Before fighting a war, it is necessary to carry out national war mobilization.

Britain and France are absolutely clear that if they declare war on Germany, it will mean the outbreak of World War II. From the experience of World War I, it will completely empty a country. For example, all men aged 20 to 40 will die in battle.

If we really want to fight, we absolutely need war mobilization, transfer all reserve soldiers to active service, increase reserve divisions one by one, and transfer the existing state system to the wartime system.

But now, Britain and France have done nothing, that is, they have carried out a military parade in Paris, and then go to the border area to declare war.

In the eyes of Chirac, Britain and France are just making an appearance to show Poland, telling Poland that they have fulfilled the treaty, and Britain and France still have no intention of war.

Therefore, if they do fight, their own side will retreat. In this way, Britain and France will certainly be satisfied.

The present retreat, of course, is to confuse Britain and France. When the battle in Poland is over, Britain and France should swallow the bitter fruit made by themselves.

Now, Germany is holding back a big move. If you don't move, you will be shocked.

Now that we have declared war, we must be prepared for war. Now the psychology of Britain and France is really being the guardian of the European order and the European police.

The Rhine River, which records the national history of Germany and the longest river in Germany carrying the Germanic national spirit, has always been called the father River by the Germans.

The river originates from the rhinewald glacier in the Alps, flows through Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries, and finally flows from Rotterdam, the Netherlands to the North Sea of the Atlantic Ocean,

With beautiful scenery and unique natural scenery, it has even been rated as a world cultural heritage. Both banks are full of grapes, which makes the scenery extremely charming.

Now, in the Rhine Valley, no one is in the mood to enjoy these beautiful natural scenery. Opposite is the French, who have declared war on Germany.

Is this a state of war? The French attitude made some veterans of the first group army unacceptable. As veterans from the first World War, they still remember how cruel the first World War was.

The French, don't rush forward and fall down in front of macchin's heavy machine gun. It's common to die tens of thousands of people a day, but now? War has been declared, and the French are still quiet!

"Squad leader, what the hell is the French opposite?" Asked ram to his monitor.

"Don't mind what the French do. According to the order, let's lay mines quickly." The monitor Leo said to him.


Ram's engineer shovel had dug a hole and carefully buried a cylindrical mine.

This mine, developed by Germany in 1930, was designed to attack unprotected infantry in open areas. It is named s.mi.35 and s.mi.44 respectively according to the production age. The main difference is that the fuse chamber of s.mi.35 is in the center of the mine body, while s.mi.44 is biased to one side.

Originally put into operation in 1935, it is an important part of the national defense plan of the Third Reich. Historically, by the time the production was stopped due to Germany's surrender, Germany had produced more than 1.93 million S-type mines.

S in S-type mine is the initials of German schrapnellmine. It is the earliest and most famous kind of mine jumping, known as "bouncing Betty".

These mines caused serious casualties to the enemy and delayed or even prevented the enemy's advance. This type of mine is designed successfully, deadly and widely imitated. It is a landmark weapon in the Second World War.

Now, it is the first time that this kind of mine has been buried. The French opposite have not tasted this kind of mine. Soon, they will no longer want to set foot on German land.

Three days have passed since the French declared war. Are the French still fighting? While burying mines, RAM thought secretly in his heart while burying mines.

His squad leader carefully marked on a map that behind them was a village, which was the main traffic road of the village. When laying mines here, we should also prevent bombing our own people. Now we mark the location clearly in order to dig out these mines easily after the war.

He knows how terrible these mines are.

Just then, far away, a bike was riding fast towards here.

"Niber, you fool, be careful of our mines!" Cried Leo.

As the first group army, it should have given priority to all kinds of equipment. Unfortunately, the first group army now is like a second-line army. They can't get any good equipment. In fact, most of the group army are reserve forces, such as their current army.

Therefore, all kinds of modern equipment have nothing to do with them. There are no tanks, no wheeled infantry combat vehicles, and even motorcycles, which are only available at or above the company level. For the infantry squad, the only modern tools are bicycles.

Niber was a tall soldier. His legs were quite long. At this time, his legs were pedaling quickly and rushing all the way.

When he heard Leo's words, niber didn't slow down. He twisted around as if he were an acrobat.

These mines are laid according to certain laws.

"Monitor, monitor." Nieber, panting, shouted to Leo, "the French, the French are coming up!"

The French are here? Leo was delighted: "let's go, let's withdraw!"

According to the plan, there can be no conflict between the German army and the French army. When the French come up, the German army can only retreat. This order is somewhat speechless.

However, Leo can also understand that the main force of the German army is in Poland and is avenging the head of state. At this time, it is impossible to deploy too many troops on the western line. Since we can't fight, it is a wise decision to retreat back.

Anyway, the back is the defense line. They will never retreat back when they withdraw to the defense line at most. There, with the help of fortifications, they can calmly resist.

Now the French are finally here.

"Monitor, can I stay first and observe the enemy situation?" Niber said to Leo.

After thinking about it, Leo agreed. Unexpectedly, as soon as he nodded, RAM began to ask: "monitor, I want to stay, too."

Looking at the hands of the two men, he felt the butt of Mauser's rifle, and niber knew what they wanted to do.

"Remember, as a soldier, it is our bounden duty to obey orders, even if this order is difficult for us to understand and accept." Leo said, "you two can stay and observe, but if anyone dares to shoot, I can shoot you directly!"