Chapter 13

Name:The Supreme Hegemony Author:hu mou
With the memory of a previous life, Zhuge Pang knew the power and perversion of gluttonous devouring the great magic skill. What excited him most was that he finally had arrogant capital and was determined to create a powerful career in the future. As for his sister Yao'er, his soul must be like himself. The stronger his strength and power are, the easier it should be to find her.

It was a great show to turn around in the secret room. Zhuge was in charge. Then he proudly opened the secret room door and said to the old servant standing outside, "old Peter, serve!"

"Yes, young Lord!" old Peter smiled and hurried away.

Not long after, a large group of servants came sweating with more than a dozen huge dinner plates. In addition, some servants carried some seasoning plates, dipping sauce, bowls and chopsticks, put them into the secret room one by one, and the servants withdrew. Old Peter didn't know when to enter with a huge dinner plate, but he held a small porcelain bowl in his other hand.

Put things on the ground, old Peter said anxiously "Young master, this is a second-class Warcraft dark winged sable that the old slave spent a lot of time to get. It has been carefully roasted. By the way, you ordered it in the porcelain bowl. The Warcraft blood essence taken out from its body is a good thing. You can sell a lot of gold coins. Young master, don't waste it. Also, two whole roast bison. Young master, are you sure you're not sick..."

"Well, well, my little Lord is very good..." he waved his hand impatiently and Zhuge Pang sent old Peter out.

The door of the secret room was closed again. Zhuge Pang rubbed his hands. He ran smiled. Shi ran went to a lot of dinner plates like a hill in front of him and opened one of them. It was a huge roast ox leg, emitting an attractive meat aroma, which made people's appetite soar.

"Not bad. Although it's not as delicious as the king's own barbecue, it's also good. Eat!"

After talking to himself, Zhuge Pang sat cross legged, grabbed the huge roast leg, stained it with some sauce, immediately smiled, trembled with fat all over, and ate it very hi.

This scene is amazing. In a secret room, a young man like a fat pig swallows with his mouth full of oil. It is a pile of hill like food. Two whole roast bison and one roast Warcraft fell into the young man's belly in only half an hour, and he was calm and had no tendency of stomach explosion.

This is really some incredible, but it really happened.

After rubbing his stomach, Zhuge Pang smiled with satisfaction. Then, he still kept the posture of sitting cross legged. His whole body wriggled, and his skin rolled like waves. A strange force filled it, and constantly tempered his skin. Soon, his whole body was red.

"Hey, hey... The effect of the first skin refining is so good. It should be the dark winged sable. This half bowl of Warcraft blood essence can't be wasted!" Hey, with a smile, Zhuge Pang picked up the porcelain bowl and began to smear it on his body without hesitation.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

When Zhuge Pang inadvertently wiped the Warcraft blood essence on the brand of the jade pendant on his right arm, it suddenly flickered, and the brand belonging to the second leader seemed to move.

"The master..."

In a trance, Zhuge Pang heard a familiar call, which immediately stunned him.

At the next moment, Zhuge Pang was stunned. His eyes were round and almost fell out of his eyes. He was completely stunned. In front of him, there was a faint shadow. It was a naive little pig. The little pig spoke and his voice was very familiar. It was not the second blue eyed old demon. Who was it?

After three full breaths, Zhuge Pang slowed down and asked tentatively, "are you... The second leader?"

"It's me who is in charge of the family! That day you caused heaven's punishment. Because I was accepted by you with a jade pendant before, I didn't die because I was included by the jade pendant when my form and spirit were destroyed. Are you born again? This flesh is not so good, it's fatter than you used to..." the little pig shook his head and tail and opened his mouth in an old age.