In order to make the next day's exam play better, Xia Wei'an took a comfortable hot bath and went to bed early.

The first morning of the exam was Chinese. Xia Wei'an went into the exam room and found her seat. Unfortunately, Xia Zhen was sitting next to her. There was only a passage across the width of a table.

Before the examination, the teacher simply talked about the discipline of the examination room and began to send out papers.

After Xia Wei'an filled in the basic information about the name of the class, he didn't start to write the questions immediately. Instead, he took a general look at the whole paper and got to know the types of the questions before he started to write.

Chinese has always been her strong point, and this paper is not particularly difficult. She thinks fast and writes fast. Because of a lot of reading and writing in the general Chinese exam, she doesn't have enough time. But Xia Wei'an finished it half an hour in advance. After carefully checking it, she got up and handed in the paper.

As soon as I heard something, the whole examination room looked up at her. First, they marveled that she was so powerful that they finished the questions half an hour ahead of time. When they saw who she was, they snorted and sniffed. It was normal for poor students to hand in their papers quickly, because they couldn't do those questions. Instead of being trapped in the classroom, they had better hand in their papers earlier and go out smartly.

After a short break at noon, she was not afraid of the math exam in the afternoon. After all, she studied hard for nearly a month. Although she can't say how high she got in the exam, she can pass it.

She came to the examination room ahead of time, but she didn't expect that summer was really earlier than her. As soon as she sat down, she asked her what she chose for the fourth question in the morning?

"If you want to get the right answer, shouldn't you go to someone who is better than you?"

Xia Wei'an did not tell her, just self-care to tidy up the desk, the test to use the pen and ruler, etc.

"What's the matter with you?"

Summer really asks.

Xia Wei'an thought she was upset, and said, "B" without looking back.

Summer really a sinking heart.

The fourth question is very difficult. She chose A. after the examination, she looked up the data and learned that the correct answer was B. she suddenly remembered that Xia Weian chose B in the morning. She thought that she had read it wrong, so she asked her. This question was full of bad taste, and she couldn't do it. Xia Weian, a poor student, did it right!

She won't deceive herself. She thinks Xia Wei'an is lucky and right. After all, she sits next to her, but she looks at her filling out the whole paper, and she peeks at several of her options, which are all right.

How hard Xia Wei'an worked during this period of time, the whole class 10 students and teachers are watching. Before, she always thought that she would win, but now it seems that she is a little suspense.

Summer really clenched fist, gnash teeth, this exam she must not lose!


The difficulty of the mathematics test paper is bigger. When she meets the problems she can't do, Xia Wei'an doesn't spend a lot of time and energy on them. Instead, she does all the problems she can do first, and then goes to conquer the more difficult problems. Due to the tight time, she still has two big problems when she hand in the paper.

She was not in a good mood before she finished the test paper, but she had to adjust herself to think that there would be an exam the next day. She also went to bed early to prepare for the next day's exam.

The next morning, she got up to read for a while and went directly to the school. As soon as she got to the school gate, she saw Xia Zhenwei standing at the gate of the duty room with two steamed buns in her hand. She met her quickly.

"An an, I heard that you like to eat Lin Ji steamed buns from Chunyu road. My father went to line up early in the morning to buy them. Eat them while they are hot. They won't taste good when they are cold."