
Summer really desperately shaking her head, the body kept shrinking back, but behind the wall, she had no place to escape!

"Don't struggle any more. Enjoy yourself, baby!"

Liao Jie pours on her and grins, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth. His mouth stinks like a cesspit, which almost suffocates her in summer. She feels sick and wants to vomit, but Liao Jie's mouth is on her cheek.

Tears of humiliation flow all over his face. Liao Jie's dirty hands touch his body. His smelly mouth kisses her face with saliva. She trembles with disgust and fear, but she is helpless and desperate. She can only let him control her.


All of a sudden, Liao Jie's body sank. In summer, he felt a burst of tearing pain in his lower body. Then he widened his eyes and looked unbelievable!

"I didn't expect to dress up so coquettishly. It's still a place!"

Liao Jie seems to have found a treasure. His whole body suddenly becomes excited. He moves fiercely and fiercely. He doesn't care about Xia's first pain at all. He is like an inflatable doll instead of a person.

Summer is really painful. Her eyes become red with blood. Her eyes become empty, like a lifeless puppet. However, the medicine in her body is slowly exerting under the impact of Liao Jie.

And she was in this extreme contradiction. Her mind was filled with hate. She wanted to cut this man into tens of millions of pieces to feed the dog, but her body was very happy under the effect of the powder.

I don't know how long later, when it was getting dark, Liao Jiecai got up from her with a satisfied face, put on her clothes, and then took off the belt from summer's hands. After all this, he took out his mobile phone from his pants and took a few pictures of summer lying on the ground with his coat and body. He threatened fiercely: "don't call the police, Otherwise, I will post these photos on the Internet and let you drown in the saliva of millions of people

With that, he pulled out the hat which was stuffed in the mouth of Xia Zhen, shook it, put it on his head, and walked away with a satisfied face.

The summer without bondage is really lying on the ground, like a ragged doll abandoned by others. In the cold winter, there is still a cold wind. Her hands and feet are cold, but she doesn't feel cold at all.

A stray dog came up to her and sniffed her, trying to find something to eat. But at this time, the eyes of the vacuum hole in summer suddenly became fierce. She suddenly stretched out her right hand, grabbed the dog's neck and tightened it. The dog's body struggled and howled in pain. The eyes of summer really became more and more fierce, and gradually the dog's limbs dropped, I was strangled by summer.

"Xia Wei'an, if it wasn't for you, my mother wouldn't have changed my year of birth. If my year of birth hadn't changed, I could marry emperor Xingchen. You robbed me of my marriage and took emperor Xingchen away, which made me even worse. At this point, Xia Tian'an vowed that in his lifetime, he would put you into a hell of eternal doom, and the hatred between me and you would never die!"

She said to herself, throwing the stray dog in her hand into the corner, and then stood up, dressed up, and left in the dark.


Xia Weian has an appointment with Zhao Shuangli. After seeing off her grandmother, she goes to the appointed coffee shop.

When she arrived, Zhao Shuangli was talking and laughing with a middle-aged man.

"Aunt Li." She said hello politely. At the same time, she turned to the man and nodded with a smile to say hello.