Chapter 3133

Anyway, she just looks at Jun Mulan, especially when the woman mentions Ji Mingyu's shy and sweet expression, which makes her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Since she doesn't like it, why does she give her a good face? It's good not to go back!

"Since no one quit, let's start the competition. I hope you can do well for yourself."

As soon as the sound of the old adage fell, a transmission array appeared at the foot of the six people, and then the figures of the six people slowly disappeared.

On the main hall, there are six images played by the call shadow stone, which are the scenes of six people on a deserted land.

These six barren lands are all on one of the cloud islands in the divine realm.

This cloud Island, called Tianhuang, is located at the extreme edge of the cloud sea.

As early as thousands of years ago, the aura of Tianhuang island had dried up, and the vegetation died slowly. Later, the land began to desertification.

Because of desertification, the earth and rock slowly sink into the sea of clouds, and the area of the island is becoming smaller and smaller.

Even if they try to restore the vitality of the land with the help of high-level monks of the Department of wood, it can only last for months or even days, and it will soon dry up again.

Later, Tianhuang island was cut off from the sea of clouds and became a piece of pumice floating on the sea.

The whole Tianhuang island is dead.

In the divine realm, there are still many cloud islands that are slowly stepping towards death.

This is also the reason why the monks in the divine realm are more and more scared and worried.

If it goes on like this, when all the cloud islands are deserted and sink into the sea of clouds, the whole divine realm will collapse and the 3000 plane world will collapse.

This second round of selection is not only the trial of selecting saints, but also the hope of the Presbyterian.

If the virgin can return to her place, will the dead Island come back to life?

Therefore, in this selection of saints, several great powers led Tianhuang Island floating in the sea of clouds to the vicinity of Qiankun Island, and depicted three teleportation arrays that can be maintained for a short time as a place for assessment.

Tianhuang island is now less than a third of its former size, but it is still huge.

Although the six are on the same island, they are far away from each other and will not meet.

In the temple of the saints, everyone is watching the six beautiful girls in the video nervously.

At the beginning, everyone's behavior was consistent.

They all flew around a hundred miles of land where they needed to recover.

If there is a breath of life left, the land recovery is very easy.

The result was, of course, disappointing.

Tianhuang island is really dead. The land here has no nourishment and vitality, let alone spiritual power.

after observation, some people show a look of despair and depression.

They felt that they had no chance of winning.

So after thinking about it, though unwilling, they activated the teleportation and went back to the temple of the virgin.

Two people gave up the second round.

At this time, there are still four people left on Tianhuang Island, Jun Mulan, Li Meijia, Yin Xueni and Yuexi.

After the interest adjustment, three of them slowly flew to the edge of the land.

They are Jun Mulan, Li Meijia and Yin Xueni.

All the people in the temple of the virgin looked at their actions with a look of relief.

A hundred Li area is too large. It is impossible to recover all the land at one time.

So the best way is to push slowly from the edge of the wasteland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!