"The child's ambition is really not small." At this time, in the defense ministry in Berlin, a veteran listened to Gustav's words in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

As a German capitalist, Gustav would never stand in the wrong team. Just after chirek left, Gustav reported all this to sikert, the commander-in-chief of the German defense force.

Johannes Friedrich leopard von sikert, abbreviated as Hans von sikert, was born in Schleswig in 1866. In later generations, sikert was not very famous, not even Bowman, a tank driver of the Tiger tank.

However, he is the real mainstay. He is the founder of the German "100000 army". Everything he has done has laid the foundation for the re emergence of the German army and is worthy of being the father of the German army in World War II.

In 1919, he served as the chief of general staff of the German army after the war and became the commander-in-chief of the German defense force a year later.

In that era of political turmoil and national chaos, sikter certainly could not achieve much, but he created an army that became the mainstay of the country and proved to be the best trained and most capable of leadership of his time!

The Treaty of Versailles stipulates that the number of German troops shall not exceed 100000, so the standard formulated by sikert is: soldiers are in good health and have more than 12 years of service experience; Officers should have more than 25 years of military experience.

A large number of people who failed to meet the requirements were forced to retire. Although the size of the German army was reduced, it could be expanded at any time. Every private soldier was trained to become a sergeant, every sergeant was trained to become an officer, and every officer was trained to become a general.

During the exercise, individual soldiers should call themselves a platoon or represent an 8-person machine gun group. Without tanks and anti-aircraft guns, they are imitated with cardboard and wood! The German army can expand into hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops at any time. All this comes from sikht!

At first, after Hitler came to power, he tore up the Treaty of Versailles and easily expanded into millions of troops. This is also thanks to sikert. It is sikert's early efforts that left a good foundation for Hitler.

Now, Scott is the mainstay of the German army.

Unfortunately, he can also feel that the small moves behind are really too small. The military science and technology of Britain and France are developing rapidly. In contrast, Germany is constantly lagging behind.

Especially tanks! In World War I, tanks have been proved to be a very powerful weapon, enough to rewrite the war situation. Unfortunately, the Treaty of Versailles restricted Germany from making tanks!

Shirek, want to build a base in Libya and develop the latest German chariot in the endless desert that no one pays attention to!

This is a fantastic idea! At the same time, this idea also has a great possibility of success!

As Germany's largest arms giant, the relationship between Krupp and sikert is certainly quite good! In this troubled time, the Krupp family must determine their own political position!

If sikert agrees, Krupp will go all out. If sikert doesn't agree, let Hannah make a fuss.

"In fact, it's also a last resort for the army to remove Shrek. I've been thinking about when to redeploy Shrek to the army."

Looking out of the window, Scott said, "it's good. The Treaty of Versailles makes us unable to develop any weapons, especially tanks. We must not give up."

Scott's feelings are complex.

Shrek, arguably a rebel, was involved in the beer house riots. However, the speech that hilrick gave when he accepted the judgment infected many people!

In sikert's eyes, Shrek is still a child. Although he has gone the wrong way, he is thinking about the future of Germany!

Now, when we go to the desert to develop tanks, Krupp will come up with more advanced technologies. If we can design advanced tanks there, it is also a good thing!

This means that Germany can always drive full power and produce a large number of advanced tanks, rather than waiting until the time, we need to concentrate human and material resources to develop tanks!

A mature model is very important!

Among them, it requires a lot of investment and a lot of time. The maturity of a model takes at least five years! The German army cannot lack tanks!

"General sikert, now that you have agreed, we Krupp will do our best." Gustav said.

Go all out to build the latest tank!

"Now that it's decided, you might as well have more." "Rhine metals, Henschel and Daimler Benz can all send out some researchers," sikert said. Each company, with a small number of personnel, will not cause the discovery of the West. At the same time, confidentiality must be done well. Once something happens, the government will not stand up and bear any responsibility. "

Of course, the government will not stand up! This kind of secret research on weapons can't be seen. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be an excuse for sikert to support this action.

The leader is xierik. If something really comes to light, it can all be put on xierik's head. Anyway, the organization and the government are also opposed.

If things are not exposed, in the base there, we can continue to develop our own technology and prepare for the next war in the future!

And all this seems to have little hope. Will the Italian agree?

Anyway, in short, these have nothing to do with the government and the military!

If you fail, you have no responsibility. Once you succeed, any technology will come to Germany and eventually become Germany's military technology! There is no doubt about it.

Just nodding, the door outside was knocked open. An adjutant hurried over and said, "general, major goodrian has asked to retire and has made a report."

Suddenly, Scott was stunned.

At present, goodrian's military rank is not high, but goodrian is the one that sikett likes. This has to be mentioned in previous military weekly. Goodrian has published several articles to reveal the future war mode, which makes sikett attach great importance to it.

This guy doesn't want to work in the army. He wants to pat his ass and walk in?

wait! What did sikter suddenly realize that it wasn't hilrick who wanted to dig people from the defense forces? How hateful!

In particular, goodrian is a very valued person by hickett! The research on military theory is very in-depth and is the pioneer of German armored forces in the future! Was abducted by hilrick!