Chapter 3186

"Do you want to keep going? Living alone, killing more people, it's better to give up, give up early You will be free soon, and the people around you will not be hurt any more. "

Xi Yue face change, she rushed to Ji Mingyu side, shouting his name, tell him everything is false.

However, even if Xi Yue's voice was hoarse, he didn't get any response.

This belongs to Ji Mingyu's past and fantasy, and is his innermost demons.

He trapped himself in this world, self exile, self destruction, if not for his own soberness, no one can save.

Ji Chengfeng's voice still kept coming into Ji Mingyu's and Xi Yue's ears, "you killed Xiaotian, you killed junlinxi, you refused to let them go. If you hold them tightly, they will fall into the abyss of eternal doom."

"Do you think other people can accompany you? Hehe, those beasts and your beloved women will all die for you. If you don't believe it, you can look at your future. "

The scene changes again.

Xi Yue sees Ji Mingyu standing in a pool of blood, and the ground is strewn with corpses.

Seeing these corpses, Xi Yue suddenly took a cold breath.

It turned out to be green dragon and white tiger There are eight of them.

Ji Mingyu, who is standing in the middle, holds a sword with blood on its tip, but her face is not cold and heartless, but empty and helpless.

The dying green dragon grabbed his trouser legs and roared bitterly, "master, we have been with you for so long, we never thought of betraying you. Why did you kill us? Master, you are so cruel

Bang Dang - the sword fell to the ground!

Ji Mingyu stretched out her hand and looked at the blood on her hand. There was no brilliance in her dark eyes.

"Ji Mingyu, this is fake!" Xi Yue yelled, "this is Ji Chengfeng's fantasy created by using your demons. Qinglong, they are still alive. They're not dead at all! Ji Mingyu, wake up quickly

Xi Yue's voice is hoarse and his eyes are full of tears, but he can't wake Ji Mingyu who has stepped into despair step by step.

But Ji Chengfeng's bewitching voice was still ringing, "you see, you killed the people around you. Your soul is doomed to be dirty, cruel and cold-blooded, which will only hurt the people around you. Aren't you ready to give up? What's the point of living a lonely life like this? "

Ji Mingyu's whole body is tottering, as if he would fall down at any time.

Only the last will power supported him, no choice to give up.

Xi Yue heard Ji Chengfeng sneer, "I'd like to see how long you can last."

The fantasy scene changes again.

The next scene, let Xi Yue familiar with can no longer be familiar with.

It is the scene that she and Ji Mingyu meet and know each other.

Looking at the scene of meeting in the hot spring, the strong and overbearing pressure of men in the hell prison temple, Xi Yue's face shows a soft smile.

Originally, Ji Mingyu really fell in love with her at first sight.

Moreover, the announcement of zhaotianling was just to find himself.

After the separation from the hell temple, the man tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night, full of heart and brain, only himself.

Ji Mingyu has always been indifferent and aloof, such a mood, he will never say it.

If it wasn't for this fantasy, Xi Yue didn't know how much this man loved himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!