The wide flight deck and excellent layout make the Zeppelin Earl class aircraft carrier release carrier based aircraft very fast!

How fast?

General modified aircraft carriers have only one take-off runway, which can only allow one aircraft to take off at a time, while specially manufactured aircraft carriers have two take-off runways if the deck is wide enough to take off two aircraft.

And now the Zeppelin Earl? There are two runways on the bow deck and two runways on the inclined deck, which can take off four fighters at the same time!

One take-off takes about ten seconds to release four aircraft. In one minute, 24 aircraft can be released. On the whole aircraft carrier, more than 70 carrier based aircraft can be released in three minutes!

This speed, if spread, will definitely make the British envy.

Of course, this is the theoretical speed, which is actually lower.

The first to take off is a pure fighter with low load, which can climb and accelerate quickly.

Then it was the torpedo's turn.

Using fw190 to hang torpedoes is a good scheme. After throwing torpedoes, this fighter still has enough ability to carry out air combat.

T3 torpedo, weighing 280 kg, is hung on the belly of the aircraft, which still has a certain impact on the takeoff and landing performance of the aircraft.

Lieutenant Colonel prira, the commander of the torpedo attack, sat in his plane and looked at the runway ahead. He was equally excited.

In the cockpit, the operating lever was shaking slightly, which was caused by the vibration of the engine. He shouted to the radio, "Torpedo Attack Squadron, request to take off."

"You can take off. I wish you all the best and return in triumph."

Pushing the accelerator to the bottom, the 1800 horsepower star air-cooled engine in front sent out bursts of roars. Lieutenant colonel Prilla released the brake, and the torpedo mounted plane skidded and ran quickly.

The speed is faster and faster, and the deck in front is shorter and shorter.

"No!" Just then, Colonel lonsdorf on the bridge suddenly sank in his heart.

The climate in the North Sea is quite bad. Just now the warship has turned against the wind, but at this moment, a cross wind blew on the deck.

The fw190 carrier aircraft taking off was immediately affected by the cross wind. In taxiing forward, it had deviated from the white take-off line on the deck!

What should I do?

At this time, if you brake urgently, you may stop or fall into the sea.

Lieutenant Colonel Prilla, at this time, also found something bad. The cross wind blew his plane off the take-off direction!

What should I do?

Of course not!

Lieutenant Colonel Prilla looked down at the airspeed meter. The speed was still rising, but it had not reached the takeoff speed!

come on. Colonel Prilla shouted in his heart.

The unlucky fw190, while continuing to accelerate, tilted to the left, closer and closer to the side of the aircraft carrier.

Everyone stopped and looked ahead with worried eyes at their own plane.

When it was about to fall from the edge of the side deck, the front wheels had been lifted up!

At this moment, Lieutenant Colonel Prilla pulled his lever with all his strength to let the plane take off. He knew that he had reached the edge of the deck. If he couldn't take off, he would fall down!

The moment the wheel just pulled up, the fuselage of the plane had left the deck.

If you look from the side, you can find that when the fuselage leaves the deck, it even jumps down more than ten centimeters, but it continues to fly forward, maintains the height, and then starts climbing!

It's flying!

The almost occurred take-off accident was saved in front of us. The pilots behind were not afraid. The second and third aircraft skidded onto the runway one after another.

This is the war. In the war, individuals are small. Even if the plane in front falls into the sea, they still have to take off. This is the mission of the German naval aviation!

In the bridge, lonsdorf nodded at the school. His men dared to fight and fight with what kind of general and soldiers they took.

"The air force called. They have started bombing and asked us to provide escort immediately." Just then the chief officer reported to Colonel lonsdorff.

The air force and the navy are two services. Although Goering has become a vegetable in the hospital, there are still great problems in the contact between the air force and the Navy and can not maintain a close relationship.

Now, the air force has begun bombing, but the Navy's aircraft has just taken off. It will take more than ten to twenty minutes for the fastest fighter to fly to the battlefield.

It's not that the Navy doesn't work hard. Along the way, they have been speeding up. However, they have to wait until dawn to release the carrier aircraft. After all, only 20% of pilots have the ability to take off at night, and even 5% of pilots can't reach the ability to land at night.

"Tell the air force that our fighters will rush to the battlefield as soon as possible and provide battlefield air control." Said Colonel lonsdorff.

In Scarpa Bay, old-fashioned aircraft are stationed. Those bombers can get rid of a large number of aircraft by relying on the advantage of flying altitude. It can be said that as long as the latest British Spitfire fighters do not go out, the bombers are almost no threat.

Those flamethrowers are deployed near London. As long as they are isolated from each other's communication, they can rest easy.

This is also the reason why the air force dares to dispatch only bombers.

Now, with the release of carrier based aircraft by the Navy, this loophole will soon be filled.

Fw190 fighters, loaded with torpedoes, took off from the aircraft carrier count Zeppelin. The rear deck of the aircraft carrier gradually became empty.

The elevators arranged on the side began to lift the aircraft in the hangar. When lifting, these aircraft folded their wings. When they got on the deck, the wings would be put down quickly.

German naval deck operators are also quite efficient. In this battle, they have great potential.

The first batch was the fw190 fleet, including combat and torpedo aircraft, while the second batch was the attack aircraft.

Stuka bomber, quite reliable, is the main carrier based bomber of the German Navy, but now, it is completely different from Stuka when it is lifted to the deck.

Several maintenance personnel are quickly putting down the folded wings. You can see that the aircraft is an engine, on both sides of the wing, with two engines!

The downward inclination of the front end of the nose is quite large, which gives the pilots in the cockpit a good overhead view. This is a layout that the fighters in the single release Bureau of the nose can't match. At this time, the nose of the aircraft is also painted like the teeth of a terrible shark.

Up to now, this aircraft is still a confidential project. It is the latest aircraft developed by Germany for ground attack, hs-129