Chapter 1099 More Disputes

Name:The Substitute Bride Author:Mi Lu
"That's a good idea. To make things more convincible, we could record it and also film it! After all, pinhole cameras are now accessible everywhere. We could buy one very easily," Aron proposed confidently.

"But if we're going to do this, will Sher need to return and continue to tolerate that old witch?" Isla asked worriedly, her eyebrows furrowed. She also thought that recording evidence was a good means of exposing Melissa's true colors to Charles.

But before they could achieve this, Sheryl had to return.

"Isla, Do you know the saying that 'danger can never be overcome without taking risks?' Even though Sher's situation is not that serious, in essence they are the same. Sher needs to take this risk and bear the insult," Aron tried to persuade Isla.

After considering it for a while, Isla finally nodded in agreement. She sighed, "You're right. This is the only solution to expose that old witch. Bearing the insult now to live a more dignified life tomorrow. Sher, let's do what Aron just said."

Shaking her head, Sher replied skeptically, "I don't want to prove anything. What's the point? Charles doesn't believe me anyway." She was still indignant at Charles' distrust of her.

"He didn't believe you because you couldn't prove yourself! As long as you have enough evidence, he will come around and definitely stand by you," Aron responded convincingly, knowing that it was Charles' attitude that hurt Sheryl most. "Forgive my frankness. Since Charles and his mother have been separated for fifteen years, how much love could they still have? If he knows that she fooled him like an idiot, do you really think that he will still believe her?"

"Aron is right!" Isla agreed immediately, looking even more anxious than Sheryl herself. "So what do you think?" Before she could answer, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Sher, I know you're in there. Open the door!" It was Charles' voice.

The three of them looked at each other worriedly. "Sher, don't answer him. I'm going to answer the door," Isla said quickly. Hearing Charles' voice, Isla couldn't help but feel the impulse to seek justice for Sheryl.

"Isla, don't be reckless. Since Charles has come here to look for Sher, it proves that he cares about her. Don't escalate the fight. I will go meet him," Aron suggested, standing up. As he made his way to the door, Isla turned to Sheryl, who was sitting aside qu

ay anything, I can figure it out. But Sheryl, it's my mom! Why can't you just let it go for once? You can't be so cruel to me!" Charles' tone was mixed with blaming and pleading.

"I'm cruel? Charles, are you blind?" Sheryl kept telling herself to stay calm and not argue with Charles, but when she heard Charles accusing her, she just couldn't stand it anymore. Sadness overwhelmed her.

"I prefer to be blind than be heartless!" Charles yelled as he suddenly hit the brake.

He had done everything he could to make up for the mistakes she had made. He had used both hard and soft tactics, but she just wouldn't yield. How could he possibly manage to keep calm at this point?

The sudden brake caused Sheryl's head to hit the glass window. Rubbing her forehead, she cried out, "So why did you pick me up? If you don't believe me, why are you bringing me home?"

"Do you think I want to bring you home? I'm only doing it because of Clark!" Charles snapped at her harshly.

"Well, Clark is not here! You are free to leave! What are you waiting for?" Sheryl responded in hysterics.

"Sheryl, you should be clear that this is my car, not yours. If anyone needs to leave, it's you!" Charles sneered, his eyes full of anger.

"Alright! I'll leave right now!" Sheryl unfastened her safe belt, opened the door and stormed away from the car angrily.

With tears in her eyes, she stood on the street alone in the cold night. When Charles saw that she had really left, he pounded on the steering wheel with intense anger. Then, he grumbled to himself, started the engine and sped off into the night.