It seems that in an instant, she completely saw the hypocritical world, and all people were very friendly when facing her, but why did she say it behind her back?

She walked on the street aimlessly, and carefully examined the eyes of the people around her for the first time. Only then did she find that the eyes of others were not envious, but disgusted!

She suddenly found that she was a complete fool before!

The sky thundered, the big raindrops fell down, and the pedestrians on the street ran completely. She was heartbroken and walked in the rain, letting the rain hit her, waking her up.

With the "Hua Hua" rain as a cover up, she finally burst out crying, crying out all the grievances in her heart. She even felt that it was boring to stand and cry, so she just sat on the ground and cried. At this time, an umbrella blocked the heavy rain, and she looked up and saw the handsome young man.

This one eye, as if the star river ten thousand all cannot defeat him, Li Ruqing's dead heart suddenly came alive.

She went home and asked her father to take her to the palace to plead guilty, to retire, and then went to the farm at home and began to change herself.

She began to lose weight and began to practice martial arts, but the process was painful. Every time she woke up from hunger at night, she thought of the young man who was umbrella for her in the heavy rain. Her body gradually changed from fat to thin. For a whole year, she did not dare to look in the mirror until she was satisfied with her weight, She was completely stunned.

The face in the mirror is no longer so fat that her facial features are all crowded together. She can't tell where the eyes are and where the nose is. Instead, she is as beautiful as her mother. Her hand holding the mirror is shaking and she can't help crying. She happily throws away the mirror, cleans up her luggage and returns to the imperial capital.

This time, she was confident and cheerful. She didn't go back to the general's house immediately. Instead, she was busy in the market, looking for the boy who was carrying an umbrella. The Emperor didn't disappoint him. She finally found him and began to pursue him boldly.

In ancient times, both men and women scrupulously abide by the etiquette. She is an exception. Many interesting things happened in the process of pursuing the youth, and she also got the favor of the fourth prince. But she was a little girl who kept a grudge. She naturally ignored the fourth prince, and finally learned that the youth was the son of the marquis, So Li Ruqing went home and asked her father to marry her again. However, the son refused without hesitation. He would rather not marry her than die. He confessed that he had already loved her in his heart, and that his love was Li Ruqing when he was in the market!

Li Ruqing was moved to know that she had found true love after all, so she made an amazing appearance at the Empress Dowager's birthday party. Those so-called friends who laughed at her before also made the fourth Prince repent.

At the end of the story, Li Ruqing finds the love of her life. They are far away from the troubles of the imperial capital. They visit all the beautiful rivers and mountains and become a couple of immortals.

The reason why Xia Wei'an chose this play was completely attracted by the heroine's character of daring to love and hate. When she knew that the fourth Prince didn't like her, she never tangled with her and immediately withdrew from her marriage. When she saw the teenager she fell in love with at first sight, she was very determined to lose weight and had the courage to pursue her own happiness. Therefore, the heroine finally got happiness.

When he took the film, the film academy just opened. After Xia Weian's freshmen reported, he asked for a long vacation to concentrate on making films.