The tank gun depends not only on the caliber, but also on the length of the gun barrel. You know, the longer the length, the longer the action time of gunpowder gas in the gun barrel, and the shell has a higher initial velocity.

Therefore, the 75mm long tube tank gun of panther 3 now has almost the same power as the 88mm tank gun of the upcoming Tiger tank.

Hearing this, hilrick thought that Kenny Bergkamp was going to suggest that we should simply use the 75mm tank gun instead of changing the 88mm tank gun in order to unify the caliber. Unexpectedly, his proposal was the opposite.

"Therefore, we suggest that the Panther 3 tank we produce now can also be replaced with this 88mm tank gun." Said Kenny Bergkamp.

Hearing this, Shrek was stunned: "why?"

"Cost and output." Kenny Bergkamp said: "the manufacture of long tube 75mm tank guns is quite complex and the scrap rate is high, while the manufacture of short tube 88mm tank guns is very easy. According to statistics, the cost of a 75mm tank gun is equivalent to two 88mm tank guns."

In an instant, Shrek understood something.

After all, I am not omnipotent. I am familiar with all aspects, and I made a mistake in this small place.

Before World War II, many tanks were small guns, but in the middle of World War II, all tanks carried big guns.

Some are short and thick, such as kv-2, which uses a 152 mm howitzer, which is definitely a different kind.

In Germany, many tanks are long. For example, the current 75mm tank gun.

The lengthening design has advantages. For example, the trajectory is straight and the accuracy is quite high, and the cost is the cost.

Tank guns are high-pressure guns with high bore pressure and short service life. At the same time, they must be absolutely strong. Only the steel with the highest strength can be used to make tank guns.

It is very difficult to lengthen the tank gun.

Now, the output of German Panther tanks is stuck in the gun barrel. Krupp works overtime and can't meet the demand. Some companies produce chassis, which is short of a gun barrel and can't leave the factory.

Therefore, when the 88mm tank gun research is successful, you might as well simply use the 88mm tank gun! This is Kenny Bergkamp's suggestion.

In the past, the original tank was used, and in the future, it was changed to 88mm.

The length of tank gun barrel is expressed by double diameter. How many times diameter represents how many times the length is the caliber.

First, the 75mm long tube tank gun has reached 70 times the diameter, while the current 88mm tank gun has only 56 times the diameter. In later generations, it can be seen that 55 times the diameter of tank gun is already the limit. There is almost no longer than this, generally more than 40 times the diameter.

Kenny Bergkamp said, looking at Shrek, hoping to get a positive answer from Shrek's eyes.

Sure enough, Shrek nodded: "this proposal is necessary. We need to make a detailed comparative demonstration. If the scheme is feasible, I have no personal opinion."

Germany likes to engage in long double diameter. Later, the tiger king's 88mm gun was added to 71 times diameter. Now, the engineers under him are very satisfied with the cost and output.

After thinking for a while, he continued, "at the same time, we can also carry out the pre research of the next generation, such as the tank gun with a caliber of 100 mm."

If we follow the old road in history, in the later stage, when the Tiger tank gun is not enough, it is time to increase the diameter. It is better to pre study larger caliber tank guns from now on.

The larger the caliber of the tank gun, the better. After all, unlike a warship, there is enough space to install an automatic loader. If the caliber is too large, such as more than 120 mm, it is definitely an individual activity for the loader.

At the same time, if the caliber is large, the number of shells contained in the tank will be less, which is unfavorable to sustained operations.

"Yes." Kenny Bergkamp replied that he has great admiration for the head of state. Although he always takes the right line, it is commendable that he can also listen to the opinions of others.

After deciding about the chassis and tank guns, Chirac didn't have time to go around Krupp. An emergency intelligence forced him to return to Berlin.

"Our intelligence system has received accurate information. Within two or three days, the British navy will embark on a long voyage." Back in the capital of Berlin, Reinhart said to hilrick.

If the Navy wants to move, it can not be achieved overnight. It must be prepared in advance.

For example, all kinds of food, cans, flour, fresh water, etc. need to be transported to the wharf, loaded on the ship, and the fuel should also be loaded. There are clues that the officers and soldiers of the Navy should leave their loved ones from the land, raise the alert level and be ready to start at any time.

Therefore, even without the intelligence of senior personnel, we can infer the activities of the British Navy only by relying on these clues.

Now, the battle in Poland has just ended. Originally, Shrek planned to repair for a few months and accumulate some strength before launching the scheduled attack, but now, there is no time.

What attack? An attack on the British navy, of course!

In World War II, the German air force and army showed their strong strength. In contrast, the German Navy basically made no achievements. Especially after Bismarck was sunk, Germany only had submarines. After the wolf tactics failed, there was no choice but to shrink and wait for death.

Now, since Chirac has crossed and become the head of Germany, this World War II, of course, has many differences.

For example, now, Shrek needs to defeat the British fleet at the first time after the war!

This plan is top secret, code named peace Bay. The real goal is to raid Britain's largest Plymouth naval base!

This plan was inspired by the Pearl Harbor plan of later generations. Britain was an old naval power. In World War II, it was the existence of the Royal Fleet that forced the German Navy to shrink.

As soon as Bismarck came out to cruise, the British were dried up, which completely destroyed Hitler's trust in the Navy, so there were only submarines left in the Navy.

And now, it's about to beat the British Navy down!

Now, the people present are all the most senior generals of Germany. When they got the plan of peace Bay, they still couldn't help jumping their eyelids. In particular, brauchich said in an almost trembling voice: "don't we declare war on Britain in advance?"