Everyone knows what the black license plate means in Beidu, and the license plate is still a series of the same number, which is even more eye-catching.

At the moment, the car stopped at the gate of Beidu University, and next to the car, Zhuang Xinghe was standing there, standing upright.

In and out of college students, they keep looking.

"That old man, is Zhuang Xinghe, Zhuang Lao?!"

When someone saw Zhuang Xinghe, his face changed.

"How can a man of his status come here? Is he waiting for someone?"

"Who has so much face that he can stand outside the car and wait? Is it the president of Beidu university?"

"Cut, what is the level of the president of Beidu university? How can Lao Zhuang meet him himself?"

Everyone was whispering and wondering who Zhuang Xinghe was going to pick up.

Zhuang Xinghe just stared at the school gate. Suddenly, his eyes were frozen and he quickly stepped up.

"Master Chen, you can calculate it."

It was Chen Yu who came. He just got a call from Zhuang Xinghe and came out.

"What's the matter? It makes you so anxious."

"Get in the car first."

Zhuang Xinghe directly led Chen Yu, personally opened the door and got into the car with Chen Yu. The car sped away, leaving only a group of stunned people.

"Chen, Chen Yu?! the person Zhuang Lao wants to pick up is Chen Yu!!!"

"My God, why on earth is this?"

Looking at the direction of the car leaving, everyone was shocked and inexplicable in their eyes.

I stepped on the Canglong class before. Today, old general Zhuang came to pick it up in person.

Chen Yu, how many secrets does he have?

In the car, Chen Yu became more and more confused.

"What happened that made you so nervous?"

Zhuang Xing River looks very dignified.

"Master Chen, the intelligence agency of Dragon Nest has collected information. Not long ago, led by the mystery Research Institute, it has officially established a global alliance to deal with you and the Chinese martial arts world!"

Chen Yumei picked his head, but he laughed.

"What forces are there?"

Zhuang Xinghe frowned hard.

"Needless to say, many powerful forces in Europe, including those small forces around China, have all joined the global alliance. Now it can be said that China's military and Taoist circles are really enemies all over the world."

He rubbed his eyebrows and Zhuang Xinghe said these words. He felt incredible. What kind of war hasn't he fought since he joined the army? But I've lived most of my life. It's the first time I've encountered this situation.

One day, China's martial arts and Taoism circles will be feared by the world, and all this is because of one person!

Looking at Chen Yu, Zhuang Xinghe was surprised to find that Chen Yu was not nervous at all, but still had a faint smile on his mouth.

"Master Chen, are you still laughing? Do you know that now the mystery Institute has opened some of its technologies to the alliance, boosted their strength, and began to suppress the martial arts and Taoism circles of China in all aspects."

"Not only that, there are many evolutionists abroad. It is said that some people directly grow iron wings, fly faster than planes, and can directly split small peaks. Others can control thunder and wave thousands of lightning, which is very powerful!"

Chen Yu was surprised and then relieved.

At present, evolutionists have appeared in China, but they can't be completely absent abroad, and there will certainly be more and more evolutionists in the future. Become a force that can keep pace with the martial arts world.

The future world will be a big world where martial arts, powers and science and technology compete with each other!

"It seems that the world is changing more and more interesting."

Chen Yu smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Master Chen, you're still smiling. Do you know that those evolutionists have sent word to come to China to kill you! It's said that there are even evolutionists who are recognized as level 3 and level 4!"

Zhuang Xing was anxious and patted his thigh.

"Moreover, this time, the second, third and fourth strong players of the dark net have also released words that they will take your head in the future. In the mystery Research Institute, it is said that there are super gene soldiers who will also kill you in the future!"

"Now people who care about your life are all over the world!"

Chen Yu still smiled and didn't care.

"Since my debut, I don't know many people who care about my life, but up to now, they have become dead, and I still live well."

Zhuang Xinghe wanted to say something more, but Chen Yu waved his hand and stopped him.

"If they really come and kill, they don't have to care. But you, the emergence of evolutionists should have a great impact on the whole society. You still have to be prepared to adapt to this changing new world."

Zhuang Xinghe deeply thought so and nodded.

"Master Chen can rest assured that as a special existence, Longchao has long had an emergency plan and set up a special response office. Canglong class is one of the measures."

Hearing Zhuang Xinghe's words, Chen Yu nodded.

"China is so big that it can't be just the evolutionists of the Canglong class?"

Zhuang Xinghe laughed.

"That's nature. These evolutors are only exposed to us. There are many evolutors who are still unknown for various reasons."

"But the one also said that as long as these people don't do anything harmful to society, they will evolve. It doesn't matter. China is big enough to accommodate these people. The country has the ability to maintain social stability."

In a word, it immediately showed the spirit of a great country.

Not afraid of your evolution, not afraid of your hiding, but if you dare to do something, the country will do it and directly harmonize you.

Chen Yu nodded. Since Zhuang Xinghe said so, he would not say more.

"This time we also received a piece of information. It is said that there is an evolutionist team abroad, called the divine alliance, who wants to come to China to kill you. You have to guard against it."

Chen Yu lowered his eyelids, slowly turned his fingers and said, "really? It's a pity that someone else is going to die in my hand."

After a conversation, Chen Yu basically understood the current international situation, but for him, these are not major events and can be broken at one go.

"By the way, master Chen, don't forget what I told you before."

When Chen Yu got off the bus, Zhuang Xinghe said.

Chen Yu nodded and left.

There are a lot of things at present, but for Chen Yu, there are only two most important things: one is to collect materials as soon as possible and upgrade the mountain protection array of Donglu mountain; the other is to accompany Xiao Xuaner to attend her high school classmate party.

As for those who want to kill him?

If a fly comes, just SWAT it dead.

Just two days later, Chen Yu took Xiao Xuaner's hand and came to the place where Xiao Xuaner went to high school before, Beidu No. 14 middle school, which is also one of the best high schools in Beidu.

The venue of the party is next to a big hotel, Tianhong hotel. Chen Yu took Xiao Xuaner's hand and went directly to the hotel.

At the same time, after Beidu International Airport landed, four foreigners came down from the plane. Everyone wore sunglasses and looked cold.

"Let's go and kill Chen Wudi."