Director Wu got a chance to catch his breath. He hurriedly arranged his appearance. With a flattering smile on his face, he went to Emperor Xingchen, nodded and bowed, "emperor Shao, why are you here? Today's students are too disobedient. They usually play truant and charge protection fees, but now they even beat up teachers. It's really funny to you! "

A few days ago, Emperor Xingchen was going to donate a teaching building to Zhengde high school. He came to the school once, so director Wu knew him.

Listen to Director Wu tell his state, Xia Wei'an really hate can't immediately go to her body to fill two brooms!

Just as she was looking at her stomach, she saw two bright black shoes coming in front of her. She immediately held her breath and dared not come out.


I thought it would be a reprimand, but I didn't think that although his voice was cold, it also implied concern.

In her last life, she was ungrateful and let him down. Now when she hears his voice again and sees him standing in front of her, she can't help but feel sour.

She sucked her nose, raised her head and looked at emperor Xingchen. Her big black and white eyes were full of tears, like a pool full of autumn water. If there were more grievances, she would be pitied for no reason.

Emperor star's eyes softened, patiently waiting for her to give him a reasonable explanation.

In the last life, Xia Wei'an hated emperor Xingchen. How could he tell him the truth? He just said that he didn't like teacher Xu and beat her if she wanted to. As a result, she was dragged back to prison for a day and thought about her faults. Teacher Xu not only got high compensation from emperor Xingchen, but also continued to harm other female students in the school, and even secretly ruined her reputation, We should let the bad guys get what they deserve!

"Di Shao, Xia Wei'an is a problem girl in our school. You can tell by her dress..."

When director Wu saw that emperor Xingchen asked Xia Wei'an about her words, he was afraid that she would talk nonsense, so he opened his mouth in a hurry and wanted to put the dung basin on Xia Wei'an's head.

"This morning, Mr. Xu asked me to come here to find him after school. I thought, what can a PE teacher do for me? I didn't want to come, but I remember that you usually said that you should respect your teacher. When the teacher called, how could you not come? "

Xia Wei'an didn't give her a chance, but he stopped talking. He lowered his eyes and looked like he wanted to say nothing. Then he bit his lip as if he had made up his mind. With a cry, he continued: "I didn't know that when I got here, Mr. Xu said that he wanted to check my body..."

Xia Wei'an's voice is very small. When I said that, She felt the temperature drop around her, like suddenly in the ice cellar. She stopped and looked up at the emperor's stars.

His thin lips were tight, his forehead was covered with green tendons, and his air pressure was very low!

It's like an atomic bomb about to explode!

Xia Wei'an seldom saw him so angry that he was too scared to speak.

In fact, there is no need to say more, the cause and effect is also very clear, Xu teacher wanted to take advantage of her, but she broke her forehead.

"Is there any injury?"

Emperor Xingchen tried to suppress his anger and tried to make the tone of inquiry gentle. Seeing Xia Weian shaking his head, he continued: "go out and wait for me."

Xia Weian nodded and went out of the door quickly.

As soon as the door of the office was closed, I heard the sound of "Ping Ping Ping" coming from inside, tables and chairs smashing objects, heavy objects smashing walls.

And this "thing", of course, is teacher Xu.