Hearing the greedy wolf special team, Qian Meng and others are full of doubts. They have never heard of them. However, ye Donglai's expression changed greatly. It seemed that Zhuang Xinghe would mention the name.

Jiang Liang's shock further shows that all this is unusual.

Zhuang Xinghe nodded and glanced. After sitting down, he slowly opened his mouth.

"The greedy wolf special team belongs to the secret establishment and is highly confidential. Outsiders have never heard of it. They perform all urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy special tasks. They have successfully completed many tasks, such as defending important people and resisting foreign clandestine invasion."

"All the special combat team members inside are not military kings in the army, but also check the blood relationship within three generations to ensure their innocence."

"In addition to the greedy wolf special team, there are six special teams: jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu and breaking the army. These seven special teams protect the land of China in the name of the Big Dipper seven stars."

Hearing this, Qian Meng and others opened their eyes. Unexpectedly, there are such special forces in this society. It's unheard of. Although they have a certain status in society, how can they get in touch with such things?

If it weren't for Chen Yu, they might not have had a chance to know this in their life.

"This time I came to invite you to become the instructor of the greedy wolf team!"

Zhuang Xinghe's words sounded like a heavy hammer, which made everyone dizzy.

After confirming the conjecture in his heart, Jiang Liang stared and said in surprise: "Uncle Zhuang, did you make a mistake and invite a high school student to be the instructor of the greedy wolf team?"

The instructor of greedy wolf team, if calculated according to the level, is even higher than him.

Although Chen Yu showed his skill at the Wenjia auction, in Jiang Liang's eyes, he is a Jianghu figure. How can he be an instructor of the special team?

Hearing Zhuang Xinghe's invitation, Chen Yu was also slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xinghe found himself for this matter.

But Jiang Liang immediately made a noise and stopped it.

"This is absolutely not good. The greedy wolf special team is the elite of the elite. Everyone in it is the king of soldiers. He is just a high school student. He doesn't know any tactical knowledge. He can't even understand the model of weapons. How can he hold them down?"

Squinting at Chen Yu, Jiang Liang glanced slightly at the corner of his mouth, with a faint disdain in his eyes.

"Say a bad word, really let such a person be the instructor of the greedy wolf special team. What will the other six special teams think? It's estimated that even their teeth will laugh off?"

"What's more, I have contacted the Song family before. Song Zizhen promised to be the acting instructor of the greedy wolf special team. He is a descendant of the martial arts family and has served in the special forces. He is also a famous master in Sheung Shui City. He needs fame and strength. He is much better than master Chen!"

Hearing this, ye Donglai's faces were obviously not good-looking. In their hearts, no one can match master Chen.

After waving his hand, Zhuang Xinghe stopped Jiang liang from going on, but looked at Chen Yu with burning eyes.

Ignoring Jiang Liang's words, Chen Yu shook his head and said, "you'd better find someone else."

Qian Meng was stunned. He was the instructor of the greedy wolf special team. Different from this small fight in Dongchuan City, it was a real high position. Chen Yu doesn't even want such a good thing?

Zhuang Xinghe was also stunned. He came in person and put forward such a good thing. Most people cried excitedly and accepted it immediately.

But this high school student refused without thinking about it?

Where do they know that what Chen Yu pursues is freedom and freedom. Accepting this position will virtually add a yoke to himself. For him, he can't accept this kind of thing.

When Jiang Liang saw Chen Yu's refusal, his disdain became stronger in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help laughing.

"Master Chen is still sensible. He knows that he is not capable enough. It is also a kind of courage not to accept such an important position."

"After all, it's normal for master Chen not to accept people like song Zizhen."

"Uncle Zhuang, you too. What if master Chen really accepts your invitation and is called by song Zizhen? Anyway, master Chen is just a high school student. Even if he has some skills, how can he stop master song Zizhen? Didn't you hurt him?"

Jiang Liang shook his head and smiled more and more.

Chen Yu squinted at Jiang Liang and moved his eyes to one side. He was no longer interested. The other side's provocation was childish and ridiculous in his eyes.

Zhuang Xinghe waved his hand and said, "that's nothing. You can let song Zizhen compete with master Chen. I still believe in master Chen's ability."

Hearing this, Chen Yu was stunned and asked himself to compete with song Zizhen? Isn't that a waste of your time. With his strength, it is estimated that one palm will kill song Zizhen!

"Forget it, I don't have time."

Shook his head, Chen Yu simply refused.

But Zhuang Xinghe still didn't give up and said, "time is not a problem. We can wait for master Chen's time."

Who would have thought that Zhuang Xinghe, who is famous in China, would stick to Chen Yu like a dog skin plaster at the moment.

Chen Yugang wanted to continue to refuse, but Jiang Liang smiled.

"Oh, my uncle Zhuang, you are also confused. You should have such absurd ideas."

"Song Zizhen is a first-class person in Sheung Shui. He has the reputation of being the first person in Sheung Shui. You asked him to compete with an unknown high school student. It's not his face. In case he gets angry, where can we find an instructor?"

"Master Chen, after all, is a young man. He doesn't want to bow his head in front of people. Since he says he doesn't have time, you'd better give him a step down. Why continue to ask more questions."

"Master Chen, you really can't. just be soft and say you can't afford this position. It's good to break uncle Zhuang's mind."

"Hum, let my master be soft? Ask if song Zizhen can afford it!"

Ye Wushuang has a sneer of disdain around his mouth, and his tone is full of anger.

Jiang Liang raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Ye Donglai with a bad look: "Ye Donglai, is this how your daughter talks to me?"

Ye Donglai stared at Jiang Liang coldly and said, "mayor Jiang, although I respect you, I'm not afraid of you. If my family is unparalleled, it's mine! Whoever comes is just a matter solved by master Chen!"

"Yes, it's just song Zizhen. Do you really think you can compete with master Chen? It's ridiculous." Qian Meng's face was disgusted.

"Mayor Jiang, I don't think it's commander Zhuang who is confused, but you!" Lin Yunzi stroked his beard, squinted at Jiang Liang, and couldn't help laughing.

They all look at Chen Yu's means. How does Jiang Liang know Chen Yu's invincible posture?

"You, you!"

Jiang Liang was stunned and surprised. Just now, several people who were overwhelmed by their own pressure, why did a 180 degree change suddenly come at this time?

Feeling deeply provoked, Jiang Liangqi's face flushed. He looked at Chen Yu coldly and his tone was gloomy.

"Master Chen, these people are so disrespectful to me. Don't you want to explain to me?"

Chen Yu lowered his eyebrows, slowly turned his fingers, and held a indifferent smile in the corners of his mouth.

"Explain? Well, I'll explain it to you."

"Now, get out of the Donglu mountain!"