However, they have no choice, because they are soldiers. Since they are soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders!

Therefore, they can only watch the people fall into the water and watch the people struggle in the water, while their ships are getting farther and farther off the shore.

Their hearts are heavy.

At this time, juncker-88 bombers are still flying in the sky. Their goal is to nearby French military bases!

Brest, East, thirty kilometers, French air force base.

When the sharp alarm sounded, there was tension in the French air force base.

This is the second tier air force. There are almost no well-trained Air Force personnel at all. It is just a logistics training base for training junior pilots. Their backward biplane will not pose any threat even if it takes off.

Even so, the attack on the air base was still carried out as a key point. In the ground alarm, junker-88 bombers had flown over.

"Dong Dong," in one corner of the base, an anti-aircraft gun opened fire violently!

The 20mm antiaircraft artillery shells flew into the sky. Far away from the bomber, they exploded and bloomed black flowers in the sky.

It looks scary, but when you really become a bomber pilot, you won't be afraid of this scene!

"Drop the bomb!" The bomber shouted. With the cry, the cabin door inside the belly opened and a big bomb fell from the bomb cabin.

This bomb is very different from other bombs. When it falls, it does not continue to do the flat throwing movement and fall down, but in the falling process, it rotates rapidly and continuously drops small things while rotating, as if it were scattered flowers.

It seems that there is an unspeakable beauty, but people on the ground don't feel how beautiful. This is the coming of death, a terrible coming of death!

If your eyesight is high enough, you can see that these are small iron balls, but when they land on the ground, a violent explosion sounds!

"Boom!" A small ball fell onto the runway. With its landing, a loud noise appeared.

On the ground, a hole was blown out. It was not big, because the power of a small ball was not enough. However, when multiple small balls exploded one after another, the whole base was full of holes in an instant!

It doesn't lie in the power of a single piece, but in its number. It's like ants, although small, can eat an elephant with only its skeleton in a short time!

The number is too large!

The antiaircraft Gunners were silly. They looked up at the sky. A small ball was coming towards their artillery position!

"Boom!" It's not uneven. This little ball actually hits their gun position! With the explosion, a gunner screamed, and the parts below his thigh were gone!

The other gunner was frightened. He was almost rolling and climbing towards the air defense bunker behind him. Although it was in disrepair for a long time, it should be safer there!

Just after running for a few steps, he suddenly felt his feet. Under his feet, he seemed to step on something!

"Boom!" An explosion came from his feet. He screamed and lost consciousness.

This terrible weapon showed great power when it landed on the battlefield for the first time!

In later generations, it was called a cluster bomb, or cluster bomb.

Cluster bombs are loaded with several to hundreds of sub bombs, each of which is about the size of a tennis ball. After being dropped by aircraft, it decomposes in the air and causes regional killing by spreading sub bombs to a wide range of ground.

It is a surface killing weapon. The principle of this weapon determines that it is quite suitable for attacking surface targets!

For example, now, when bombing the airport, even if junker-88 carries several one ton bombs and throws them down, it is just to blow up several big pits! Afterwards, as long as the pit on the airport is filled, you can even choose another place directly, and you can take off and land the plane.

It can be said that the momentum is huge, but the destructive power is not enough.

But now, this kind of cluster bomb is different.

It can be scattered throughout the airport and around, and the killing surface is quite large. Moreover, it has another advantage, that is, the fuse is unreliable.

Now, each of the bombs dropped by juncker-88 is loaded with 836 half kilogram bullets and submunitions. The whole big bomb is called a mother bomb, and the small bombs inside are called bullets. It is difficult to ensure that each of these small bombs explodes.

In the base in Libya, this kind of bomb has been plagued during its development. It is impossible to ensure the 100% intact rate of the fuse, which makes the scientific researchers very anxious.

As a result, after the report, general Shrek gave instructions. Why should we ensure a 100% intact rate? Since you can't do it, you can do 80%, 60%, or even, as long as more than half of them can explode normally, that's enough!

The researchers at that time were puzzled, but Shrek knew that unexploded was the real power of cluster bombs.

Those unexploded bullets are left in the other party's base. In this way, the other party's base will be completely scrapped. They can't be used again. In eliminating these unexploded bullets, it will pose a great threat to engineers.

In later generations, the use of cluster bombs was prohibited by international conventions because this kind of thing is simply a dirty bomb. Once used, there will be endless trouble. In the future, these places can't be used, not even civilian. No one knows where there will be non explosive bullets hidden.

But now it's war. Whatever weapons are easy to use, use whatever weapons! Looking at future generations, there has been so much clamor, and the United Nations is clamoring every day. However, several hooligans do not accede to the treaty and do not promise not to apply cluster bombs.

Easy to use, low-cost weapons, why not?

The air base here must be completely abolished! Although it is only a backup training base now, it is likely to be rapidly deployed fighters, which will bring great danger to Germany's plan!

Contain all dangers in the bud!

"Boom!" A bullet fell on a training plane. These training planes are old biplanes, which stop on the lawn. Now, with one being hit, the fire spread rapidly!

Three junker-88 bombers flew over the airport in turn. When the cluster bomb was dropped, the whole airport was caught in a sea of fire!