"Boom!" A one ton special semi armor piercing bomb penetrated into the turret of the hood and exploded.

The explosion immediately brought disastrous consequences to the hood.

Under the turret of hood, there is the firing bag. If you want to shoot out hundreds of kilograms of shells, the energy of firing the bag is huge. When these firing bags burn together in a short time, there is only one end in the closed space, that is, explosion!


The two explosions were less than 0.5 seconds apart. With this huge explosion, the turret of hood No. 2 main gun, the turret of more than 1000 tons, burst out a huge flame from the seat ring at this moment.

If you look from a distance, you can see the seat ring of the whole turret, emitting a hot flame, and then the whole thick smoke surrounded the turret.

The martyrdom explosion of a tank is enough to lift the turret, and the martyrdom explosion of the propellant of this double mounted 381mm naval gun is naturally more amazing.

Even if the whole turret had thousands of tons, it was lifted at this moment. It didn't lift much. It only lifted about half a meter to release all the high-pressure gas inside. Then, it fell heavily.

"Boom!" The momentum is amazing.

The huge hot gas covered all the surroundings. On the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun, Jack felt a shock wave rushing towards him. Almost in an instant, his body was separated from the machine gun turret.

He had been torn to pieces by the blast wave of the explosion, scattered all over the machine gun position and the surrounding sea water.

Jack, we're dead.

This is just a microcosm. Now, there are explosions everywhere, blood and death everywhere.

For the British fleet, this day was simply their most humiliating moment, more humiliating than the original battle of Jutland.

Colonel Cole's eyes were full of fear. Just when the big bomb exploded nearby, he was already frightened. If there was only one bomb, he was sure to save the warship. But now, looking at the death explosion of the turret, he knew that there was no hope of saving the hood.

If only the No. 2 turret is hit, it can be rescued. The problem is that the martyrdom explosion of No. 2 turret will have a chain reaction between Britain and France.

Now, needless to say, there is a serious shortage of manpower on the warship. Even if all the personnel on the warship are called, there is no time to damage the control.

Perhaps the shortage of manpower is beneficial, so that the casualties of naval officers and soldiers can be reduced.

Colonel Cole, you're right.

When the propellant of No. 2 turret exploded violently, the chain reaction began quickly.

Although the hood is a 20-year-old ship, its armor has always been quite thick. Even the turret base, located below the deck, still has 229mm thick armor.

Naval gun is the force of battleships across the sea, and it is also the most unsafe element of battleships. It must be thick here, but now it has become a dead hole.

Even the 229mm armor could not stop the martyrdom explosion of the propellant inside. In the martyrdom explosion, this armor was torn.

As long as a crack is torn open, there will be disastrous consequences, because the flames and gases with high temperature and high pressure spread rapidly.

Therefore, the No. 1 turret in front also suffered a martyrdom explosion!

This explosion was only one second away from the last explosion. After one second, the hood was no longer as majestic as before.

"Boom!" The explosion of the ammunition of the No. 1 turret made a drastic change to the hood.

The martyrdom explosion of No. 2 turret did not deform the ship body. However, the high temperature has made significant changes in the steel of the ship body, and the steel is softening. Then, the martyrdom explosion of No. 1 turret brought earth shaking changes.

With the explosion, the hood was disconnected from the position of the two main guns in front.

The rear hull still exists, while the front steel plate is distorted and twisted, and the whole bow is deformed.

A lot of sea water came up.

The advantage is that with the influx of sea water, the possibility of martyrdom and explosion is small. The sea water will submerge the ammunition on the rest of the gun positions, and the disadvantage is that the warship can't be saved.

The hood sank slowly in the front, and the whole warship was shrouded in thick smoke.

Colonel Cole, standing in his position, smelling the choking smoke in the air and watching his warship sink, his brain was blank at this moment.

In the sky, there are dive bombers. The warships in the whole port are being hit by the extinction of dive bombers. Although there are anti-aircraft guns around, they can't change the outcome in the slightest.

German, that's hateful.

The hood was sinking slowly, and Colonel Cole, following his warship, was slowly immersed in the cold water. As a captain, a firm belief is to live or die with his warship!

"London, London, this is Scarpa Bay naval base. This is Scarpa Bay naval base. We are being bombed by Germany. Please take off fighter immediately to intercept. Please take off fighter immediately to intercept."

On the port, there is the headquarters of the base. At this time, in a room on the top floor of the headquarters, there are a row of radio telegraph machines, and a radio soldier is shouting slogans.

However, there is no echo at all. There is a special stabbing sound in the headset.

What's going on? Is your radio broken?

Lieutenant general Holland stood anxiously outside the telegraph room, pacing and listening to the call inside. He was very anxious.

There is no overseas base in Germany. They fly from Germany, and the route is on their own East Sea.

Now, as long as fighters take off from other British Air Force bases, they can intercept German bombers along the way!

These German bombers are not escorted by fighter planes. As long as their own fighter planes can fly over, they can intercept these bombers and give a bad breath.

But now, the radio doesn't work!

As for the wired telephone, as early as the air raid alarm sounded, the telephone had been cut off. It must have been cut off by the agent.

The cable doesn't work, and the radio can't be used. It's really strange!

Lieutenant general Holland did not know that just above his head, most of the first batch of ju-290 bombers flew away after the bombing, leaving only one still hovering in the air at a height of 10000 meters. This bomber is somewhat different from other bombers.