Chapter 76

Name:The Supreme Hegemony Author:hu mou


The terrible explosions continued, and a pale golden light suddenly burst out. It was Zhuge who was ragged and surrounded by the pale golden light. He was forced to resist this joint bombardment, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. Fortunately, he was extremely strong and protected by a diamond amulet, and his injury was not serious.


The sharp pain of tearing all over made Zhuge's leader angry. He shouted loudly. He stepped vigorously under his feet, stepped on the direction of the nine palaces and eight trigrams, and suddenly rushed down the nearest kamaichi and others.

"Ten thousand heavy waves fighting skills!"

With a loud cry, kamic, holding a huge heavy sword in his hand, was full of war. His majestic body stepped out step by step. The heavy sword roared and killed Zhuge Pang like a strong wind and waves. There was a sound of startling waves.

"Get out of here!"

The fat body suddenly became extremely flexible. Zhuge Da master could escape his nine swords. He rolled on the spot like a huge spirit mouse. His body shrank more than twice in an instant, which made kamic's next sword fall again. The next moment, his body soared again. His two palms drove the phantom, and two loud noises came.


With a scream, kamic couldn't help throwing his body out under the fierce slap of Zhuge's master, and fell under the opposite platform. As for the Epee in his right hand, it had been forcibly taken away. By using the spirit rat oil boiling pot body method of ancient martial arts and cooperating with the bone shrinking technique, Zhuge Da's master won again in one fell swoop. However, he had no time to rest, and many attacks led by tartarot attacked and killed again.


"Thorn la la..."

The fist wind roared, the fighting spirit was vertical and horizontal, and the wind blade attacked and killed. Zhuge Da turned around skillfully. A large black robe was put outside the ragged robe again. When he stepped on the nine palaces and eight trigrams, the three divine talismans quietly burst, and his body suddenly turned into a light golden streamer, and suddenly disappeared into the interior of seven or eight students.

"Ah! Ah!..."

The three students who became shields screamed. They didn't have abnormal speed and divine talisman. They were embarrassed to resist some magic fighting attacks, and Zhuge's master started ravaging again with a huge heavy sword.


One foot kicked a student in the face and made him scream and fall off the stage.

"Dong! Dong!..."

The huge heavy sword fell like a dark curtain, and the two students were dazed. Then they swept their legs and kicked them off the platform.

"Pa pa pa..."

Four slaps in the face in a row, a student shouted angrily, and then was severely patted by the huge heavy sword. He was very single and fainted, and was kicked off the platform by Zhuge da.

"Gudong..." he swallowed hard, and Arthur's expression was wonderful.

"The bet is right, boss, you really didn't disappoint me!" Amos gasped violently, obviously very restless in his heart.


Taotie swallowing the sky roared again. It was a terrible mess and established miracles again, which made Zhuge master successfully kick off Phil who had been sneaking at him, and finally solved the strong threat of magic to him.

The fierce fighting on the platform is going on. From time to time, some students scream and fall down. The means of Zhuge's leadership are becoming more and more shocking. It's almost unimaginable. Sometimes it's as smart as a spirit mouse rolling an oil pot, sometimes it's unmatched, and its fists are fierce. Sometimes all parts of its body are twisted like noodles to an appalling degree, so it can escape a fatal attack, Sometimes the body shrinks several times in a flash, and the steps are messy and mysterious.

"It's impossible. How can a person's body reach this level? Also, he has a waste constitution. How can he burst out three kinds of lights from time to time, which can increase strength, speed and defense? It's clearly not magic and fighting spirit! Could it be that he practiced his body to an unimaginable level and gave birth to a unique power?" a tutor stood up, Incredibly, he said to his companions.

In her eyes, Dai Linna couldn't help standing up. She seemed very excited and looked at the fierce fight on the platform, but she was secretly happy in her heart "That's great! That's great! Zhuge Pang is indeed an immortal disciple in black robe. His cards are deep and his strength is always beyond imagination! With his help, I have a much greater grasp of the family war three years later! If I can really get the divine personality left by my ancestors, I can have the power of gods and revive brother dennington, I can!"

"It's impossible! How could Zhuge Pang shrink his body instantly? Also, he is clearly a waste material of magic and martial arts. What's the light on his body? It doesn't seem to be magic and fighting spirit..."

Countless students watching the battle were shocked. If the fierce boxing and strange sound wave skills are understandable, the body can be distorted and changed instantly, and can be reduced. What's the secret? It's unheard of! Moreover, a waste material of magic and martial arts can't exert magic and fighting spirit at all. What's the light constantly emitting from him?

In the VIP room, the old man with a goatee was shocked. Others could not see the origin of the light, but he saw it at a glance. Moreover, the space ring Zhuge Pang was wearing shocked his heart and was difficult to calm down.

"How could it be! Is this... Is this an ectopic civilization? Jade cards can store heterogeneous energy, and can increase strength, defense, attack and attack! If there are more powerful jade cards... What's the identity of this boy? Could it be... Check! I'll use the hidden power of the College to investigate it immediately!" thinking so, He left the VIP room quickly.

The nine princesses had already stood up. With a clap of her jade hand, two masked men appeared strangely. One was wearing a gorgeous water magic robe, while the other was wearing simple gray clothes.

"What's his origin and how can his body reach this point? What's the light that keeps emanating from him?" Dai Mei frowned and the ninth princess looked unhappy.

The body was slightly bent, and the masked man in the water magic robe whispered "Nine Princess highness, we have got the accurate news from the nine tower. This boy is a black robe old and undead disciple! As to why he has such a metamorphosis body, he wants to associate with the old black robe. The three kinds of rays that he emits, I agree with Lao Mo that it is the power of the sub artifact, not a magic or a fighting spirit, and it can increase strength, speed and attack at the same time."

"What? The black robe tied to the third in the holy land is immortal? The only old monster in the holy land with a life span of more than 5000 years? Is it a sub artifact that emits three kinds of light?"

Surprised, Princess nine showed a trace of regret on her face for the first time. Although she is an imperial princess, she has some transcendent forces and existence that can not be provoked at will. Among them, the black robed old man does not die, which belongs to the absolute forbidden zone. She is strong and unimaginable and has a surly character. The head of the above bright Pope is a scepter. Her majesty of an imperial emperor doesn't care about such existence at all Put it in your eyes.

On second thought, she seemed to cheer herself up, and the nine Princess clenched her silver teeth "What's the big deal? Hum! We have the support of the fire Temple behind our empire, and we are not afraid of his master! Moreover, the strong man in the holy land is superior. As long as the disciples are not tortured and killed by the old guy, they usually won't fight, and they won't interfere with the struggle between their peers. Sub artifact... Hum, with this hot potato in hand, I don't believe that some abnormal geniuses in the creation continent won't come to find him! It's a pity OK, I will release this news in public and cause endless trouble for this dead fat man! "