Jones smiled triumphantly.

"Tom, to tell you the truth, all the big and small gangs in London have united. Your hammer gang has only been destroyed."

"You people who eat inside and eat outside are all Chinese in the Green Gang. They are low and cheap. You deserve to die if you mix with them!"

Tom took a step back and didn't expect this to happen. Many gangs in London are still very xenophobic. Many Chinese here have been bullied by local gangs.

But when the Green Gang appeared, it convinced all the gangs with its absolute strength. Although many gangs hate the Green Gang, they can't help it.

The iron hammer Gang is one of the few gangs that have a good relationship with the Green Gang.

"Who united you?"

At this time, Chen Yu spoke faintly.

It is absolutely impossible for so many gangs in London to unite against the Green Gang without a leader. Think of the killing of the youth gang giants and the arrest of Qian Junhao and Tao Yutang. I'm afraid there is a strong force behind them.

I'm afraid their goal is to destroy the Green Gang!

Jones was stunned.

"What are you, dare you ask me?"

A one eyed dragon with an eye mask also laughed.

"China's little weak chicken, you don't have a share in talking here. When the result is later, Tom, you can stay and let's have fun."

The one eyed dragon glanced up and down at Chen Yu, with a trace of debauchery in his eyes.

And beside the Cyclops, several people laughed.

"The little white face of China, I don't know how it feels."

"Ha ha, I'll try later."

Chen Yu's eyes were cold. He had heard that there were so many fags here. Unexpectedly, he let himself meet them.

"Jones! Let go of my friend! Otherwise I will drag my back even if I die!"

Tom's forehead was all cold sweat, and his eyes were all resolute and cruel.

"Chen Yu, I'll give you a way later. Run."

Tom whispered to Chen Yu.

He looked at Tom in surprise. Unexpectedly, this guy was very loyal.

"Tom, neither of you wants to run today."

At this time, Chen Yu spoke coldly.

"I'll give you a chance. Now kneel on the ground and tell me everything you know. I can leave you a whole body."


Everyone was stunned, and then burst out laughing.

"Oh, are Chinese people so humorous that they let us kneel down?"

"Let him kneel in front of me later. I want to try his oral skills."

"David, you're disgusting. I want him to lie on the ground and raise his ass."

Everyone is full of foul language.

Jones bent over with a smile and covered his stomach, tears streaming down.

"Tom, where did you find such a wonderful flower? Let us kneel down?"

Tom was in a hurry. Didn't he see how many people there were? Do you really think you can handle so many knives?

Although Qian Meng told Tom that Chen Yu is a master, what Tom thinks of Chen Yu is just a weak guy.

Jones and others keep fit for a long time. Everyone has high and bulging muscles. They are really tall and big. Moreover, these people, who have also learned fighting skills, often fight at the joint, which is what people like Chen Yu can fight.

"Hello, friend, what are you doing in China?"

Tom suddenly asked. He thought Chen Yu was really a legendary Wulin expert with a little luck.

Although Chen Yu was surprised, he said, "I'm a freshman majoring in sculpture."

"Oh, my God."

Tom was desperate. He was just a freshman. In front of Jones, it was like throwing a chicken into the wolves without being torn to pieces?

"Ha ha, it's said that Chinese college students only know how to read and even fail in physical education."

"Easterners can't do it. They are in poor health. Brothers should be gentle later. Don't toss him to death at once."

"David, what's your point to say that the former Chinese female overseas student didn't do too much to kill her."


A sudden explosion of murder broke out, and the temperature of the whole alley fell sharply.

Chen Yu's eyes were cold, like an evil ghost, emitting a thick blood color.

"You, damn it."

Jones and others all jumped in their hearts and had a sense of fear.

Tom also jumped in his heart and looked at Chen Yu in surprise. Unexpectedly, this weak guy would make people afraid?

But then he shook his head.

So what? Now they are blocked in this alley. Each other has a knife in his hand. What else can they do?

"Don't annoy them any more, otherwise it's just us who suffer. Listen to me and run away while the chaos is coming!"

Said Tom hastily.

Chen Yu smiled coldly and said, "they angered me. Today, none of you want to run."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Jones and others all laughed.

"A pig of China dares to be so arrogant!"

In a word, Jones and others rushed over. Each of them raised their weapons to cut Tom to death by random knives.

"You run!"

Tom roared and rushed out immediately, but Chen Yu was faster than him. The whole man flew out like a cheetah.


Tom only felt a gust of wind passing by his ear, and then saw Chen Yu rushing towards the one eyed dragon with the knife without shielding.

"What are you doing! Get away!"

Tom shouted in a hurry.

The one eyed dragon smiled coldly and said, "dry, cut you to death, and I'll dry you hard!"


With a flash of knife light, the one eyed dragon cut down with a knife, which was cutting on Chen Yu's shoulder, but the next moment, his whole body was numb, staring and speechless.

His own knife was indeed cut on the other party's shoulder, but his blade turned over. A force of anti shock shocked the one eyed dragon's hand, just like cutting on an iron block.

"How is this possible?"

Tom stayed where he was and watched the scene. The whole man was stupid.

Chen Yu grabbed the one eyed dragon's wrist and smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth.

"Are your bones hard?"


The one eyed dragon was stunned and shouted hysterically the next moment.

Chen Yu pinched the one eyed dragon's wrist and made constant efforts to deform his wrist. Bursts of bones cracked, which was very harsh in the alley at night.

The white bone stubble suddenly poked out from the wrist, with red blood, strongly bombarding everyone's eyes.