Moscow is still cold.

In this cold weather, the Kremlin is full of joy.

I'm so happy! For the Soviets, it was a shame before blood washing!

The Soviet Union and Poland were originally a pair of enemies, especially the battle more than ten years ago, which was still fresh in the memory of the whole Soviet Union.

Poland is the vanguard of the landlord bourgeoisie. In those years, France, Britain and Poland sent money and troops to strangle the red regime in its cradle.

The poles succeeded. They not only invaded the Soviet Union and occupied a large area of land, but also captured hundreds of thousands of Soviet Red Army prisoners of war.

How did the poles treat these prisoners of war at that time? Of course, the massacre of GCD members, red army officers and backbone soldiers! For the Soviets, it was a disgrace, a disgrace they could not forget.

At that time, according to the statistics of the Soviet Union, about 100000 Soviets were killed by the poles. At least the poles admitted that it was more than 10000.

This is the hatred of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, as well as the national contradiction between Russia and Poland. It is class hatred and national hatred, which cannot be resolved. Blood debt can only be paid by blood!

"The German side is willing to hand over the Polish army they captured to us." Molotov, member of the people's Committee for foreign affairs, said to the people present.

Hearing this, a voice immediately came from below: "now, it's time to avenge our dead soldiers!"

The person who spoke had a chubby round face and a bunch of black hair. He was short and fat. At this time, he spoke with a smile on his face. It was ugly. Therefore, behind his back, he was called a toad.

However, only those who know him know that he is like a robot. The smiling round face hides the murderous spirit.

He is malinkov. A person who is familiar with driving light cars on official roads, meets the needs of both sides, and rises step by step.

When the Great Purge began, he edited the party organization magazine and boasted that ye Ruofu was a "Stalinist people's member" and "the real guardian of socialism".

When the wind turned, he immediately drew a line with yerov, repaired with Kaganovich, and immediately flattered belia and colluded with belia. Now, he is an important member of the Soviet high-level.

"I'm afraid the Germans are borrowing our hand." On one side, belia said coldly.

The Germans are so resourceful. What about the captured Polish soldiers? Of course! The Germans didn't want to dirty their own hands, so they handed over the prisoners to the Soviets!

As if the Germans knew that their own side would kill those prisoners, they would avenge them.

"So what? Now that we have occupied half of Poland, do we have to admit our mistakes?" Malinkov said.

Zhan duzhan, as a responsible old maozi, has never been afraid of what Westerners say. Since the establishment of the Soviet Union, dirty water has not been spilled less. Do you still care about this now?

"Yes, since the Germans have given it to us, there's nothing to be afraid of." Stalin said: "malinkov, I'll leave it to you. Those officers and those who have stained our blood are killed. The rest are taken to Ural Mountain to be miners!"

Stalin's words must not be violated. Malinkov immediately nodded: "OK, let me do it."

On that chubby face, there is still a smile, and behind this smile, at least tens of thousands of poles will fall to the ground.

"Now, let's say another thing." Stalin said: "Timoshenko's tankers fought side by side with German tanks, and gave us some data about German tanks. The situation is not optimistic."

The Soviet Union has always attached importance to the ground forces, and in the ground forces, tanks have gradually become a force that can not be ignored.

This time, Stalin instructed that we must take this opportunity to find out the real combat effectiveness of German tanks!

Mareshev, member of the people's Committee of the Soviet tank industry present, took out a report.

"German tanks have begun to be equipped with long tube 75mm tank guns with high precision, fierce firepower and overall performance, which are comparable to our 76mm tank guns under development."

"German tanks, using high-powered diesel engines, have excellent mobility and are comparable to our fast tanks."

"In terms of protection, no specific data have been obtained for the time being. According to visual inspection, the other party's front armor may be more than 80mm thick."

Although we are now fighting side by side with Germany, many people are aware that there will be more disputes between Germany and the Soviet Union in the future. Therefore, the Soviet Union secretly targeted Germany.

The Germans galloped, and the tanks showed great power. It would be very dangerous if they could not have the same weapons as the German Panther tanks.

These are simple generalizations. Grevich wrote many pages in detail, including the fast rotation ability of German tank turret, including the operation mode of steering wheel, and so on.

Now, they talk too much, and these people don't understand. They have to find the simplest and most needed, that is, firepower, mobility, protection and a few words.

Last time in Spain, German tanks were still dominated by 50mm tank guns, but now, in the Polish war, the outside world suddenly found that German tanks carried 75mm long gun tubes!

"We Soviets must have the same tanks or surpass each other in performance." Stalin said, "now, how is our tank project going?"

As a national leader, Stalin had to deal with a lot of affairs. Although he heard the R & D report on new tanks last time, there was no following. Now he pays attention again.

After hearing Stalin's question, marshal Voroshilov said, "don't exaggerate the threat of German Panther tanks. Now, in our tank design bureau, we have designed a new kV Tank. The performance of this tank can completely crush German Panther tanks."

Speaking of kV tanks, Voroshilov is full of pride. The name of this tank is the first letter of his name. His son-in-law kejing will really give himself a long face!

Historically, kV tanks were successfully manufactured in September of 39. At that time, they were still big guys with two guns, but now, history has been advanced.

The advanced performance of German tanks deeply stimulated the Soviets, so the Soviets were also speeding up to catch up. This kV tank is kejing's masterpiece.