At a time when Britain was in a dilemma because of Chirac's move, the poles on the front line were still fighting hard.

When the German fourth armored division and the two motorized divisions from East Prussia successfully joined forces, it meant that the Polish "pomori" group army on the danze corridor was divided and surrounded!

Now, they have no choice but to surrender or be destroyed!

"German, come too soon." Hastily retreated to the woods. General boltnovsky's eyes were bloodshot. He looked at the senior generals in front of him. Many of them had dead ashes in their eyes.

The whole pomori group army has five infantry divisions and one cavalry brigade. Now, only three infantry divisions and two infantry divisions are left to retreat together. They fight hard with the Germans in danze port and use lane warfare to involve the German footsteps and create conditions for the withdrawal of other armies.

However, when they retreated here, they suddenly found that the Germans had set up a new line of defense in front, and their way back was blocked!

"Now, our front is the German Legion. The main force has an armored division and two infantry divisions. Now, their follow-up reinforcements are coming. We need to open the hole and rush out during this period of time!" Said general boltnovsky.

They retreated. Their task is to rush back to Warsaw and defend Warsaw. Now, they need to get out of this terrible siege.

On the side is the visva river. They are now in the forest area north of hivitz and west of grotonz, and outside the forest is the German army, which surrounded it.

"We can't attack the German armored division. Their tanks are too powerful. We can open a hole between the two German infantry divisions." The brigade commander of the cavalry brigade said, "with our cavalry as the guide, we can launch an attack from the middle of their two junction!"

They can't take the initiative to provoke the armored division. That's not what they can deal with, but there's always no problem dealing with infantry, right?

With the powerful impact of cavalry, infantry positions can easily be broken through by them.

"It seems that this is the only way." General boltnovsky said: "now, the whole army has a rest and has enough spirit. In two hours, we will have an impact."

Motorized infantry division, of course, is not motorized infantry.

In Germany, this title only appeared 43 years ago. The so-called motorization means that you can take a car without shaking off your feet.

Just look at the video of Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union. Most troops still walk on two feet and follow the road opened by the troops in front.

Although there are first-class armored forces of Blitzkrieg ahead, the large forces are still very backward.

Ordinary infantry, equipped with cars and capable of mechanized transportation on the road, can be called motorized infantry division.

Now, the difference from the armored division or armored Grenadier division is that this motorized infantry division is not equipped with tanks and does not occupy the establishment of tanks.

After all, although the output of tanks in Germany has been greatly improved under Speer's main grasp, after all, the demand in Germany is also great. Ordinary troops are not qualified for tanks.

Although there is no tank, it is much better than in history, thanks to the automobile factory opened by Ford in Germany.

Relying on standardized assembly line production, Germany's automobile production is quite high. Most of the parts are common, but the production capacity of ten ton off-road trucks is released sharply.

In short, the engines used in trucks, pistons, connecting rods, etc. are the same as those used in tanks, but the number of cylinders of the engines is different, which greatly facilitates logistics supply and increases production.

After conquering the Czech Republic, the automobile factory of Skoda Arsenal made every effort to switch to this type of car.

The motorized infantry division in Germany has enough cars.

At the same time, the motorized infantry division is also equipped with some wheeled infantry combat vehicles.

Many parts of wheeled infantry combat vehicles are common to trucks. Therefore, the output of this kind of infantry combat vehicles is also large. Now every motorized infantry division is equipped with 100 wheeled infantry combat vehicles. It is roughly the level of an armored infantry battalion and a combat engineering company.

At the same time, in order to make the infantry division have the level of anti tank in the future, each motorized infantry division is equipped with one assault gun company and two light tank destroyer companies. The main use of 50 mm anti tank guns is enough to deal with the existing threat. The historical 75mm anti tank gun will not be late to be equipped in the late stage of World War II.

Now the 2nd and 20th motorized divisions are equipped with such equipment. Compared with history, the addition of wheeled infantry combat vehicles has greatly increased their rapid response ability.

Crow's hoof, the junction of two motorized divisions.

"Rest in place." Conrad, the battalion commander of an infantry battalion of the 60th infantry regiment of the 2nd motorized division, said to his subordinates.

Just now, they have been digging fortifications all morning and constructing machine gun bunkers. They are very tired.

Several Ford ten ton trucks, not far from the back, cooks are cooking on the side of the truck.

After working all morning, he threw away his engineer's spade. Neltz picked up the military kettle behind him and drank it.

Mauser 98 rifle, he threw it aside.

"Monitor, where are the poles now?" Neltz said to the monitor next to him.

It's strange that they came all the way, bumped in the car, dug fortifications here, and never saw the poles.

"I see, the poles have been crushed by our tanks." The squad leader didn't speak. Another soldier on one side took over the remark: "the poles escaped from danze port. The distance of dozens of kilometers here is enough for our tanks to crush them."

"Well, I also want to be a tank soldier." Neltz sighed: "I used to drive a tractor in the village. I'm sure I can drive a tank."

"Wait, maybe one day, our division will become an armored division, and you will have a chance. But now, even with the Mauser rifle in our hand, we will avenge the Fuehrer!"

Avenge the Fuehrer! Hearing the monitor's words, everyone's eyes were murderous.

Without a great head of state, there would be no present third empire. Now, the head of state of the Empire has been assassinated by the poles. This war is inevitable.

The blood of poles must be used to commemorate the heroes of the great head of state!

"Dinner!" The cooks shouted loudly.

Carrying their lunch boxes, the soldiers lined up to get lunch. At this time, suddenly, there was a slight vibration on the ground.