It seems that Chen Song didn't give up her innocence. She has already planted it, but she can't let it grow again. She wants to protect it, so she nods quickly.

"Why do you do that?"

"Because she is the daughter of Xia Zhenwei's ex-wife, I'm afraid that she will rob my daughter of property in the future, so I want to kill her and get rid of it."

Chu Mingfeng was very cooperative. After recording her confession, she was imprisoned and waited for the trial to be held on a certain day. Meanwhile, several usurious thugs who hurt her fingers were also arrested.

At this time Xia Zhenwei several people are still waiting outside the door, Chu Mingfeng asked not to see them, the police let them go back.

"Comrade, what crime did Chu Mingfeng commit?"

Knowing that Chu Mingfeng is being detained, Xia Zhenwei goes forward to inquire.

"She kidnapped her stepdaughter Xia Weian twice, and even tried to kill her."

"How can it be? I'm afraid you've made a mistake. She loves Ann very much and will never do such a thing! "

Chu Mingfeng's love for An'an is in his eyes. He always answers every request. How can he want to harm her?

"The suspect has confessed and will have a court session on another day. By the way, is Xia Weian here?"

"I'm here."

Xia Weian made a sound, with a little loss on his face.

"Please come in and cooperate with us to take a statement."

"All right."

Xia Weian followed them and went to the office together.

At this time, Xia Zhenwei is already in shock, standing in the same place, can't believe this is true, even if Xia Weian is not very obedient, but also his flesh and blood, how can Chu Mingfeng!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a breath in his chest, which made him gasp. He stretched out his hand and beat it gently, but it was another mouthful of blood!

"Zhenwei, are you ok? I'll take you to the hospital!"

Chu Yan son is busy helping him to go outside, leaving a face very white summer really standing in place.

When she heard her mother's confession, she turned pale. She was afraid that she would be confessed. Because she was one of the instigators, she had to find a way to see her mother and ask her to keep the secret!

"Is summer really here? We need you to take a statement, too. "

When the police came out to see her, she trembled with fright and asked in a panic, "I don't know what confession to make!"

"It's a simple question. Don't be nervous."

When the policeman saw that she had such a big reaction, he thought that he had scared her, and he quickly gave a smile.


She nodded, patted her chest and followed.

The news was quickly detected by the paparazzi outside the door. When the two came out, a large number of reporters swarmed on.

"Miss Xia Wei'an, is it true? Did your stepmother really have you kidnapped and tried to kill you? "

"Miss Xia, how do you feel now?"

"Miss Xia, is the previous cliff fall related to your stepmother?"

"Miss Xia..."

Xia Wei'an walked in front of her and kept her head down. When the reporter blocked her, she raised her head. Her eyes were red and swollen. The whole person was covered in a wave of sadness and looked very pitiful.

Her appearance made reporters have no heart to ask again.

It is said that Xia Wei'an and her stepmother have always had a harmonious relationship. Although she was very rebellious before and didn't listen to anyone's words, she only obeyed her stepmother. She really took her stepmother as her own mother. Now when she learned of such things, her inner shock and pain can't be explained.