guns to give a heavy blow to each other!

Everyone on the warship was very excited. The 406mm naval gun installed in the triple could not suppress his excitement and was ready to roar again.

"Prepare to fly the reconnaissance plane." Cried captain Linderman.

At sea, if it's a warship bombing, it's just as long as the gunner orders to aim. However, if you hit a target on land, it's obviously not enough, because 406mm shells can hit 40 kilometers away! The highest lookout on the warship could not confirm whether the impact point of his own side was correct. Therefore, a reconnaissance plane must be sent to observe the impact point and then make corrections.

While Bismarck was speeding up, the hydraulic catapult began to start at full power behind the bridge of the warship. In a short time, ar196 water reconnaissance aircraft had been ejected.

Pilot Chris, sitting in his cockpit, when he just ejected, it was like someone kicked him hard on the back. Every time, his body would experience that feeling again.

"Ike, watch." He shouted to the observer and machine gunner in his back seat

It is difficult to shoot your own shells accurately from a distance of 40 kilometers. At this time, the observer has a great responsibility. He should provide improvement data to his own naval gun, such as how much the elevation angle is corrected and how many secret positions the angle deviates from.

It all depends on him whether he can play accurately. At the same time, any targets on the ground are destroyed under his hands!

"I see." Ike in the back cabin shouted. At this time, he looked into the distance with a telescope in his hand.

The sea is vast, while the land is still hundreds of kilometers away.

On the sea, our fleet is sailing in a herringbone formation. Directly in front of the formation is our Bismarck.

From here, the Bismarck is more spectacular.

The majestic triple turret is simply the embodiment of a perfect power.

He also tried to look south, hoping to see the ships transporting his army arrive as soon as possible. Of course, he couldn't see anything. The other party now sailed to the middle of the bay of Biscay at most.

It's nearly ten hours' flight from here!

He guessed right. At this time, the ships in the South were still sailing along a straight line. Everyone was looking forward to getting to their destination quickly. Unfortunately, this was not a high-speed speedboat.

On the side of the landing ship, the German class No. 3 Ship Earl spee accompanied them. The warship met the formation on the way, and then assumed the task of bodyguard.

The landing ship is not too armed. Although our side has touched the sea area here in advance, we still can't be careless.

At this time, on the lookout post at the top of the bridge, German corporal Carl was watching the sea with vigilance.

They can't use radar because it belongs to a fishing ground. Occasionally, one or two fishing boats appear. If the radar is turned on, the constant alarm on the radar can make people collapse.

At this time, it is entirely manual. The responsibility of the lookout post is huge.

He had to manually identify whether the ships in the nearby waters were fishing boats or warships.

Fishing boats, fishing boats, he saw one after another, all fishing boats.

When he finds fishing boats, fishing boats will also find their fleets, but don't be afraid. Many fishing boats are Spanish. Even if there are French fishing boats, they don't know what they do. At the same time, most fishing boats now have no radio.

Even if there are so-called patriots who want to report, it is useless. Their warships are much faster than fishing boats. When the other party returns to the shore to report to the local area, they will have reached their destination long ago.

Suddenly, Carl's eyes lit up, a big guy, on the right side of the route!