Xia Weian has been moved to a mess.

When she was determined to study hard and needed guidance, it was Emperor Xingchen who asked Lu Zhanyu to appear in front of her and help her with her lessons; When she took part in "masked God of songs" and wanted to win the championship, it was Emperor Xingchen who asked teacher Lu Yi to appear in front of her and teach her singing skills; When she wants to enter the entertainment industry and pursue her dream, it's emperor Xingchen who makes Guo Yingquan appear in front of her, giving her the best resources and the most free space

He did this silently for her. He never said anything or asked for anything in return. Even teacher Lu Yi kept his mouth shut. It was only a few days ago that she overheard the conversation between teacher Lu Yi and his teacher's mother.

"I haven't run the company well, but it's up to you."

Guo Yingquan gave all the information to Xia Weian, who was stunned. "Listen to the meaning of this, Guo always wants to abdicate?"

"One mountain does not allow two tigers."

Guo Yingquan is not a greedy man for power. Although he once thought of using this platform to show his strength and make some achievements, and taking power as an account of his previous failure in starting a business, he is also a man with self-knowledge, so he wants to abdicate.

"Mr. Guo, I'm afraid that won't work."

Xia Wei'an didn't want to refuse directly, "I'm in the rising period of my career now, and I don't have time to concentrate on management. Even if I'm independent, I have to ask a special manager to manage the studio. Now that you are here with such rich experience, how can I abandon you and choose others?"

"You mean..."

"I mean I just want to be responsible for collecting money!"

In the end, Xia Wei'an and Guo Yingquan agreed that she would be a behind the scenes boss who only collects money, while weiai film and television would be fully managed and operated by Guo Yingquan. But she can't be the only artist. After all, she should focus on making money, so it's necessary to sign more potential new talents.

So she gave it to Aunt Li, and she devoted herself to singing well.

After several rounds of screening, there are only two groups of players left in the final of "masked God of songs". The final will be on Friday night. Xia Weian is more and more attentive to practice these days.

On Wednesday, the real estate agency center called and said that her house was wanted and the price was very good. So she asked Cheng Lisa to talk about it. The last two houses sold more than 30 million yuan, and she gave Cheng Lisa 10 million yuan directly.

"Old, old, what do you mean?"

Lisa Cheng holds the bank card in her hands. Her hands tremble slightly. Her eyes are wide open and her face is unbelievable. She says she doesn't dare to accept it!

She had never seen so much money in her life. Although it was just a light bank card, it was like a kilo in the palm of her hand.

"Are you so hopeless?"

Xia Wei'an gave her a white look and said, "I think the society is more and more developed, people are more and more dependent on the Internet, and mobile phones have gradually become an indispensable communication tool for people, so I think if we want to do business, we can develop in this direction, but the network is my weakness, but it's your strength, so I pay for your technology, We cooperate to open a network technology company. You can do whatever you want, as long as the content is healthy and legal, and you can make money. "

"But boss, there's too much money. I'm afraid if I lose..."

It's not an investment of hundreds or thousands of yuan. If it's gone, she won't be able to make it in her life!