Bavarian state governor Carl, commander of the German defense force in Bavaria lozov and state police chief saiser are Bavarian separatists trying to safeguard the monarchy and oppose the Republic government.

Hitler, who came from World War I, also had deep feelings for the original German Emperor. You know, the original Hitler fought for the German Emperor! Now, although Hitler's political concept has long changed, both sides still have the same interests in the fight against the rule of the Weimar Republic.

Now, these people are the target of struggle, it depends on whether they know each other!

Shrek, who was proficient in history, of course knew what happened next, so he followed Goering with an mp18 submachine gun in his hand and followed Hitler all the time.

The heat dissipation hole on the barrel makes it look ferocious. With 32 rounds of magazine in his left hand, Shrek is also majestic at this time.

When the muzzle of his gun sweeps some people, their faces will show fear. No one likes to be hit by bullets!

"You, you, you, the three of you, get up and come with me!" Goering said to the three guys. The muzzle of Shrek's gun pointed at these people.

Carl's face turned white and his legs began to tremble, while losov and Sessel were calm. They looked at each other. Then, they tacitly supported Carl and came to the next room under the escort of these stormtroopers.

Hitler inserted his pistol back into his waist. Now, the situation here has been controlled by himself. Next, he should give full play to his strengths and persuade these three people to join him!

"I'm sorry to scare you three." Hitler's tone was full of confidence.

"This is for the benefit of Germany. Now, a great national revolution is going on! The whole of Germany will be reborn! Now, our uprising has won the support of general rudendorff! "

As a speaker, Hitler was absolutely qualified. As a demagogue, he was born! On one side, Chirac admired Hitler's performance.

When he found that he had become Chirac, he had no choice but to do it vigorously! This is troubled times. Naturally, there are laws of troubled times!

When we study the history of World War II to the extreme, we can come to the conclusion that only Hitler can pull Germany out of the shadow of the failure of World War I and cast it into the third German Empire sweeping Europe!

Now, Hitler in front of him was intoxicated with victory. If Chirac hadn't known the result in advance, he would have believed it.

Erich von Ludendorff, general of the German army and former chief of the general staff. In 1908, he became chief of the general staff of the army. After the outbreak of World War I in 1914, he was transferred to the eastern line as chief of staff of the Eighth Army Group, and has since become general assistant of general Hindenburg.

Now, rudendorff is idle at home, but he is also restless. This old man, who is also an absolute warfighter, is full of dreams of expansion and despises the democratic electoral system.

Now, while launching the coup here, schbner? Richter, an important member of the National Socialist German workers' party, had driven to ludwigs Hoy overnight to pick up rudendorff, an old man who was Hitler's most ideal nominal leader of the revolution.

Now, I don't know if rudendorff would agree, Hitler carried this guy out, of course, in order to convince the three people in front of him!

Hitler talked endlessly about all kinds of reasons and the current development momentum. The new national army based on the right radical organization "combat alliance" will be commanded by rudendorff, who will lead his army to Berlin.

At the same time, he also promised greater benefits. After the rebels took power, Carl would regent for Bavaria; Losov was the Minister of the Imperial Army; Sessel is the Minister of imperial police.

However, Shrek knew that the three guys in front of him didn't agree at all! The development of later generations has confirmed his guess! The three guys ran away one after another, and then sent a telegram to denounce Hitler!

Now, since Shrek has crossed, of course, he won't let things go to that step! The Strider is to change history! What if the Beer House coup succeeds?

I'm looking forward to it! Start right in front of you!

"Now I want to fulfill the oath I made when I became blind in the military hospital five years ago: to work tirelessly until the sinners were overthrown in November, and to build a strong, free and glorious Germany on the tragic ruins of today's Germany." At this time, Hitler has completely entered a state of gushing, and his words are very provocative.

"You can arrest me or shoot me. It's no big deal whether I die or not. " At this time, as the governor of Bavaria, Carl had recovered and was no longer afraid as he had just been. He knew that Hitler must not succeed!

"Really?" At this time, xierik on the side finally couldn't help it. He picked up his mp18 rifle with a cruel smile on his face: "since death doesn't matter, go and die!"

Rather than let these guys sneak away and command the army again, we'd better kill them all!

At this time, even Goering was surprised. He didn't expect that hilrick, who enthusiastically followed Hitler, was so cruel!

Just when everyone, including Carl, was watching the submachine gun in hilrick's hand and was afraid that he would pull the trigger, hilrick's attack began from the footwall.

He suddenly raised his foot and kicked it on Carl's calf. This foot was full of strength.

"Click!" The sound of bone fracture clearly reached everyone's ears. With this sound, Carl fell to the ground, held his calf, opened his mouth and wanted to scream.

This is completely human instinctive action. Screaming won't heal the wound, but it will distract people's attention.

But he didn't call out.

At the moment he opened his mouth, the thick mp18 barrel, with the outer heat dissipation sleeve, was stuffed into Carl's mouth! Shrek's foot was on Carl's chest and made him unable to move.

So Carl could only twist his head feebly to get rid of the terrible barrel.

However, just as he was twisting, Shrek suddenly found the right opportunity and made a sudden effort!

So the barrel continued to go deep into the throat!

Deep throat! This is a favorite project of all major health care people in the future. It is wonderful! Now, for Carl, it's worse than death.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't shout out. He wanted to breathe. The barrel in his throat made him afraid to breathe. His saliva kept flowing out. He made a terrible low whine.

How cruel! At this moment, even Hitler was stunned. In his impression, he didn't know that Shrek had such a side! But later, his eyes showed approval.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Five seconds later, hilrick finally pulled out his gun. Carl didn't scream and vomited weakly. He didn't even have the strength to move. Vomit flowed around his mouth.

"How's it going? Still insist? " Hilrick's foot was still stepping on the guy's chest: "do you want to do it again? Do you want your wife and children to come once? "