Xia Wei'an is wearing a white cheongsam tonight. Her skirt is over the knee. She looks conservative, but she looks forward and backward. She is very sexy.

She came slowly from the backstage. Her waist swayed slightly when she walked. Her steps were light and light, like stepping on the moon. When she raised her hands and threw her feet, she was full of amorous feelings.

The song she sings tonight is called gentle moonlight

The sound of music was like water flowing under the moon night, and the whole room was quiet. The spotlight hit her, only highlighting this piece of light, and the rest was darkness.

"Moonlight, gentle, sprinkles on your back."

"The shadow is very long, connecting you and me. It's very close, but it can't be touched."

"Missing, lingering..."

The touching sound is also like the spring under the moonlight, the spring Ding Dong, flowing into people's hearts.

As soon as everyone was about to indulge in such a clean voice, the music stopped suddenly. As soon as Xia Wei'an finished singing, there was no music. After he was slightly stunned, he quickly adjusted his state and continued to sing: "like three thousand strands of hair winding my heart..."

She is a pure oratorio, without any music embellishment, relying on her own voice, To master the tunes of the song, in order to eliminate the slightest error, she simply closed her eyes, absorbed in her own world to sing the song.

This song is written by the composer to his wife who has passed away, remembering, sighing and blessing.

And Xia Weian sing out, not only is the memory and sigh, not only is the blessing, more is the remorse and pain!

When his wife leaves, he hates that he can't do anything to keep her. From then on, there is only one person left to dress, eat, go to the park and wait for the sunset. This loneliness is painful. He hates that he can't go to the spring with him, but he lacks courage and can't end by himself.

In fact, self accusation, tangled pain is what this song really wants to express, and it's also the composer's real emotion. Because the composer happens to be Lu Yi's friend, Lu Yi dare to let Xia Wei'an publicize these hidden emotions so boldly.

Even the singing, her voice has too strong appeal, every tone is gently touching, touching each injured heart, touching their most sad past, let them burst into tears.

The photographer saw a lot of people in the audience with tears streaming down their faces, so he shot the camera and gave them a close-up.

At the end of the song, Xia Wei'an has stopped, but the sound is still lingering in the whole studio. She quietly lowered her hand and sorted out her mood. Just now, she was moved by her own song, and her heart was sad.

Emperor Xingchen in front of the TV set looks at Xia Wei'an wearing a white cheongsam, and his thoughts gradually drift away. A picture appears in his mind, that is, in the depth of the bamboo forest, there is a bamboo house surrounded by a bamboo fence. In front of the house, there is a pear tree with a thousand years of history. Its trunk and branches are as black as ink. Under the tree, a woman in white sits quietly and plays the piano, and the pear petals fall, Fall in her green silk, fall in her peerless face, she looked up, a pair of eyes with a Wang Chunshui, call him a million years.

Xia Weian's voice was still in his ears, but his sad feeling made his eyes moist. He got up, took the car key, and drove to the TV station.


The audience stood up one after another, clapping vigorously, and the whole audience clapped thunderously, pulling Xia Weian out of her sad mood. She took a deep breath and bowed a 90 degree bow to the judges and the audience in front of her.