Himmler soon thought of the benefits of this. He nodded and said, "well, since you think it is reliable, I don't object anymore."

This old slicker! Hilrick couldn't help thinking that this guy knew he was right and was afraid of taking responsibility. If he failed because of the Krupp family, the responsibility must be his own when he went back, and this guy would push it clean.

"Let's take a day off and act immediately tomorrow night." Said Shrek.

There's no need to take too long. After all, later generations, Shrek studied everything here and knew exactly where the treasure was.

Now, I have enough energy. When I go back all the way, I need to stay up all night.

The day passed quickly. At night, everyone was full of energy.

Almost all of them were selected from the defense forces ordered to retire in the last operation. They were completely loyal to Shrek and carried out his orders 100%.

"My children have worked hard tonight." "Our business needs a lot of money. Tonight, let's create great wealth with our own hands," said sirik

It is a custom from the Austro Hungarian Empire that officers call their subordinates my children. Therefore, when a young officer gives orders to his elderly subordinates, it is also very funny.

Of course, it's different now. Xierik's men, almost like him, are the strongest men, especially Graf, a soldier from the original 19 infantry battalion, who is already xierik's deputy.

This is a tall Germanic man with a dangerous smell all over his body.

Just then Graff's ears stood up and he heard the sound of a motor in the distance!

"What's going on?" Shrek asked Graf.

"Yes, there is a motorcycle approaching us." Graff said, "shall I kill him?"

Anyway, he's leaving after tonight, and it's Graff's duty to eliminate any dangerous factors in the bud.

"No." "I guess our friend is here," said Shrek

Can motorcycles still appear in such places? It can't be the local aborigines. I'm afraid they haven't seen motorcycles!

So, it can only be the Krupp family!

Although the cat is here, it's not a secret. If you have a heart, it's easy to find the location here. Although they didn't say anything to Hannah, as long as they are smart enough, they can guess why they came here.

Sure enough, soon, the motorcycle with strange shape appeared in front of everyone.

From the perspective of future generations, today's motorcycles are very strange. It can be said that they have almost evolved from bicycles. The handlebars are backward, the fuel tank is hung on the girder of the bicycle, the engine is below, and even the pedal below is also a bicycle.

The riders on the motorcycle are valiant.

"Hannah, you come alone. Does your brother know?" Asked Shrek.

"My brother knows that he is ready to pick us up at any time with the team. Brother Shrek, let's go?" Hannah said.

Now, although she is only 16 years old, she has completely grown into a big girl. Tonight, she doesn't wear a top hat or a skirt. She is wearing a capable leather coat, which shows her concave and convex figure. And there's a pistol pinned to your waist!

"Hannah, we'll be in danger." Said Shrek.

In fact, there is no danger at all. Even Alfred's men know that as long as they don't have water in their head, they won't go to the local aborigines to report, right?

Shrek just doesn't want to bring a soy sauce bottle.

"Brother Shrek, I'm not afraid of danger." Hannah said, "if you don't take me, when I get back to Berlin, I'll tell my father that you insult me."

In an instant, the three views of Shrek were destroyed. She was a lovely little girl the day before yesterday, and today she has become a little pepper. Sure enough, women are fickle!

"Then follow my orders." Now, let's go. Your motorcycle, just stay here. Let's walk there. "

The noise of motorcycles in this era is still huge. They will be noisy far away.

"OK." Hannah looked excited.

Xierik sighed. Hannah's participation has added a lot of variables!

Taking advantage of the night, the party quietly advanced towards padmanabashwami temple, climbed over the low wall, advanced along the weedy grove, and came to the back of the temple. The gate here was locked with a lock. I don't know how many years it has been, and the lock has long been rusted.

There are many ways to unlock the lock. For example, now Graff took out the iron bar he had already prepared and stuffed it into it. With a loud bang, the lock was pried open!

Open this door, inside, there are steps step by step.

Treasure, right down there!

Turn on the flashlight, tie the water pipe for ventilation you brought with you to your body, and leave one end outside. These secret rooms must have been empty for a long time, and there may be a lack of oxygen below.

"I'll go down first." At this time, Himmler suddenly volunteered, and he walked in front.

After walking dozens of steps, he finally came to the secret room below. Himmler felt that he could still breathe! It's just, it's empty and there's nothing in it!

Where is the treasure? Himmler was disappointed for a moment.

"This is just the outside of the secret room. The real secret room is still inside." Said Shrek.

You can breathe here, which means it's not always closed. Someone must have been here!

For people who like to steal, doctrine can't stop them, but when they find it empty, they will return in vain.

They don't know that the real treasure is still inside!

"Move the stone here." Said Shrek.

At this time, Graf and others also came down. Hannah stared at Shrek. An ordinary action was so handsome!

Move the stone! On one side of the wall, there are countless big stones, which can't defeat Graf!

Graff's body was down, his hands were hard, and the green tendons on his arms burst like a Hercules. He gently moved more than 100 kilograms of stones aside.

As one stone after another was removed, a hole had appeared inside!

Sure enough, there are mechanisms!

"Be careful!" Shrek pulled Hannah quickly, and then, with the sharp dagger in his hand, he crossed quickly!

A cobra came out quickly from the inside, gliding, just in the direction of Hannah.