Xia Weian's reaction made the audience laugh.

"Master, just a moment."

Xia Wei'an smiles awkwardly and closes the door immediately. The host is confused. It's hard for him to leave because the live broadcast is here. After all, the first few people have interviewed him seriously. If they don't come here seriously, the audience will say that he is eccentric.

I thought I had to wait for a long time, but only a few minutes later, the door opened again. Xia Wei'an changed his lazy appearance just now. He had already changed his elegant red skirt, and his hair was also put down. He was waving around his cheeks with a curly radian, which made him feel bright in front of his eyes.

The host only thinks that there is a big difference between the front and the back. After dressing, she exudes invisible charm, while the audience in front of the TV only thinks that this chick is too cute. Many of her fans have saved this little video.

"I didn't expect her to have such a lovely side."

Xu Zhan was sitting next to Lisa Cheng, looking at the screen. Lisa Cheng couldn't help looking at him and said, "I really want to know, do you like number 33 or songs?"

"Of course, I like songs as well as people. See, this is the gift I prepared. When she wins the championship, I will go up to present flowers."

Xu Zhan pointed to the gift box beside him. There was a bunch of sunflowers beside the box.

Cheng Lisha looks at it and helps herself. Her boss is too charming. The emperor's future life is probably in constant jealousy and peach blossom cutting!

At this time, the host began to interview Xia Weian.

"It's close to the game. Are you nervous?"

"No Xia Weian shakes her head honestly. If she wants to be nervous, can she still fall asleep?

"Who do you think will win tonight?"

"Can you tell the truth?" Xia Wei'an pursed a smile, see the host nodded, directly said: "probably me."

Host slightly a Leng, did not expect Xia Wei an so sincere!

Because of the competition, everyone hopes to win the championship, but they always consider it comprehensively. For example, No. 18 and No. 60 know that there is a big gap between their strength and No. 88, and they dare not say they are themselves, but when they come to her, they are not modest at all.

If you usually meet such narcissistic to arrogant people, the host will certainly roundabout sarcasm, but Xia Wei'an gives him such a good feeling that when she says she will win the championship, she is obviously joking, but it makes people have an illusion that it will become a reality.

But he knew that if No. 88 played steadily, No. 33 would have a chance to win the championship. At most, he would play supernormal and get a runner up.

Because her style is too fixed, and can not control the treble, although her singing can always give people a kind of amazing feeling, but it is not enough to make her win the championship.

"I wish you what you want."

In a word, the host finished the interview before the competition, then went back to the studio and began to prepare. As soon as the time came, the judges entered, and the competition began.

The first player on the stage is No. 18. He brought a hip-hop style song "amazing". This song also joined the singing of Beijing opera, combining Chinese and western, which made people refreshing and shocked the audience.

Not only that, there was a part of pure music in the middle, he also performed hip-hop live, and his super high dancing skills won the applause of the whole audience.

Those who can reach the final are not ordinary people. At the end of the song, the applause is like thunder.