
Liu Xiu, Emperor fengwuguang of that year, reorganized the mountains and rivers with the help of the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai, and was jokingly called "the son of the plane" by later generations!

However, Liu Xiu, the "son of the plane", has no comparable achievements with Liu Hao.

To be exact, Liu haoxiong crossed the star domain and pushed two circles. No emperor in history can talk with it!

Naturally, the twenty-eight generals in Yuntai are not as good as the shining generals such as Cheng Sanfu and Qin Ying under Liu Hao

"Xuanwu generals have considerable added attributes and can continue to upgrade. They have infinite potential and can be called a treasure!"

Liu Hao felt a little happy. The treasure is naturally getting better and better, just like no one hates his money.

The establishment of the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu should be based on a preliminary assumption, but there is no hurry.

After all, the 36 seats, established in accordance with meritorious deeds, also need to be discussed.

Gathering his mind, Liu Hao talked and laughed with Chen Qing, Ma Xing and other senior generals and joined the imperial capital. After entering the city, Liu Hao first asked the military generals to dissolve on the spot in the cheers of the people, granted them a three-day holiday, and let them go home first to reunite with their long-awaited relatives. After all, they must miss it very much because they haven't been at home for several years.

Liu Hao himself summoned the ministers of the Shangshutai to enter the palace and prepare to communicate with the Shangshutai about the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu.

The people sat in the side hall. After listening to the proposal of Liu Hao's thirty-six Xuanwu generals, they all appreciated it.

Guicai Guo Jia said with an arched hand: "Your Majesty is holy and bright. Dafengwu's national strength is becoming stronger and stronger. I think there are more than 36 generals. If a complete merit system can be established to attract the hearts of the generals, it can be carried out in the army to inspire the generals of the three armed forces, so that the Fengwu army will be more and more brave in the face of war!"

This proposal drew inferences from one instance. Liu Hao didn't expect it. He immediately nodded and began to think about the advantages and disadvantages.

Chen Qun also said: "under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. In the past, when the strong Qin Dynasty destroyed the six countries, it was to govern the army with strict law and kindness. The strong Qin soldiers were all brave and unparalleled. They killed the enemy bravely, and millions of people in the six countries could not stop! I thought it was time to prepare a set of military reward regulations to motivate the three armies!"

Chen Qun has set up six nine grade official systems. It is obvious that he has great experience in the study of official system.

The soldiers who developed from Dafeng dance's solid foundation and Lord's encouragement will gain various aura stacking bonuses.

That picture is so beautiful!

Liu Hao immediately nodded and said, "what you Aiqing said won my heart. Let's settle this matter. First set up 36 famous Xuanwu generals to reward those who have made outstanding achievements in Fengwu army. For the rest of the system to be implemented to the whole army, Chang Wen will draw up a general direction, then organize and improve it by the Shangshu desk, and then slowly implement the whole army."

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Qun, Guo Jia, Xun Qing and others bowed down one after another and began to enter into fierce discussions.

Liu Hao brushed his sleeve and left. For this kind of thing, just control the general direction, and then hand over the details to his military divisions to improve. There is no need to do everything personally.

"Cheng Sanfu has made outstanding contributions and can be called my lucky general. He can be among the thirty-six famous generals of Xuanwu. Qin Ying's meritorious deeds are enough. Lin leopard is the oldest and can also be included in the thirty-six famous generals of Xuanwu..."

At this time, it was only half a day before the dinner. Liu Hao was idle in he Yuer palace and worked out a list of 30 Xuanwu tiger generals.

"Your Majesty, have a cup of hot tea first."

He Yuer looked at Liu Hao, who was sitting at his desk. The man in front of him had a clear and detached temperament, and there was no superfluous taste on his body. Only the warm smell of sunshine. Looking sideways, he was dignified and extraordinary.

"What is your majesty writing?"

He yu'er looked at Liu Hao on his shoulder. A faint fragrance and a soft and beautiful touch immediately came over. Liu Hao was distracted and had no intention to think again. He simply lost his pen, grabbed the slender waist of the beauty and began to attack up and down.

"I'm thinking about the restructuring of Dafeng dance army. Who can be a famous general of Dafeng dance in the whole army!"

"Is it not enough for Dafeng Wuzhao to seal the general of five tigers and nine dragons?"

He Yuer was trained by Liu Hao and always abides by the duty of the harem. He never interferes in the affairs of the army. At this time, he doesn't know the specific situation of dafengwu army.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "Da Feng dances across two worlds. He is as powerful as a cloud. Those who have made remarkable achievements can not be covered by a general of five tigers and nine dragons. I'm going to list thirty-six Xuanwu generals and include those who have made great achievements as military glory."

Indeed, the plate is getting bigger and bigger. General Wuhu Jiulong is almost full. It's wrong to kick anyone out.

Later generals suffered a lot.

He yu'er nodded and said, "Your Majesty takes great pains. My concubine will always support all your Majesty's decisions..."

When the two people were in love, they only saw a maid hurried into the palace and shouted, "Empress Dowager... Empress dowager, the talented daughter of the Wang family, Yuanji, is coming!"

"Wang Yuanji!?"

Liu Hao was slightly stunned. The name sounded familiar in his memory.

He yu'er raised her head slightly, turned her beautiful eyes slightly and said, "Your Majesty, do you know Wang Yuanji?"

Liu Hao shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "I've removed the battle field and reviewed the memorials in the palace all day. Where do I have time to know Wang Yuanji?"

Wang Yuanji is Wang Lang's granddaughter.

It may not be known, but it seems famous to say that she is the mother of Sima Yan, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, and Sima Zhi's wife in history.

"Wang Lang's granddaughter, what are you doing in the palace?"

Liu Hao asked.

He yu'er glanced at Liu Hao meaningfully and said with a light smile: "Your Majesty, this old lord Wang Lang went to the cabinet two years ago to advise your majesty to admit beautiful women from all over the world into the palace. Do you remember this?"


Being reminded by he Yuer, Liu Hao finally understood.

The storm of the draft girl was finally rejected by Liu Hao. It didn't come to an end. Unexpectedly, Wang Lang, an old man, still insisted on wanting his granddaughter Wang Yuanji to enter the ranks of xiunv

An old fox is an old fox. It can persist.,,.