To have excellent aircraft, first of all, there must be excellent engines. In later generations, there is a saying that as long as the engine is awesome, the bricks can fly to the sky.

The whole process of World War II is also a period of significant development of military science and technology, especially aeroengines.

Germany's industrial technology is quite advanced. Although Germany does not have high-grade fuel, it still produces high-power engines.

In aeroengines, there are air cooling and liquid cooling. As the name suggests, it is the different cooling methods.

Among them, the db601 series created by Mercedes Benz is perfect. The liquid cooled engine reduces the windward area and does not have to worry about the overheating of the engine. Therefore, this engine has been used as the main power of German aircraft and has been applied to ME-109, me-110, ju-87, ju-88, he-111 and other aircraft.

It can be said that the German Air Force prefers liquid cooled engines.

The last time I went to the UK and brought down Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz and BMW pretended to compete and finally acquired Rolls Royce. The company was divided into two parts. The one in charge of aeroengine was acquired by Mercedes Benz and the one in charge of automobile was acquired by BMW.

Although it went in the name of Volkswagen, Volkswagen didn't get anything. After all, Luoluo company is arrogant. They won't produce national cars!

At that time, Rolls Royce's Merlin engine was in the initial trial production stage. Now Mercedes Benz has just obtained all the technology to facilitate subsequent development. Therefore, Mercedes Benz's db601 engine has entered the comprehensive research and development stage earlier than in history.

In contrast, the development process of BMW's aeroengine is slow.

Although the German Air Force clock * * cold engine, in World War II, air-cooled engine was not good for nothing.

Although Mercedes Benz and Juncker are fully engaged in the production of engines, they can not meet the engine needs of existing models. Therefore, if the successor fighters continue to use liquid cooled engines, it is bound to disperse the already stretched engine production.

This has led to a result. The fw-190 fighter uses BMW's bmw-139 series air-cooled engine. This engine with a rated power of 1550 HP not only does not support the hind legs produced by other models, but gives fw-190 a strong heart and creates a generation of famous aircraft.

Moreover, after the invasion of the Soviet Union, the disadvantages of liquid-cooled engines were revealed in cold areas. For fear of freezing the engine, the coolant had to be discharged every day, and hot water had to be filled when starting, which brought considerable trouble to logistics.

On the contrary, the air-cooled engine has no problem and can be started at any time. As a result, the dispatch efficiency of air-cooled aircraft is five times that of liquid cooled aircraft!

Whether air cooling or liquid cooling, as long as we can build advanced aircraft, it is a good engine!

But now, since the main funds are invested in the new liquid cooled engine of Mercedes Benz, the investment in BMW is quite small. BMW has to raise its own funds to develop air-cooled engine, which will take a long time.

The same is true in history. It was only in 39 years that BMW produced the bmw13918 cylinder double row new air-cooled engine, which was installed on the prototype fw190v1. Later, BMW improved the engine, the number of cylinders was reduced to 14, and in the later stage, the power even exceeded 2000 horsepower!

But now, just as in history, the reconstituted air force loves liquid cooled engines, so air-cooled engines are only in the stage of model demonstration.

If you get external investment, you can beat up this engine as soon as possible!

When Shrek proposed a 1500 horsepower engine, sure enough, Howard's whole eyes lit up!

1500 horsepower! That means that the new aircraft in your plan can have greater development!

Now, Howard has started Hughes Aircraft Company. Because the purchased aircraft is not suitable, Howard has always wanted to make his own aircraft to break the world record.

But now, his plane is still limited to various technical problems, of course, the biggest problem is the engine!

If you want the plane to be fast, you need more advanced engines! Is Howard going to get Pratt in the plan? Whitney's engine, they say, can provide a thousand horsepower engine, so Howard's new aircraft will have a surging heart.

Now, hilrick's proposal is even more attractive, 1500 horsepower! If you install such an engine on your plane, it will definitely break the record!

Xierik is very satisfied. You can see from Howard's expression that Howard cares about this 1500 horsepower engine! This guy is a big financier. As long as he is interested, he can invest a lot of money!

In this way, BMW's air-cooled engine will appear earlier than in history. Maybe more fw190 fighters will fly in the sky of Germany?

"This engine will have strong adaptability in the future. In addition to being installed on our four engine airliner for intercontinental flight, it can also be loaded on racing aircraft. It will certainly break the world record!"

"OK, I'll immediately send a telegram to OPEC and Palmer and ask them to send someone to contact BMW to discuss the engine." Said Hughes.

OPEC and Palmer, who are engineers of Hughes Aircraft Company in Howard, are very talented. Now, they are designing H1 aircraft. At this time, they have larger engines. Of course, they can't give up!

"Well, I think we can develop two models at the same time. I can't wait!" Howard thought of the current project and was very interested in developing racing aircraft and large and long-range airliners. These will be cross era progress!

Hilrick is also quite satisfied. Through this cooperation, BMW will also get a lot of American technology! And can beat the air-cooled engine out earlier!

This is just the beginning. There will be other cooperation in the future, waiting for Chirac to promote!

The chat with Howard lasted for three or four hours. Although Shrek was a layman in aircraft design, he was too familiar with the study of World War II. They were able to communicate with each other on some details. The conversation was quite pleasant.

It was late at night when I came out.