
Qin Shuang finally tried her best to say a word, but because she didn't speak for a long time, she had a hoarse voice, which made people can't hear what she said. She vomited a word, followed by a mouthful of blood. Xia Wei'an was stunned and subconsciously stepped forward to check.

"Let's go!"

At this time, Qin Shuang roared out two words again, which was much clearer. After that, he spewed out another mouthful of blood. The bright red liquid sprayed on the transparent glass, which was shocking.

Xia Wei'an frowns and realizes that something is wrong. When she takes out her mobile phone to call Xu Tianming, the door of her bedroom is kicked open from the outside. From the outside, a group of people come in, headed by Qin Shanshan.

"She killed her mother and arrested her!"

Qin Shanshan angrily points at Xia Wei'an and gives her a crime. She is followed by many elders of the imperial family and dozens of bodyguards. At her command, she rushes in and surrounds Xia Wei'an.

Xia Wei'an's face is at a loss. She quickly turns her head and looks at Qin Shuang. She sees that her mouth is bloody and her head is tilted to one side. She has no breath. She immediately realizes that she has been trapped.

Seeing that the bodyguards around her were ready to wait for an opportunity to catch herself, she stabilized her mind, looked awe inspiring, and said, "I see who dares to catch me!"

After several years of experience and acting skills, she had a certain aura. At this time, she became angry and calmed the bodyguards.

"Qin Shanshan, as soon as you came in, you insisted that I had killed your mother, as if you knew in advance. I can't help suspecting that all this was a trap you set up."

"Don't talk about it! It's my mother who sent me a message saying that you want to harm her and let me bring the elders quickly! "

Qin Shanshan hurried to explain, and Xia Weian couldn't help laughing, "Qin Shanshan, you are a fool. Please don't treat others as fools, OK? Your mother said that I wanted to harm her. Instead of rushing to rescue her, you went to find the elder of the clan. Your behavior is really incredible! "

Qin Shanshan was speechless when asked by Xia Wei'an. She was stunned and said in a hurry: "don't sophistry, mislead the elders' judgment. Seeing is believing. First catch it and try it slowly!"

The bodyguards are Qin Shanshan's confidants, only her life is to follow, listen to her say so, one after another, recruit fierce, big even if can't catch Xia Weian, also want to hurt her momentum.

Xia Wei'an will never wait to die. When others put her on, she will face the challenge. She is just wearing a costume, which is not very convenient. After a few moves, she gradually loses the edge. She makes a quick decision and takes off the heavy costume at a very fast speed, leaving only a black back heart and black trousers.

Without the burden of heavy things, her skill is more flexible, and her moves are fast and fierce. In a few minutes, she beats half of the bodyguard. Seeing that the situation is not right, Qin Shanshan winks at Qin Yong. Qin Yong understands, claws her hands, and rushes into the war situation. The moves are fierce and fierce. Xia Weian is forced to step back and squints his eyes slightly to look at the man.

The familiar attack move suddenly reminds her of the man in black who knocked her down. If the memory is correct, that person is the one in front of her.

So, Qin Shanshan wanted to kill her!

Qin Yong's skill and her equal, they are numerous and powerful, Xia Wei'an gradually defeated, at this critical moment, the head began to sulk, eyes also gradually blurred, she remembered that just in the fight with the group of bodyguards, smell a brief fragrance of flowers, it should be a drug!