No one sleeps. For the members of the workers' party, this is a day they will never forget!

It's getting brighter and brighter! It was already November 9, and in the early morning, Hitler received a news that surprised him.

Although losov and Sessel are now controlled here, the German defense forces and police stationed in Munich still find that the situation is not good. They are urgently mobilized and surrounded the Army Department!

Himmler and Roma are surrounded!

The situation is quite urgent!

"We can't wait any longer. According to the plan, we also need to hold a demonstration in Munich and constantly expand our team!" Hitler said, "now, we are going to go out and March in the direction of the Army Department to save the brave Himmler and Roma!"

"Chief, let's take these two people." Said Shrek.

Now, losov and Sessel are still in their own hands! Those who surrounded Himmler and Roma were the troops under the two men. What kind of situation would it be if they were asked to give orders?

Even Chirac would like to see the scenes in history. These cunning guys ran away in the middle of the night and made a statement. It has nothing to do with Hitler's uprising! Then sit and eat melon seeds and watch the excitement.

Now, these guys, under the care of Shrek, can't escape!

"Yes, loxov and Sessel, thank you very much for your performance last night. Today, I hope you will continue to show your ability. The future of the Empire depends on you, Mr. Secretary of the army and police." Hitler said, patting them on the shoulder.

In fact, they also have a grudge against the Berlin government, but they want to restore, not to create a new government!

Today is a memorable day. It is the day when the Weimar Republic was born. However, on this day, an uprising is being staged!

A team of people marched forward in the streets of Munich, with a large swastika flag and the flag of highland alliance flying!

When the incident started yesterday, there were only a few hundred loyal stormtroopers, but under Hitler's speech and encouragement last night, many men holding beer bottles joined, reaching more than 1000!

Today, when they started the parade, it has expanded to more than 3000 people!

"Our empire began to weaken from the Treaty of Versailles! This is the source of our German disaster! Now, let's stand up, tear up the Treaty of Versailles and save our country! "

Hitler shouted in front of the crowd. His unique sonorous and powerful tone made people feel a terrible power.

Spiritual atomic bomb, even more terrible!

"Stop, don't move forward!" Not long after walking, a team of police appeared in front of the crowd. They were armed and riding high horses.

The horse kept whispering and whining, and its hind legs planed the ground. It seemed that it could rush over at any time! Although they are police, it is enough to deal with the armed personnel of this group of rebels! As long as they rush forward, this side will collapse immediately! Just a bunch of mobs!

"Mr. Sessel, they are all your subordinates. Please restrain them." With an mp18 submachine gun, Shrek stabbed Sessel in the back.

If the curse can work, xierik doesn't know how many times he has died. While swearing at xierik in his heart, Sessel reluctantly moves forward.

Sessel was almost sad and said to the other side, "I'm the chief of police, Sessel. Who is your immediate officer? "

Although he is the chief of police, it is impossible to recognize everyone under him, the leader must know him. Sessel looked at the policeman opposite. He was less than ten meters away. Would he be saved if he ran over suddenly?

This is his last chance! After all, Sessel has been a policeman for so many years. He knows he must seize the opportunity!

Unfortunately, just then, he was stabbed twice by the muzzle of the gun on his back!

Run? Can you run past the bullets of the submachine gun? 400 rounds per minute, enough to turn Sessel into a hornet's nest! If he had a horse in his crotch, maybe he could try it.

"Chief, we have come to save you." Opposite, a chubby police captain came out of the horse team and said.

At this time, both sides had guns in their hands, and he was worried that in case anyone didn't control it, a scuffle would begin immediately.

After all, he has no orders! Chief of police, it's opposite at this time!

"Bastard, do I need your help? Didn't you see me, okay? Get out of the way now! " Said Sessel.

At this time, he really dare not move! Although it takes only three seconds for him to jump out of these meters, in one second, he will become a hornet's nest!

"Why don't you get out of the way?" Sessel continued to shout. He looked at his men in disappointment and really retreated.

Didn't you hear what I said was ironic? Hurry up! Catch all these traitors! As long as you ride your horse, there will be chaos here and you can be saved!

Sessel was disappointed. His only chance slipped away!

"Thank you very much, Sessel. The Empire will remember your credit." Hitler was also very excited. The revolver was always in Hitler's hand. He looked at the vast team behind him and was looking forward to his future.

What Mussolini can succeed, he can succeed!

Go, go!

The team continues to move forward. Along the way, citizens continue to join in, and the team is further expanded!

Cross the street ahead and it's the Army Department!

"Stop, don't move!" At the corner of the street, another team blocked their way.

Defense forces!

Compared with the police, the defense forces are even bigger! They carry muser rifles in their hands, and machine guns are placed on the garbage cans near the building on both sides. The muzzle is facing here, and they will pour violent bullets at any time!

Compared with them, the parade has a wide range of weapons. The mp18 submachine gun in shirek's hand is completely high-end! It would be nice to have a Mauser rifle!

Hitler turned his head and looked at losov. It was very simple. This time, it was losov's turn!

But just then, Shrek stood up and said, "let me go. I know them very well."

Very familiar! There was a sneer on the corner of Shrek's mouth.

No matter now or later generations, Shrek is very familiar with the people in front of him, especially the leader. He has a slightly fat face and wears a pair of glasses, which makes people look elegant. Under his nose, he had a moustache.