"Attention, French armored forces are found ahead." At the same time, the German tankers opposite also found them. Almost at the same time, they made a decision and accelerated!

Now, it's a race. Whoever runs fast can get to the bridgehead first and occupy the bridgehead position!

From the perspective of distance, the German armored forces are farther away from the bridge head, but there are still some motorcycles in front of the German armored forces!

When the armored forces charge, they don't charge forward aimlessly. They need to investigate the enemy's situation. For the time being, they rely on motorcycles. When motorcycles detect the enemy's situation and report it, the commander of the tank force behind will make a decision, whether to fight or retreat.

The command of armored forces is a complete knowledge.

For example, now, in front of the German armored forces, there are several motorcycles at a distance of two or three kilometers. At this time, the motorcyclist turns the accelerator, and in the roar of the engine, the motorcycle quickly goes towards the bridge over there.

Torres, the front driver, was very skillful. When he crossed a small earth slope, his motorcycle even had to fly!

When the front wheel landed again, the solid front fork retracted a large section. He turned the accelerator, and the motorcycle continued to roar towards the bridge in front.

Finally, the front wheel of the motorcycle stepped on the bridge. At this time, the French opposite were still two kilometers away from the bridge!

"Come on, come on!" Locke, the monitor of the investigation team, shouted, "occupy the bridgehead position opposite!"

Occupy the opposite side!

Now, the war has just begun, and it belongs to the theoretical rear. Therefore, the French have not deployed troops here at all. They can occupy the bridgehead position opposite first and protect the bridge!

The motorcycle ran on the bridge and rushed over quickly. Then, it came to the opposite side of the bridge. At this time, the French tanks over there were still one kilometer away from the bridge!

Now, the bridgehead is under the control of the German army for the time being, but the tanks behind them are still two or three kilometers away, and the French tanks opposite are close in front of them.

For tanks, motorcycles are nothing. They can get close, kill German motorcycles and reoccupy bridges.

In fact, the French commander also thinks so. Even Charles de Gaulle in the back has no doubts after seeing this situation. He believes that it is not too difficult to occupy this bridge. His own S-35 tank can easily crush each other!

At this time, the 47mm tank gun of S-35 tank was ready to load ammunition, but Bailey gave up using the tank gun after thinking about it.

In this era, if the tank gun fires, the tank must stop, which will waste valuable time. What they need most is to race against time. After all, the German tank is also in front of them.

So, give up using tank guns and switch to machine guns!

German motorcycles do not have any armor protection, so as long as you rush over and shoot with machine guns, you can kill all those motorcyclists!

Bei took a last look with a telescope and planned to drill back into the turret. At this time, he found a motorcycle opposite. It was strange. On the sidecar of the motorcycle, he quickly assembled a long pipe!

Motorcycles can be said to be a golden tool. Due to their high horsepower, they can be as small as passengers' investigation, as large as towing all kinds of artillery and even aircraft.

Now, most of the motorcycles equipped in the German tank forces are only used for investigation. The sidecars of these motorcycles are mainly equipped with machine guns.

However, Germany has also made some emergency plans. For example, its own scouts may encounter each other's tanks and can't run away. What should we do at this time?

In this concern, a small number of reconnaissance soldiers' motorcycles are equipped with individual artillery, which is the 75mm recoilless gun code lg40!

Ordinary guns have strong reaction force when shooting. On the one hand, it leads to the need to increase the weight of the gun base. On the other hand, it leads to low shooting accuracy. The vibration of the gun body will lead to errors. This is also the principle that any two shells will not fall in the same crater on the battlefield.

How to eliminate the rear seat is a problem studied by many military experts. It was originally developed in the hands of U.S. Navy major Davis.

His idea is also very simple. Two bullets with opposite tails are fired in a gun barrel with openings at both ends.

When shooting, the real warhead is shot forward, and the other is thrown back. In this way, the front and rear forces counteract each other, so that the gun does not recoil. The fake projectiles were scattered not far behind the gun.

The world's first recoilless gun invented in 1914 is called "DAVIS Gun".

Unfortunately, it is still not practical. A few years later, its improvement came out. What is thrown backward is not a fake projectile, but the gas of gunpowder. As long as the front and rear forces are offset, the reaction force can be eliminated.

So the recoilless gun appeared.

Germany also follows the trend of the world and develops various advanced weapons. Of course, it will not let go of recoilless guns. They are relatively light.

The manufacturer Krupp company uses a large number of light alloys to manufacture lg40. The total combat weight of this gun is only 145 kg, which can meet the tactical requirements of German airborne operations.

This weight includes the gun rack. Now, if it is installed on the sidecar on the side, there is no need for the gun rack. The whole gun is only 80 kg!

So, what are its advantages over the bazooka? Of course, it has a long range. After all, it is an artillery. Even if it is only 75mm, its range has reached a maximum of 6.8km!

The rocket launcher has a range of only a few hundred meters. Of course, the rocket launcher is lighter, which is unmatched by the recoilless gun.

Now, it's so easy to deal with S-35 tanks one kilometer away!

The gunner sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle quickly shook the steering wheel and put his eyes close to the sight. In his eyes, the huge figures of S-35 tanks are the best targets.

There was no time for protection. After aiming, he immediately pulled the trigger.


A huge explosion sounded. At this moment, his two ears rumbled, and a severe pain came out of his ears.

Blood, slowly seeping out of it.

In terms of operation essentials, he must wear ear muffs, but now he must race against time. When the other party's tanks continue to approach one kilometer, the tank's machine guns will kill them all.

He had no choice. As a soldier, I have long had the consciousness of sacrificing myself!