If it's a relationship between men and women, they will feel betrayed and unacceptable by their male gods. They will also feel that Su Weiyi has defiled their male gods. In their opinion, no matter how excellent a woman is, she can't be worthy of their male gods.

Their male god can only belong to all of them, but not to a certain woman. They will never accept it!

Looking at Lu Yuxuan's vivid performance of Xu Zhan's fans' madness, Su only said that he was speechless.

Fans may think that this is their preference for Xu Zhan, but Su only thinks that this kind of paranoid love is not a love for Xu Zhan, but a burden and oppression on him!

Let him not be able to love and live freely like a normal person.

Su Weiyi didn't want to pay attention to this, but he still couldn't help sending a microblog:

"Many people on the Internet have asked me to clarify the relationship with Xu Zhan. I think it is necessary for me to say it carefully again. Xu Zhan and I are just ordinary friends. He came to my house that day because he had something that I accidentally brought home from the crew, He just took it in the past. The monitoring in the community can prove that he didn't go up for a long time, so please don't hold on to this problem. If you really like Xu Zhan, please support his movies. Thank you!

In fact, what she wants to send is to let these crazy female fans not do this to Xu Zhan, but this kind of thing she sends out will be self defeating, so she can only point to the end.

But it is such a normal microblog to clarify the relationship, which is still attacked by Xu Zhan's fans.

"You mean to take something? What does the length of time prove? Things happen to now, our family Zhan Zhan did not say a word, you just have a relationship

"You have repeatedly stressed that you are an ordinary friend with Xu Zhan. I think you are just trying to make it clear!"

"Yes, Zhanzhan is ours. You can't take him away, get out of the entertainment circle and leave Zhanzhan."

In this way, Su, who was originally hacked by the whole network, after clarifying her innocence, became Xu Zhan's fans. They not only hacked her, abused her, but even cursed her for having a car accident. They also made black-and-white portraits on the Internet. What they did was heinous!

Su is forced to do nothing but call Xu Zhan and ask him to make a statement, but his phone is turned off.

Su Weiyi has to call his agent, but the agent says that Xu Zhan has lost contact since she came back from her apartment that day. He has searched all over the place, but can't find him, and can't get in touch with him. People in the company are questioning him about Xu Zhan's whereabouts. Unable to withstand the pressure, he even makes a bad decision to ask Su Weiyi to admit his relationship with Xu Zhan, Lead the fire to her!

Xu Zhan is an international superstar. If he lost contact, it would be a big thing. Her fans are so crazy. If it was announced, the consequences would be unimaginable, so everyone kept it a secret.

Su Wei is half trusting and half suspicious. Although she is not very familiar with Xu Zhan, she feels that Xu Zhan is not such an irresponsible person, so she plans to go to his home to find him in person.

Xu Zhan's agent went to his home when he couldn't get in touch with him, but the housekeeper didn't know where he had gone.

When he arrived at the door of Xu's house, before he knocked, a luxury car came. Xu Zhan, dressed in casual clothes, got out of the car and went around to the copilot to take Li down quietly.

Su Wei one eyebrow tip a pick, is not to say that he lost contact?!