Upon hearing Pavlov's words, Tukhachevsky shook his head: "no, Pavlov, your view is one-sided. Although there are various other factors, we should be able to see that the army led by all mechanized equipment, mainly tanks, will greatly change our tactics."

"Positional warfare and trench warfare during World War I will disappear in the future." Tukhachevsky said: "the advanced mechanized equipment of the German army will bypass our carefully arranged defense line and appear behind our position. Only by relying on great depth can we block the attack of the other party."

Tukhachevsky has been studying. When Germany began to set up the first special armored division, Tukhachevsky was paying attention to Germany's military reform. He has been keenly aware that a military reform is in front of him.

During World War I, it was mainly positional warfare. Everyone dug trenches and defended each other. It was really impossible to advance in the last year. These could be avoided by using tanks for impact on a large scale. The position could not cover all places, and the other party would bypass them at any time.

Just like this wonderful battle on Spanish soil now, the Spanish government forces simply have no time to arrange more defense lines.

The impact ability of the tank is too strong, and the German Panther tank is also quite strong.

In the future, once Germany and the Soviet Union go to war, how should the Soviet Union fight?

Of course, it depends on great depth! The Soviet Union has a vast territory. No matter how powerful the impact of German mechanized equipment is, it will reach its limit in the deep and vast Soviet Union.

These are determined by logistics supplies!

Hearing Tukhachevsky's words, Pavlov blushed and said, "marshal, if the tank is not accompanied by infantry, it is a live target. Our tanks were destroyed by the other party's anti tank guns. I do not propose large-scale centralized use. In front of the other party's anti tank guns, our tanks are simply vulnerable. "

"That's because our tanks are too backward." Tukhachevsky said: "the performance of German Panther tanks exceeds that of all our existing tanks. Therefore, we can't wait any longer. We must have more advanced tanks to surpass German Panther tanks in an all-round way!"

Although they didn't get German Panther tanks on the battlefield, they can roughly figure it out through these time contacts.

"First of all, the protection of our existing tanks is too weak." Tukhachevsky said: "our advanced tanks must resist the direct fire of 37mm artillery at close range and the oblique fire of 75mm artillery at medium and long range."

On the Spanish battlefield, Germany's 37mm anti tank gun can knock down its own T-26. Therefore, the new tank must be able to block the direct fire of the 37mm gun!

At the same time, the German Panther tank has two calibres, 50 mm and 75 mm. This new tank can also carry the shooting of 75 mm guns at a long distance.

"At the same time, the firepower of our new tanks should also be more ferocious. I propose 76 mm artillery, which exceeds the caliber of German tanks." "As for mobility, it should also reach the same level as the existing fast tanks, and meet our existing road level," Tukhachevsky said

The Soviet Union is full of dirt roads, and the conditions are much worse than those in Europe.

Tukhachevsky is very firm. From the Spanish Civil War, he saw the great power of the centralized use of tanks. This will be a new combat style. The Soviet just didn't have a suitable tank!

"Bang!" Just then, the door was pushed open, and an officer came in with a big step. His leather boots were trampling on the floor.

Entered the conference room without permission, and was so rude! All the people expressed their anger at the officer who came in.

"Marshal Tukhachevsky, you have a new appointment." The officer handed the letter of appointment to Tukhachevsky and said, "you have been removed from the post of the first deputy national defense people's Committee, and the new post is the commander of the Volga military region."

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

How is this possible?

Marshal Tukhachevsky did not make any mistakes. As a result, he was relegated from the central government to the local government and became the commander of the military region?

The news spread quickly, and the whole army was shocked except for the personnel of the people's National Defense Committee and the general staff.

Tukhachevsky's face turned white in an instant. His hand kept pulling his clothes. Looking at the letter of appointment, he was almost angry. This was an insult to him!


"Stalin is going to attack Tukhachevsky." Sitting in the car, holding the documents he had just got, xierik was excited: "Stalin can't do it directly. He always has to make some momentum first. This is the beginning. Let's just watch a good play!"

"Yes, this time, if the Soviet Union can carry out a major purge of the army, their army will suffer a heavy blow and they will experience turbulence. This is definitely good news for us." Hitler followed.

They took the same car. Now, they are on the way to heinel company.

Hitler was in high spirits. There were so many ideas in hilrick's mind, and every plan was so beautiful!

"Fuhrer, here we are." Finally, the car stopped in front of heinel's building, the door opened, and hilrick and Hitler got off one after another.

This time I came to heinel company for the final finalization of the new intermediate power rifle bullet!

"In the Spanish Civil War, we mainly used mp36 submachine guns. The use of this automatic weapon made our soldiers confident in tank operations. At the same time, it also exposed many problems. Unlike the trench war in the World War I era, our submachine guns should be extended to a killing distance of about 300 meters."

As he walked, Shrek explained to Hitler.

Hitler is a very paranoid guy. For example, he likes submachine guns very much. If he directly says that the new gun is called assault rifle, Hitler may pat his ass and leave, or pat the table and swear.

Now it is to improve the submachine gun. This reason is enough.

The submachine gun uses a pistol bullet, because the recoil force of the pistol bullet is small. If the rifle bullet is directly loaded and the gun fires repeatedly, the rest will have flown long ago except that the first bullet has a precision. Moreover, the gunman can't stand this recoil force.

However, the power of pistol bullet is quite low, especially 200 meters away, it has no lethality. The machine guns attached to the infantry squad take care of targets three or five hundred meters away. In this way, there is a fire gap in the middle.

In other words, we need a rifle bullet with intermediate power to fill the gap!